Cyble – Notorious Sidecopy Apt Group Sets Sights On India’s Drdo

Threat Actors Use DLL Sideloading to Fly Under the Radar

SideCopy APT is a Threat Actor(TA) from Pakistan that has been active since 2019, focusing on targeting South Asian nations, especially India and Afghanistan. The SideCopy APT gets its name from the infection chain, which imitates that of the SideWinder APT. Some reports suggest that this actor shares characteristics with Transparent Tribe (APT36) and could potentially be a sub-group of that threat actor.

Recently, Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) came across a Twitter post of an ongoing campaign by SideCopy APT against the “Defence Research and Development Organisation” of the Indian government.

DRDO is a government agency tasked with researching and developing advanced technologies for use by the Indian Armed Forces. Its focus includes creating cutting-edge defense systems such as missiles, radars, electronic warfare and communication systems, naval and aerospace systems. The agency plays a significant role in India’s defense industry, contributing to the country’s military strength and self-sufficiency in defense technology.

The initial infection starts with a spam email containing the link to the malicious file hosted on the compromised website. The link allows users to download a ZIP file containing a LNK file named “DRDO – K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk” from the below URL:

  • hxxps[:]//www[.]cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/DRDO-K4-Missile-Clean-room[.]zip

The delivery mechanism of the SideCopy APT attack via a spam email is illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 1 – Infection chain
Figure 1 – Infection chain

Initial Infection

The infection process begins with the user extracting a zip file and then running the .lnk file on their machine.

Once the .lnk file is executed, it triggers a command that launches “mshta.exe” to connect to a specific URL, shown in the figure below.

Figure 2 Target command to launch MSHTA
Figure 2 – Target command to launch MSHTA

After redirection, the URL eventually establishes a connection with the following URL:

  • hxxps[:]//www[.]cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/docufentososo/doecumentosoneso/pantomime[.]hta

Subsequently, the hta file is downloaded and executed in the path mentioned below:

  • c:users<Admin>appdatalocalmicrosoftwindowstemporary internet filescontent.ie5nxzxrd2mpantomime.hta

The figure below displays a code snippet from the “pantomime.hta” file, including the compressed Microsoft PowerPoint file encoded in Base64 format.

Figure 3 Code snippet of pantomime.hta file
Figure 3 – Code snippet of pantomime.hta file

After execution, the hta file decodes and decompresses the PPT file encoded in Base64 format. Consequently, it saves the decompressed Microsoft PowerPoint file in the “%temp%” folder under the name “DRDO – K4 Missile Clean room.pptx” and launches it, as shown in Figure 4.  The TAs are enticing users with a DRDO PowerPoint document and covertly engaging in malicious activities in the background through the “pantomime.hta” file.

Figure 4 DRDO K4 Missile Clean room MS PowerPoint slides
Figure 4 – DRDO – K4 Missile Clean room MS PowerPoint slides

The hta file, aside from dropping the PPT file, carries out a concatenation operation and decodes the Base64-encoded content of the DLL file named, “hta.dll”. When the decoding is complete, the DLL file is loaded into memory and triggered using the DynamicInvoke method. This method creates an instance of a class called “WorkInProgress”.

Upon execution, the “hta.dll” file drops another .hta file named “jquery.hta” under the directory “C:ProgramDataHP” and executes it through “mshta.exe”.

When executed, the “jquery.hta” file carries out the concatenation operation and decodes the Base64-encoded content of the loader DLL file named “PreBotHta.dll”, as it did before for “hta.dll”. Once decoded, the “PreBotHta.dll” file is loaded into the memory and invoked using the DynamicInvoke method. This method creates an instance of a class called “DraftingPad.”

It also uses a WMI query, specifically “Select * From AntiVirus,” to gather the names of installed antivirus products.

The below figure shows the code snippet of “jquery.hta” file.

Figure 5 Code snippet of jquery.hta file
Figure 5 – Code snippet of jquery.hta file

Finally, the “jquery.hta” file executes the PinkAgain() function of the loader “PreBotHta.dll” file, passing AntiVirus names and a Base64 encoded payload called “DUser.dll” as arguments.

The below figure shows the code snippet of the loaded “PreBotHta.dll” file.

Figure 6 Loaded PreBotHta.dll file in memory
Figure 6 – Loaded PreBotHta.dll file in memory

DLL SideLoading

The PinkAgain() function has code to copy the legitimate and essential “credwiz.exe” file, which is a part of the Windows operating system, and copies it to the following location as “cridviz.exe”. The legitimate file “credwiz.exe” is primarily used to create and restore Windows user account credentials backups. Typically, it loads a legitimate file named “Duser.dll.”

However, in this case, the malware takes Base64 encoded argument, decodes it, and saves it as “Duser.dll” in the location where “cridviz.exe” was dropped previously.  The dropped malicious file “Duser.dll” is a variant of the Action Rat Malware family responsible for performing malicious activities in the victim’s machine. During its execution, the loader drops both files in the below directory.

  • C:UsersPublichpcridviz.exe
  • C:UsersPublichpDUser.dll

Furthermore, the loader utilizes various directories to drop the files “credwiz.exe” and “DUser.dll” using different names based on the type of AntiVirus software installed on the victim’s machine. TAs commonly use the tactic to increase the effectiveness of their attacks and avoid detection by security software.

The specific directories and filenames used by the loader, as indicated below.

  • C:UsersPublichprekeywiz.exe
  • C:UsersPublichprech.dat 
  • C:ProgramDataIntelcridviz.exe
  • C:ProgramDataIntelDUser.dll 
Figure 7 Files dropped by PreBotHta.dll
Figure 7 – Files dropped by PreBotHta.dll

Once the necessary files have been dropped onto the victim’s system, the “cridviz.exe” process is initiated, which then proceeds to sideload the malicious payload “Duser.dll”, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8 cridviz.exe side loading DUser.dll
Figure 8 – cridviz.exe side loading DUser.dll

Action RAT Payload

To begin its malicious operation, the RAT first gathers information about the victim’s machine, such as its hostname, username, operating system version, and installed antivirus products. This data is then transmitted to the Command-and-Control(C&C) server via HTTP request, as below.

  • hxxp[:]//144[.]91[.]72[.]17:8080/streamcmd?AV=[Redacted]&OS=[Redacted]&Vesrion=[Redacted]&detail=[Redacted]

Afterward, the malicious process enters a loop and remains idle until it receives commands from the server, which it executes. The RAT possesses the ability to perform any of the following operations upon receiving commands from the C&C:

  • Execute: Carry out commands sent from the server
  • Download: Retrieve and install additional payloads
  • Drives: Obtain information about the available drives
  • GetFiles: Retrieve information about specific files
  • Execute: Launch a designated payload using CreateProcessW()
  • Upload: Transmit files to the server

In addition, the loader DLL was utilized to deploy a recently developed information-stealing malware called AuTo Stealer. This malware can gather PDF documents, Office/text/database files, and images and transmit the stolen information via HTTP or TCP.


This loader DLL file also drops a batch file named “test.bat” in the %temp% directory, which creates an auto startup entry for the “cridviz.exe” file using the “reg.exe” utility, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 9 Run entry for Persistence

Figure 9 – Run entry for Persistence


SideCopy is an APT group that emulates the tactics of the Sidewinder APT to distribute its own malware. Its attack patterns typically involve the use of malicious LNK files to initiate a complex chain of infection using multiple HTAs and loader DLLs, ultimately leading to the deployment of final payloads. This group has been observed to target government and military officials in India and Afghanistan specifically. The APT group continuously evolves its techniques while incorporating new tools into its arsenal.

CRIL continues to monitor the most recent APT attacks, phishing attacks, or malware strains in circulation and regularly publishes informative blog posts with practical insights to help protect users from these well-known attacks.

Our Recommendations

We have listed some essential cybersecurity best practices that create the first line of control against attackers. We recommend that our readers follow the best practices as mentioned below:  

  • Avoid downloading pirated software from warez/torrent websites. The “Hack Tool” present on sites such as YouTube, torrent sites, etc., mainly contains such malware.
  • Use strong passwords and enforce multi-factor authentication wherever possible.
  • Turn on the automatic software update feature on your computer, mobile, and other connected devices.
  • Use a reputed antivirus and internet security software package on your connected devices, including PC, laptop, and mobile.
  • Refrain from opening untrusted links and email attachments without first verifying their authenticity.
  • Educate employees on protecting themselves from threats like phishing/untrusted URLs.
  • Block URLs that could be used to spread the malware, e.g., Torrent/Warez.
  • Monitor the beacon on the network level to block data exfiltration by malware or TAs.
  • Enable Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Solutions on the employees’ systems.

MITRE ATT&CK® Techniques

Tactic  Technique ID  Technique Name 
Initial Access  T1566 Spearphishing Attachment
Execution  T1204 
User Execution
Windows Management Instrumentation
Shared Modules
Defense Evasion  T1036
System Binary Proxy Execution
Persistence T1547 Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
Discovery    T1016
System Network Configuration
Discovery Process Discovery
Collection T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
Command and
Application Layer Protocol   
Ingress Tool Transfer

Indicators Of Compromise

Indicators  Indicator type  Description 
DRDO – K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk
pantomime.hta (Stage 1)
jquery.hta (Stage 2)
DUser.dll (Action RAT)
hxxps[:]//www[.]cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/DRDO-K4-Missile-Clean-room[.]zip URL Malicious
ZIP file download link
hxxps[:]//www[.]cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/docufentososo/doecumentosoneso URL Target command-line URL in LNK file
hxxps[:]//www[.]cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/docufentososo/doecumentosoneso/pantomime.hta URL Redirect URL downloads HTA file
144[.]91[.]72[.]17:8080 IP:Port C&C
