Risk, Reputational Scores Enjoy Mixed Success As Security Tools
Summary: Companies are increasingly relying on various metrics and scoring systems to evaluate their cybersecurity efforts, but these systems often fall short of providing a complete picture of security risk. While tools like CVSS and security posture ratings are gaining traction, they face criticism for their subjective nature and potential to misrepresent security status. The insurance industry is particularly interested in these metrics as they help assess risk and determine policy pricing, emphasizing the need for effective use of these scores to genuinely enhance security rather than merely achieve compliance.

Threat Actor: Various | threat actor
Victim: Various Companies | companies

Keypoints :

  • Organizations are using metrics to manage risk, but many systems only express measurable risk rather than improving security.
  • CVSS and similar scoring systems are criticized for their subjectivity and the difficulty in evaluating vulnerabilities in specific environments.
  • The insurance industry is leveraging cybersecurity scores to identify high-risk companies and potentially reduce losses.

Source: https://www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/risk-reputational-scoring-services-enjoy-mixed-success