Ipany Vpn Breached In Supply-chain Attack To Push Custom Malware
Summary: A supply chain attack on South Korean VPN provider IPany by the PlushDaemon hacking group resulted in the deployment of the SlowStepper malware through a compromised VPN installer. The attack affected multiple companies, including a semiconductor firm, with signs of infection dating back to November 2023. ESET researchers highlighted the stealthy nature of the malware and its extensive espionage capabilities.

Threat Actor: PlushDaemon | PlushDaemon
Victim: IPany | IPany

Keypoints :

  • The attackers compromised IPany’s development platform to insert the SlowStepper backdoor into the VPN installer.
  • Infected users unknowingly installed the malicious software alongside the legitimate VPN product.
  • SlowStepper is capable of extensive data collection and espionage, including keylogging and webcam access.

Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ipany-vpn-breached-in-supply-chain-attack-to-push-custom-malware/