Ransom! Rjm Marketing

Victim: RJM Marketing
Country : US
Actor: interlock
Source: http://ebhmkoohccl45qesdbvrjqtyro2hmhkmh6vkyfyjjzfllm3ix72aqaid.onion/leaks.phphttp://4awnzgndu5u3bb6vne2vixizdftkc4mdlz45lnrhjgelzm5ujywxmuqd.onion/index.php?p=
Discovered: 2024-12-06 20:51:11.329908
Published: 2024-12-06 20:51:10.219668
Description : Who is RJM Marketing. Founded in 1980, RJM has provided advertising and marketing services to clients across the United States. While founded in the era of traditional m edia and print, they have expanded their services over the years to become a leader in the ever-changing digital world.
We present you with employee personal data, contracts and much more.

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by interlock

  • Victim: RJM Marketing
    • Founded in 1980, RJM Marketing specializes in advertising and marketing services.
    • Offers a wide range of services, adapting from traditional media to digital marketing.
    • Serves clients across the United States, emphasizing innovative marketing solutions.
  • Actor: Interlock
    • Interlock is a known ransomware group that targets various sectors, including marketing and advertising.
    • They are notorious for stealing sensitive data, including employee personal information and contracts.
    • Utilizes sophisticated tactics to infiltrate networks and encrypt data for ransom.
  • Country: United States
    • The U.S. has seen a significant rise in ransomware attacks, with various sectors being targeted.
    • Cybersecurity agencies, such as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), work to combat these threats.
    • Victims like RJM Marketing face potential data breaches, leading to financial and reputational damage.