T2 Tea Australia Database Allegedly Breached By Threat Actor

Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: T2 Tea Australia | T2 Tea Australia
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Personal details (emails, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, genders, and passwords)

Additional Information:

  • The data breach occurred in April 2024.
  • T2 Tea Australia is a renowned chain of specialty tea shops with establishments across Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand.
  • A total of 85,981 unique email accounts were compromised.
  • The breached data includes personal details such as emails, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, genders, and passwords.
  • The personal details were stored using the Scrypt encryption method.

In April 2024, T2, officially registered as Tea Too, a renowned chain of specialty tea shops with establishments across Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand, experienced a data breach. Allegedly, the breach compromised a total of 85,981 unique email accounts. The breached data includes various personal details such as emails, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, genders, and passwords, which were stored using the Scrypt encryption method.

Original Source: https://dailydarkweb.net/threat-actor-claims-breach-of-t2-tea-australia-database/