Thieves Stole Nfts With Instagram

Fishing Scams and Board Ape Yacht Club

Summary of the Incident

The video discusses a significant fishing scam involving the Board Ape Yacht Club’s Instagram account. Thieves compromised the account and posted a fraudulent message about a free NFT drop, leading many users to connect their wallets and approve a malicious transaction.

Key Points

  • Thieves took over the official Board Ape Yacht Club Instagram account.
  • A post promoted a supposed free NFT drop, directing users to a fraudulent website.
  • Users were tricked into connecting their MetaMask wallets and approving a transaction.
  • The malicious transaction allowed the website to take control of users’ Board Ape NFTs.
  • The scam resulted in the theft of 91 Board Ape NFTs from unsuspecting victims.

Youtube Channel: Jack Rhysider
Video Published: 2024-09-06T18:00:27+00:00

Video Description:
Thieves stole NFTs with Instagram

#cybersecurity #scam #NFT #crypto #podcast

Listen to the full episode , 🎙 How to Protect Your Crypto Assets From Thieves