Summary: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in collaboration with DARPA, OUSD R&E, and NSA, has released a report urging the U.S. government to address the software understanding gap that threatens national security. The report emphasizes the need for software-controlled systems to be assessed for functionality, safety, and security to mitigate risks from state-sponsored cyber threats. It also highlights the importance of adopting Secure by Design principles and utilizing formal methods to enhance software security.
Threat Actor: State-sponsored actors | state-sponsored actors
Victim: U.S. critical infrastructure | U.S. critical infrastructure
Keypoints :
- The report identifies a significant gap in understanding software-controlled systems, which leads to vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure.
- It calls for immediate action to implement tools and techniques that can reduce software vulnerabilities, particularly in legacy systems.
- Recommendations include enhancing government coordination and adopting AI-based systems for improved software understanding and security.