Västerbotten Region On High Alert After Cyberattack On Supplier

Date Reported: 2024-02-29
Country: Sweden
Victim: Mediplast | mediplast.se
Additional Information:

  • The Swedish medical equipment supplier, Mediplast, has fallen victim to a cyberattack.
  • The attack has affected the delivery of essential products used in surgical operations in the Västerbotten region.
  • The region has declared a state of emergency to monitor the situation and is considering alternative suppliers.
  • However, they currently have sufficient stock to manage in the short term.
  • Officials anticipate that delivery issues may persist for several days but do not foresee immediate challenges as long as the current stock is available.

Article: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/region-vasterbotten-i-stabslage-efter-it-storningar-hos-leverantor
