Tales From The Cloud Trenches: Unwanted Visitor | Datadog Security Labs

Summary :

This article discusses an intrusion involving Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) where an attacker exploited an external AWS account to persist in the victim’s environment, utilizing various techniques for evasion and privilege escalation. #AWS #CyberSecurity #EmailPhishing

Keypoints :

  • The attacker used a controlled AWS account to persist in the victim’s environment.
  • VPN Jantit was employed to mask the attacker’s activities.
  • Temporary credentials were created to establish backdoors, including new users and roles.
  • GetFederationToken was used to convert CLI access to console access.
  • The attacker created a new role named SupportAWS with AdministratorAccess privileges.
  • Multiple console logins were detected from different regions.
  • No spam or phishing emails were sent during the observed activity.
  • Automated tooling was indicated by repeated API calls across multiple regions.

MITRE Techniques :

  • TA0003 – Persistence: The attacker created a new role and user to maintain access.
  • TA0005 – Defense Evasion: The attacker obscured activities using temporary credentials.
  • TA0007 – Discovery: The attacker enumerated AWS SES settings and configurations.

Indicator of Compromise :

  • [IP Address] 116.251.217[.]107
  • [IP Address] 203.78.112[.]7
  • [IP Address] 203.78.112[.]220
  • [IP Address] 203.78.113[.]126
  • [IP Address] 203.78.112[.]196
  • Check the article for all found IoCs.

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a common target for attackers to send out spam or phishing emails. In this post, we explore specific techniques regarding persistence within AWS SES that we have observed used by an attacker. What made this intrusion notable was the attacker’s use of an external account under their control to assume a role within the victim’s environment.

  • The attacker used an AWS account that they controlled in order to persist in the victim’s environment.
  • The attacker used the VPN provider VPN Jantit to perform the activity in the victims environment.
  • The attacker used several methods to obscure their activity and used temporary credentials to create backdoors, such as new users and roles.

As a result of a recent threat hunt, we observed an attacker targeting an AWS environment with a long-term access key (AKIA). The observed technique involved creating a federated session using a compromised IAM identity to gain access to the console. Tools such as Pacu and AWS_Consoler are often utilized by attackers to generate sign-in tokens for this purpose.

(click to enlarge)

One of the first actions was to call GetFederationToken. We see this action from attackers who want to convert their CLI access to console access. We often see attackers attempt to use this API call to generate temporary credentials needed to switch from CLI to console access. We believe that makes it easier for the attacker to perform other actions within the targeted AWS environment.

The name requested by the attacker can be anything, and the credentials generated are separate from the original compromised IAM identity, making it more difficult to track the attacker.

  "eventSource": "sts.amazonaws.com",
  "eventName": "GetFederationToken",
  "requestParameters": {
    "durationSeconds": 3600,
    "name": "admin",
    "policy": {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{
          "Sid": "Stmt1",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "*",
          "Resource": "*"}]}},
  "useragent": "Boto3/1.35.70 md/Botocore#1.35.70 ua/2.0 os/windows#11 md/arch#amd64 lang/python#3.12.6 md/pyimpl#CPython cfg/retry-mode#legacy Botocore/1.35.70"

The attacker then generated an AWS Console sign-in link using GetSigninToken

"useragent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

To help avoid detection, the attacker used their console access to create a new role named SupportAWS.This shows the attacker using names that look legitimate to avoid detections. They then attached a policy to that role that allows them to assume it from an attacker-controlled account 713521355166. This persistence mechanism, while uncommon, has been covered previously in a blog by Invictus IR.

"eventName": "CreateRole",
  "eventSource": "iam.amazonaws.com",
  "requestParameters": {
    "assumeRolePolicyDocument": {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
          "Principal": {
            "AWS": "713521355166"},
          "Condition": {}}]},
    "roleName": "SupportAWS",
    "description": ""},
  "arn": "arn:aws:sts::redacted:federated-user/admin"

Following this, the attacker attached the policy AdministratorAccess to the AWSSupport role. This ensures the role will have the requisite privileges to achieve the attacker’s objectives.


The attacker then assumed the role via the 713521355166 account, authenticated as an IAM user namedadminprod. This action appeared to take place in the console, generating API calls like SwitchRole and AssumeRole.


With access to the SupportAWS role, the attacker focused on creating another layer of persistence by creating an IAMuser, supdev, with a login profile that had the AdministratorAccess policy attached.


The attacker then pivoted to the user supdev, accessing the console twice from two different regions in a short time period.

"useragent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

Based on the API calls we observed, the attacker navigated to the AWS SES service, potentially checking the capabilities of the SES service in the victim’s AWS account, like whether it was in a sandbox, had configured sending limits, etc.

There were no actions following this to indicate that the attacker sent any spam or phishing emails. We suspect that either the attacker would have potentially returned at a later date to perform actions upon objectives, or they were planning on reselling this access to other actors in the market for an AWS SES account capable of sending out mass spam or phishing emails.

The following day we observed the same IP attempting the GetAccount API call across multiple regions from the original long-term access key. This indicated the use of automated tooling on the behalf of the attacker.

AWS SES enumeration API calls used:

  • GetAccount
  • ListEmailIdentities
  • ListIdentities
  • GetSendQuota

TA0007 – Discovery

TA0003 – Persistence

TA0005 – Defense Evasion

This intrusion had a heavy focus on persistence and privilege escalation. Here are some suggestions to help to identify this type of activity:

  • Identify creation/modification actions of a login profile.
  • Identify the attachment of the managed policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess.
  • Identify multiple console logins from different networks in a short period of time.
    • You could also look at authentications from multiple regions.
  • Identify attempts to enumerate AWS SES settings and configurations.
    • Activity from a long-term access key is generally rare.
  • Identify the creation of a new role that allows assuming it from a different account.
  • Identify unusual assumed roles from external AWS accounts.
  • Identify GetFederationToken API calls with a high privilege policy attached.

All of these detection ideas should be assessed within the context of your environment.

All of these detection ideas should be assessed within the context of your environment.
You can use Stratus Red Team to reproduce attack techniques used by this attacker, including:

Datadog Cloud SIEM and Cloud Security Management (CSM) come with the following out-of-the-box rules to identify suspicious activity relevant to these attacks in an AWS environment. The Cloud SIEM rules help identify potential threats, while the CSM rules help identify overprivileged identities.

What made this intrusion notable was the attacker’s use of an external account under their control to assume a role within the victim’s environment. Typically, intrusions involving AWS SES begin with long-term access keys and are confined to entities within the compromised account. However, leveraging a role assumed from outside the organization demonstrates that attackers are evolving their tactics to evade detection. While the persistence behaviors observed were not entirely new, they were unique due to the combination of temporary credentials, the creation of a new user and role, and the continued use of the initially compromised identity.

IP Address used


Attacker AWS account:


Created user names:


Created role name:


Full Research: https://securitylabs.datadoghq.com/articles/tales-from-the-cloud-trenches-unwanted-visitor/