Summary: Conor Fitzpatrick, the founder of the cybercrime platform BreachForums, is set to be resentenced after a three-judge panel vacated a previous lenient sentence that allowed him to serve only 17 days in prison. The appellate court criticized the district court’s decision, which was influenced by Fitzpatrick’s age and autism diagnosis, for being “substantively unreasonable” given his extensive criminal activities. Fitzpatrick’s actions included facilitating the sale of stolen personal data and possessing child pornography, leading to his arrest and subsequent parole violations.
Threat Actor: Conor Fitzpatrick | Conor Fitzpatrick
Victim: Millions of U.S. citizens | Millions of U.S. citizens
Keypoints :
- Fitzpatrick was the leading administrator of BreachForums, a platform for buying and selling stolen personal data.
- The appellate court found the initial sentence of 17 days served and 20 years supervised release to be an abuse of discretion.
- Fitzpatrick violated release conditions by accessing the internet and joking about selling government secrets even after his guilty plea.