A Lnk Between Browsers: Hunting Methodologies And Extension Abusing Actors | Mandiant

Two pillars in sleight of hand magic are User Initiated Action, where the target needs to believe their actions are their own, and Hidden Action, the trick needs to be concealed behind something ordinary and nonthreatening. Mandiant became aware of a chain of adversary methodologies that leverage these two pillars to achieve persistence.

  1. The user executes an LNK shortcut file that, unbeknownst to them, has been tampered with.
  2. The modified LNK shortcut file executes a legitimate browser, hiding the malicious extension.

If the technical sleight of hand is successful, the adversary will achieve persistence by means of malicious Chromium-based browser extensions.

While hunting this methodology Mandiant identified BRAINSTORM, a rust-based dropper, which ultimately led to RILIDE, a chromium-based extension first publicly reported by SpiderLabs. Careful investigation identified that the email and cryptocurrency theft ecosystem of RILIDE is larger than reported. This research will dissect the relevant adversary methodologies, discuss the identified malware families abusing this methodology, and include numerous detection opportunities to expand the defender’s hunting and detection repertoire.

The Connection from LNK to Extension

The LNK File

Files with the extension .lnk are colloquially known as LNK files but are officially known as Shell Link Binary Files and follow a standardized format. LNK files contain information that points a user’s interaction to another data object on the system. In many instances this is transparent to an end user. A Windows user may click on the Google Chrome icon in the Start Menu and Chrome opens. What is not shown to the user is that they are executing an LNK file with properties that point to the actual Chrome executable.

Mandiant has reported on many adversaries and malware families abusing LNK files including: FIN7, UNC1151, KEGTAP, FIN13, and APT29 (twice).

The CRX File

A CRX file is a collection of files archived together into a single package that can be used as an extension in Chromium-based browsers. Extensions enhance the browsing experience by adding features and functionality to the browser. Many browsers have an extension store where a user can review and install them into their browser all through the browser itself; this is generally accepted as a safer practice because the company owning the browser software performs analysis on the extensions themselves attempting to identify malicious extensions.

However, depending on the implemented security settings, browsers will allow for manual loading of CRX files or unpacked extensions. Packed extensions (CRX files) are a single file with a .crx extension, conversely an unpacked extension is a directory containing the extension files.

Throughout 2022 Mandiant has observed multiple financially motivated threat actors distributing and/or expressing interest in leveraging malicious browser extensions in their operations.

Abusing Both LNK and CRX

While Mandiant has previously reported on the abuse of LNK and CRX files separately, this recently observed adversary methodology has been using both filetypes within a chain of events and the bridging data-point is the --load-extension switch in Chromium-based browsers.

The --load-extension switch allows the source to specify a target directory to load as an extension. This gives malware the opportunity to start a new browser window with their malicious extension loaded.

This functionality is present on Chromium-based browsers and multiple example commands can be found in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Example Commands to Load an Extension on Multiple Chromium-based Browsers

chrome.exe  --load-extension="C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempHHe2lr"

brave.exe  --load-extension="C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempHHe2lr"

msedge.exe  --load-extension="C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempHHe2lr"

opera.exe  --load-extension="C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempHHe2lr"

vivaldi.exe  --load-extension="C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempHHe2lr"

Mandiant Identification of Methodology Abuse

Mandiant investigated several compromises involving LNK and extension abuse methodology in 2023. The impacted organizations extended across a broad scope of sectors, including the semiconductor, business marketing, financial investment, and telecom industries.

The following three sections dive deep into separate investigations performed on malware families utilizing both LNK abuse and extension installing to achieve persistence with RILIDE.

Investigation 1

TradingView Desktop is a charting platform and a social network for traders and investors. This software allows users to track and view cryptocurrency market changes. As a software that is used in the finance industry with the capability of a cryptocurrency focus, it is a reasonable target to masquerade as for actors with goals of stealing cryptocurrency. Users willing to track cryptocurrency may be more likely to trade, allowing RILIDE a potential vector for cryptocurrency theft.

The file TradeVlewDesktop_v4-94406.zip is a TradingView Desktop masquerading set of files. The sample is a compressed directory that contains 457 different files. The file of interest in the zipped file is TradeVlewDesktop_x64.exe, a NodeJS-based downloader. After execution, TradeVlewDesktop_x64.exe reaches out to the Telegram masquerading URL hxxp://telegromcn[.]org/soft/analytics/extension[.]exe to download dropper extension.exe, which Mandiant tracks as BRAINFOG.

BRAINFOG is a Node.JS packaged binary dropper which drops RILIDE along with Visual Basic scripts to  delete all Chrome LNKs and replace them with LNK files to force the execution of RILIDE. RILIDE is a Chromium-based extension that monitors the URLs visited by victims, screenshots their browser tab views, and injects remote JavaScript into select websites. RILIDE targets the theft of email and cryptocurrency details, falling inline with the targeted audience, the finance sector.

BRAINFOG drops extension.zip (RILIDE), wtf.vbs, chrome.vbs, and a Google Chrome.lnk file. Upon execution BRAINFOG uses…

  • taskkill.exe to close all instances of Chrome
  • chrome.vbs to delete all LNK files with “Chrome” in it
  • wtf.vbs to create a new LNK using the –load-extension switch to force the loading of RILIDE browser extension at execution.

After the user loads Chrome via the replaced LNK shortcut file, RILIDE runs in the background as the infected browser loads and manipulates web pages. During initial execution, it fetches a machine identifier and a list of targeted domains from the command and control’s (C2) API endpoint /api/machine/init; this list is re-fetched every five minutes.

Figure 2: The domains this variant of RILIDE is monitoring for from /api/machine/init

When any HTML document has been completely parsed the DOMContentLoaded event will be delivered to the target function, loadScript. The loadScript function will download a list of key-values pairs which include a name and a path. The name is the domain related to the traffic of interest. If the browsing domain matches one of the monitored domains, the JavaScript in the path value will be accessed and the resulting file injected into the website for execution.

Figure 3: Domains and URIs listed at the /api/machine/get-urls endpoint of the Adversary C2

This enables the adversary to invoke actions on behalf of the victim or steal data from their web sessions.

While hunting the RILIDE malware family Mandiant identified numerous interesting API endpoints on their C2.

Figure 4: RILIDE C2 API Endpoints





Figure 4 explains the contents each endpoint returns.

Figure 4: RILIDE C2 API Endpoint Descriptions
Endpoint Function
  • Datetimes for when it was created and updated
  • Multiple currency amounts defining the minimum amount (80 EUR, 80 USD, etc)
  • Telegram Chat ID and Token

Returns a list of details about victims. This includes…

  • Victim IP address
  • Victim country
  • Variant reference (Google, TradingView, etc)
  • When it was added
  • When it was last observed communicating to the C2
/api/machine/init Returns a machine ID and the list of domains it monitors for
/api/machine/get-urls Returns the URI path to the JS script to inject

Investigation 2

Previously highlighted in the SpiderLabs blog, the GitHub user gulantin was identified as having numerous GitHub repositories storing RILIDE samples. Furthermore, Mandiant suspects this may have been a method for delivery.

A file named Blanks, tracked by Mandiant as BRAINLINK, was downloaded from the raw.githubusercontent.com URL on the gulantin github (hxxp://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/gulantin/blanks/main/blanks_online.exe).

BRAINLINK is an Advanced Installer compiled dropper which drops a CAB file that contains the RILIDE extension files along with PowerShell scripts to create new shortcuts forcing the execution of RILIDE.

Mandiant’s research of RILIDE identified that the background JavaScript file includes a domain variable set to the C2 domain for each malware version. In this investigation the RILIDE sample used the domain ashgrrwt[.]click.

Figure 5: RILIDE C2 domain variable defanged
const domain = "https://ashgrrwt.click"

RILIDE C2 Infrastructure Hunt

This C2 infrastructure provided interesting overlaps between numerous other domains. While the Admin, Billing, and Technical WHOIS details for the ashgrrwt[.]click domain were redacted for privacy, the registrant organization was not. The registrant organization, Kruglova LTD, was associated with 11 other websites.

RILIDE C2 domain infrastructure graph
Figure 6: RILIDE C2 domain infrastructure graph

The domains identified follow the overarching theme to these campaigns: Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms (FinAndy/TradingView) and Finance/Banking.

Investigation 3

Researching the RILIDE ecosystem led to the identification of an open directory at 146.70.79[.]75 which included two BRAINSTORM samples (0a4f321c903a7fbc59566918c12aca09 and 34eea751fcbf4ee8d44977adb4742d93) and numerous other malicious samples. BRAINSTORM is a Rust-based dropper which drops RILIDE and updates Google Chrome, Brave, and Microsoft Edge LNK files to force the execution of RILIDE. Mandiant is tracking the activity related to this open directory as UNC4553.

UNC4553 Open Directory
Figure 7: UNC4553 Open Directory

The open directory IP shown in Figure 7 (146.70.79[.]75) has previously resolved to nch-software[.]info and panger-top[.]click. Further solidifying the connection from the IP to the domains, there is evidence connecting the URI patterns in the open directory to the URI patterns for these domains.

Figure 8: Related Open Directory URLs





The open directory contained the two BRAINSTORM samples, two PUFFPASTRY samples, a suspected incomplete PUFFPASTRY sample, and two XLL samples.

PUFFPASTRY is a backdoor written in Visual-basic. PUFFPASTRY can download, upload, delete, and execute files. Additionally, PUFFPASTRY can self-terminate and enumerate system information including Anti-virus details. C2 communications occur over standard HTTP/HTTPS.

An XLL add-in is an Excel add-in file with the file extension .xll. An XLL file is a type of dynamic link library (DLL) file that can only be opened by Excel. It is not exactly clear what the intention of some of these files are given they appear to be in staging or templates.

Figure 9: UNC4553 Open Directory Contents
URL MD5 Malware Family



0a4f321c903a7fbc59566918c12aca09 BRAINSTORM
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/1/install-win64-11.5.8_en-US.exe 34eea751fcbf4ee8d44977adb4742d93 BRAINSTORM
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.dotm f483821b0650653e4da643b212025709 PUFFPASTRY
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.pub f6b319a6fa13e4537c4cf59675055661  
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.xlsm 770dd49f7340003d9c66b58cd793dada PUFFPASTRY
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/x64.xll 3bf971fcaa2a3bd321f4e0b6864cb86a  
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/x86.xll ac00b947ca51d0e71b4c792f1646e4e0  

System Hardening

Preventing the malicious extensions (RILIDE and others) to be loaded by the browser is the linchpin to stopping the actor’s methodology. With the inability to install the extension, further damage or exfiltration of sensitive data is prevented.

Chrome Enterprise provides numerous extension blocking options within the security settings. The following highlights a list of the settings relevant to this methodology.

If there is a concern that Chrome LNKs have been manipulated or as a reoccurring security measure, users can run a user-level Chrome Settings Reset. When executed, numerous Chrome profile settings will change to the default on all devices where you’re signed in. This will reset all of the default Windows-provided Chrome LNKs (i.e. Quick Launch LNKs) removing the --load-extension parameter that the actor is using to force the loading of the malicious extension.

Following a defense in depth strategy, implementing the detections documented in the Detection Opportunities section will help cover any prevention gaps.

Detection Opportunities

The Detection Opportunities section will be broken into two detection directions and will encompass a list of rules that will be expanded on in Appendix A.

  1. Detecting Methodologies – Larger chance of detecting legitimate files or tactics that overlap with the methodology.
  2. Detecting Malware Families – More targeted approach to detect the specific families themselves.

Detecting Methodologies

Detection Engine Detection Title Detection Description
YARA M_Hunting_Embedded_Chromium_CRX_1 Detect non-CRX files with extension equities
YARA M_Hunting_Embedded_Chromium_CRXandLNK_1 Detect non-CRX files with extension and LNK equities
YARA M_Hunting_AdvancedInstaller_LNK_1 Detect Advanced Installer files that drop LNKs to known locations
YARA M_Hunting_LNKEngine_LoadExtension_1 Detect LNKs that are loading an extension in a chromium browser
YARA M_Hunting_LNKEngine_LoadExtension_Temp_1 Detect LNKs that are loading an extension from the AppData directory
YARA M_Hunting_ArchiveEngine_CAB_Extension_1 Detect CAB files that include potential extension files
YARA-L M_Hunting_FileWrite_Manifest_Temp_1 Detect events where a manifest.json file is being written to the Temp directory
YARA-L M_Hunting_Process_Chromium_LoadExtension_1 Detect events where Chrome is starting with the –load-extension parameter with the value in the appdata temp directory
YARA-L M_Hunting_FileWrite_Chrome_LNK_1 Detect events where an LNK is written to known used locations from a process that is in user directory space
YARA-L M_Hunting_FileWrite_CRXandLNK_1 Detect events where a process writes a zip or CRX and an LNK within 2 minutes of each other
YARA-L M_Hunting_FileWrite_ManifestandLNK_1 Detect events where a process writes a manifest and LNK file within 2 minutes of each other
VT Grep M_Hunting_FileWrite_ManifestandChromeLNK_1 Detect samples that write both a Chrome LNK and a manifest file at execution

Detecting Malware Families

Detection Engine Detection Title Detection Description
YARA M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_1 Detects the JavaScript files that RILIDE injects
YARA M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_2 Detects the JavaScript files that RILIDE injects
YARA M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_3 Detects the JavaScript files that RILIDE injects
YARA M_Win_BRAINLINK_AdvancedInstaller_1 Detects BRAINLINK
YARA M_Utility_RILIDE_Manifest_1 Detects RILIDE Manifest files
YARA M_Utility_RILIDE_JS_1 Detects RILIDE JavaScript files
YARA M_Utility_RILIDE_Background_1 Detects the RILIDE background JavaScript files
YARA M_Hunting_RILIDE_CRX_1 Detects RILIDE CRX files
YARA M_Hunting_BRAINFOG_1 Detects suspected BRAINFOG samples


While hunting for this chain of adversary methodologies, Mandiant uncovered numerous new malware families and investigations. The adversary’s effort to remain undetected by chaining methodologies has come with mixed results, as many of the samples discussed in this post have very low detection ratings. However, with this new research, detecting these methodologies should be more accessible and further expand the defender’s hunting and detection repertoire.


This content would not have been possible without the assistance of Connor McLaughlin, Pepe Torrijos, Matthew Dunwoody, Anders Vejlby, and Nick Simonian.

Appendix A: Detections

rule M_Hunting_Embedded_Chromium_CRX_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for non-CRX files with extension equities"


         $a1 = "_metadata" ascii

         $a2 = "manifest.json" ascii

         $a3 = "verified_contents.json" ascii

         $s1 = "_locales" ascii

         $s2 = "messages.json" ascii

         $f = /[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+.(html|htm|css|js)/ ascii

         $pk = {50 4B 03 04}


         (((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) or (uint32(0) == 0x464c457f) or (uint32(0) == 0xfeedface or uint32(0) == 0xcefaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xfeedfacf or uint32(0) == 0xcffaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xcafebabe or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca or uint32(0) == 0xcafebabf or uint32(0) == 0xbfbafeca)) and

         (((2 of ($a*)) and $f) or ((1 of ($a*)) and ($f or (1 of ($s*))))) and

         $pk and

         (#pk >1) and

         (for any i in (1..#pk) : ($a2 at @pk[i]+30)) and

         (for any j in (1..#pk) : ($f at @pk[j]+30))


rule M_Hunting_Embedded_Chromium_CRXandLNK_1



         author = "jared.wilson"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for non-CRX files with extension equities and common strings for Google Chrome LNKs"


         $a1 = "_metadata" ascii

         $a2 = "manifest.json" ascii

         $a3 = "verified_contents.json" ascii

         $s1 = "_locales" ascii

         $s2 = "messages.json" ascii

         $f = /[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+.(html|htm|css|js)/ ascii

         $pk = {50 4B 03 04}

         $load = "--load-extension" ascii wide

         $lnk1 = "Google Chrome.lnk" ascii wide



         (((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) or (uint32(0) == 0x464c457f) or (uint32(0) == 0xfeedface or uint32(0) == 0xcefaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xfeedfacf or uint32(0) == 0xcffaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xcafebabe or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca or uint32(0) == 0xcafebabf or uint32(0) == 0xbfbafeca)) and

         (((2 of ($a*)) and $f) or ((1 of ($a*)) and ($f or (1 of ($s*))))) and

         $pk and

         (#pk >1) and

         (for any i in (1..#pk) : ($a2 at @pk[i]+30)) and

         (for any j in (1..#pk) : ($f at @pk[j]+30)) and

         ($load or $lnk1)


rule M_Hunting_AdvancedInstaller_LNK_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "2782af385665c765807ed887d4bacf36"

         description = "Hunting for Advanced Installer files that drop LNKs to known locations."


         $a1 = "Advanced Installer" wide

         $a2 = "Advanced Installer" ascii

         $a3 = "https://www.advancedinstaller.com" ascii

         $l1 = "Google Chrome.lnk"

         $l2 = "Brave.lnk"

         $p1 = "MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsGoogle Chrome.lnk"

         $p2 = "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarBrave.lnk"

         $p3 = "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchBrave.lnk"

         $p4 = "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk"

         $p5 = "MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsBrave.lnk"

         $p6 = "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk"

         $r = /$[^.]+.CreateShortcut([^)]+)/


         ((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) and (all of ($a*)) and (1 of ($l*)) and (2 of ($p*)) and $r


rule M_Hunting_LNKEngine_LoadExtension_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         description = "Hunting rule that looks for files containing strings pertaining to execution of Edge, Opera, Brave, Chrome to launch an extension."

         md5 = "30abf9ca1bb792eb5edd8b033c010979"


         $r1 = /(chrome|msedge|opera|brave)[^rn]+--load-extension=/ ascii nocase wide

         $s1 = "chrome" ascii wide

         $s2 = "--load-extension=" ascii wide


         (uint32(0) == 0x0000004c) and filesize < 50KB and all of ($s*) and $r1


rule M_Hunting_LNKEngine_LoadExtension_Temp_1



        author = "Mandiant"

        description = "Hunting rule that looks for files containing strings pertaining to execution of Edge, Opera, Brave, Chrome to launch an extension."

        md5 = "30abf9ca1bb792eb5edd8b033c010979"


        $r1 = /(chrome|msedge|opera|brave)[^rn]+--load-extension="?[A-Za-z]:Users[^]+AppData/ ascii nocase wide

        $s2 = "--load-extension=" ascii wide


        (uint32(0) == 0x0000004c) and filesize < 50KB and all of them


rule M_Hunting_ArchiveEngine_CAB_Extension_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         description = "Looking for CAB containing what is suspected to be the files that make up an extension"

         md5 = "de283dfb9c88dbb6d455ca4b31c57240"


         $f1 = "manifest.json" nocase

         $f2 = ".js" nocase

         $f3 = ".htm" nocase

         $f4 = ".png" nocase


         filesize < 1MB and uint32be(0) == 0x4D534346 and ($f1 in (uint32(16) .. uint32(16) + 256)) and ($f2 in (uint32(16) .. uint32(16) + 256)) and ($f3 in (uint32(16) .. uint32(16) + 256)) and ($f4 in (uint32(16) .. uint32(16) + 256))


rule M_Hunting_FileWrite_Manifest_Temp_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for cases where a process writes a Chrome CRX manifest file to the appdata temp directory."

         severity = "Medium"


         $e.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         ($e.target.file.names = "manifest.json" OR $e.target.file.full_path = /manifest.json$/)

$e.target.file.full_path = /[a-zA-Z]{1}:Users[^]+AppData(LocalTemp|Roaming)[^]+manifest.json/ nocase




rule M_Hunting_Process_Chromium_LoadExtension_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for cases where Chrome process is startng with the --load-extension parameter with the value in the appdata temp directory."

         severity = "Medium"


$e.metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_OPEN"

$e.target.process.command_line = /(chrome|brave|msedge|opera|vivaldi).exe"?s+--load-extension="?[A-Za-z]{1}:Users[^]+AppData(LocalTemp|Roaming)[^ ]+/ nocase

$e.target.process.file.full_path = /(chrome|brave|msedge|opera|vivaldi).exe$/ nocase




rule M_Hunting_FileWrite_Chrome_LNK_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for cases where the LNK is written to known used locations from a process that is in user directory space."

         severity = "Medium"


         $e.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         $e.target.file.full_path = /Google Chrome.lnk$/

         ($e.target.file.full_path = `C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsGoogle Chrome.lnk` or $e.target.file.full_path = `C:UsersPublicDesktopGoogle Chrome.lnk` or $e.target.file.full_path = /C:Users[^]+AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk/ or $e.target.file.full_path = /C:Users[^]+AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk/)

         ($e.principal.process.file.full_path = /[a-zA-Z]{1}:Users[^]+/ or $e.src.process.file.full_path = /[a-zA-Z]{1}:Users[^]+/)




rule M_Hunting_FileWrite_CRXandLNK_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for cases where a process writes a PK/zip (suspected CRX) and an LNK within 1 minute of each other."

         severity = "Medium"


         $e1.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         $e2.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         $md5 = $e1.principal.process.file.md5

         $e1.principal.process.file.md5 = $e2.principal.process.file.md5

         $e1.principal.process.file.md5 != ""

         $e1.principal.hostname = $e2.principal.hostname        

         $e1.principal.hostname != ""

         $e1.principal.process.pid = $e2.principal.process.pid

         $e1.principal.process.pid != ""

         (((($e1.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_CRX") or ($e1.target.file.full_path = /.zip$/)) and (($e2.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_LNK") or ($e2.target.file.full_path = /.lnk$/))) or (((($e1.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_LNK") or ($e1.target.file.full_path = /.lnk$/)) and (($e2.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_CRX") or ($e2.target.file.full_path = /.zip$/)))))


         $md5 over 1m


         $e1 and $e2


rule M_Hunting_FileWrite_ManifestandLNK_1 {


         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1"

         description = "Hunting for cases where a process writes a CRX Manifest file and an LNK within 1 minute of each other."

         severity = "Medium"


         $e1.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         $e2.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"

         $md5 = $e1.principal.process.file.md5

         $e1.principal.process.file.md5 = $e2.principal.process.file.md5

         $e1.principal.process.file.md5 != ""

         $e1.principal.hostname = $e2.principal.hostname        

         $e1.principal.hostname != ""

         $e1.principal.process.pid = $e2.principal.process.pid

         $e1.principal.process.pid != ""

         ((($e1.target.file.full_path = /manifest.json$/) and (($e2.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_LNK") or ($e2.target.file.full_path = /.lnk$/))) or (((($e1.principal.file.file_type = "FILE_TYPE_LNK") or ($e1.target.file.full_path = /.lnk$/)) and ($e2.target.file.full_path = /manifest.json$/))))


         $md5 over 1m


         $e1 and $e2


// M_Hunting_FileWrite_ManifestandChromeLNK_1

tag:peexe and ((behaviour_files:"C:UsersPublicDesktopGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsGoogle Chrome.lnk") or (behaviour_files:"C:UsersPublicDesktopGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk") or (behaviour_files:"C:UsersPublicDesktopGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk") or (behaviour_files:"C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk") or (behaviour_files:"C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk") or (behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk" and behaviour_files:"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk")) and behaviour_files:".zip" and behaviour_files:"manifest.json"

rule M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_1



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "9fe5b99b20bc91995b81eddd917bff50"

         description = "Hunting for the code that RILIDE injects"


         $banner = "https://public.bnbstatic.com/image/email_template/emailBanner.png"

         $s1 = "[Bybit]Withdrawal Request" ascii

         $s2 = "[Bybit] Authorize New Device" ascii

         $a1 = "created a withdrawal request"

         $a2 = "Authorize New Device You recently attempted to sign in to your Bybit account from a new device or location. As a security measure, we require additional"

         $a3 = "Please check your withdrawal address carefully."         

         $a4 = "Verification Code Of Withdrawal"

         $a6 = "Withdrawal Verification Code"

         $a7 = "Verification Code Of Authorization"

         $a8 = "initiate this withdrawal or the address is"

         $a9 = "Authorize New Device You recently attempted to sign in to your OKX account from a new device or location. As a security measure, we require additional"

         $a10 = "Confirm your new withdrawal address"

         $a11 = "A new withdrawal address was just added to your account."

         $f1 = "div:contains("Binance"), div:contains("binance")"

         $f2 = "binance()" fullword

         $f3 = "div:contains("Bybit"), div:contains("bybit")"

         $f4 = "bybit()" fullword

         $f5 = "div:contains("Huobi"), div:contains("huobi")"

         $f6 = "huobi()" fullword

         $f7 = "div:contains("Okx"), div:contains("okx")"

         $f8 = "okx()" fullword

         $f9 = "div:contains("Kraken"), div:contains("kraken")"

         $f10 = "kraken()" fullword


         filesize < 1MB and $banner and (1 of ($s*)) and (3 of ($a*)) and (6 of ($f*))


rule M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_2



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "6e426758f184b5a942428731b749b000"

         description = "Hunting for the code that RILIDE injects"


         $anchor = "const DOMAIN = 'https://extenision-app.com/api'"

         $v1 = "exchangeRates" ascii fullword

         $v2 = "supportedAssets" ascii fullword

         $v3 = "supportedAccounts" ascii fullword

         $v4 = "currencySymbol" ascii fullword

         $v5 = "userId" ascii fullword

         $v6 = "settings" ascii fullword

         $v7 = "extensions" ascii fullword

         $s1 = "Confirm settings change"

         $s2 = "2-step verification"

         $s3 = "This extra step is to make sure it's really you trying to change settings"

         $s4 = "Enter the 2-step verification code we texted to your phone"

         $s5 = "Enter the 2-step verification code from your authenticator app"

         $s6 = "Didn't receive the SMS?"

         $s7 = "Re-send SMS"

         $u1 = "${DOMAIN}/settings"

         $u2 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/get-address?type=${type}"

         $u3 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/create-account"

         $u4 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/set-balance"

         $u5 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/set-all-balances"

         $u6 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/set-withdraw"

         $p1 = "password = localStorage.getItem('coinbase_password')"

         $p2 = "email = localStorage.getItem('coinbase_username')"

         $f1 = "getExchangeRates" fullword

         $f2 = "getSupportedAssets" fullword

         $f3 = "getAccounts" fullword

         $f4 = "currentWithdraw"


         filesize < 1MB and (($anchor and (8 of them)) or ((4 of ($v*)) and (4 of ($s*)) and (3 of ($u*)) and (1 of ($p*)) and (2 of ($f*))))


rule M_Hunting_RILIDE_InjectJS_3



         author = "Mandiant"

         md5 = "6e426758f184b5a942428731b749b000"

         description = "Hunting for the code that RILIDE injects"


         $anchor = "const DOMAIN = 'https://extenision-app.com/api'"

         $v1 = "userId" ascii fullword

         $v2 = "bearerToken" ascii fullword

         $v3 = "sharedKey" ascii fullword

         $v4 = "multiaddr" ascii fullword

         $v5 = "ethAccount" ascii fullword

         $v6 = "userSeed" ascii fullword

         $s1 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/create-account"

         $s2 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/set-balance"

         $s3 = "${DOMAIN}/exchange/set-all-balances"

         $s4 = "${DOMAIN}/settings"

         $f1 = "setBalance"

         $f2 = "setAllBalance"

         $f3 = "getSettings"

         $f4 = "getPrecisions"

         $f5 = "getPriceInUSDT"

         $f6 = "checkAuthTimer"

         $f7 = "checkBalanceTimer"

         $f8 = "balanceInUSDT"


         filesize < 1MB and (($anchor and (8 of them)) or ((4 of ($v*)) and (2 of ($s*)) and (6 of ($f*))))


Appendix B: Indicators

Indicator Reference
9984af7a440c39b7ac11a68f2da48137 BRAINFOG
1af84663df057aee4934abe717938b33 BRAINFOG WScript
f2f85d38b91f582a83388690fdc45284 BRAINFOG WScript
2782af385665c765807ed887d4bacf36 BRAINLINK
de283dfb9c88dbb6d455ca4b31c57240 BRAINLINK CAB
6b2e6d6650116d372ca8c47af08ca8fa BRAINLINK PowerShell Script
0a4f321c903a7fbc59566918c12aca09 BRAINSTORM
34eea751fcbf4ee8d44977adb4742d93 BRAINSTORM
69a1c37a796dd3ed81785c1995f0973f BRAINSTORM
b7bf29a9d19af79a0872b8fcf482331b BRAINSTORM
ea7496d6fb96e3c1e00a1d5f501f6724 BRAINSTORM
f1c21a69ed9f85e12d58ef0f5ac5c9b1 BRAINSTORM
3e181d794e62af5c54d4df5517766af8 PUFFPASTRY
70700ae977a0f3ca6a331842d8c103c9 PUFFPASTRY
770dd49f7340003d9c66b58cd793dada PUFFPASTRY
f483821b0650653e4da643b212025709 PUFFPASTRY
0fc2bd7320c2edfd7985b87fc8cb1f96 RILIDE
223e499f6ba6ebdacf1dcff96008635b RILIDE
395bef4512a3743299a45d4f9b74a2ee RILIDE
4f506058ab8bfc5746308a95e34dce85 RILIDE
5133177ac4950cf772d2f729bb0622ec RILIDE
b7ad9777e3166628abe11dd043ddfb7e RILIDE
bb8323247baad2d592e7ad1896935dd1 RILIDE
d56d195ebfaea6d97cccddcf3823be24 RILIDE
4724261ef04e2301ecc9ac994b4b346e RILIDE HTML
020a8ed8a2b123f6c58fed791c6ef636 RILIDE Injection Script
219070a2502a47a50dd3df5c804074b4 RILIDE Injection Script
3235e27576dd4e81f1c5986212ec2b78 RILIDE Injection Script
41a5f1c5d032bcac16c903681674872c RILIDE Injection Script
6e426758f184b5a942428731b749b000 RILIDE Injection Script
94c16b8f9236ab88bb0bca60c4399665 RILIDE Injection Script
9e5f43b2dc1606e27fa0cfdfb4e363d2 RILIDE Injection Script
9fe5b99b20bc91995b81eddd917bff50 RILIDE Injection Script
d41b7138ad25d0401acf3298d0110342 RILIDE Injection Script
5b7a2e7195bceb8e125758ae27c1e791 RILIDE JavaScript
d54fa225b07298ec34be872cd4ebf4ae RILIDE JavaScript
19c859513f67400f3563e656f27df1c0 RILIDE LNK
30abf9ca1bb792eb5edd8b033c010979 RILIDE LNK
baee9ba0b94ea1e2b2e566fc8a615554 RILIDE Manifest
f31e9238593b34b390ab8faf755e6ede RILIDE Manifest
3bf971fcaa2a3bd321f4e0b6864cb86a Template XLL
ac00b947ca51d0e71b4c792f1646e4e0 Template XLL
028b2f15560b0f80514cf0a23ae77a43 VB Macro
0a4834d3da05a1d0b2f3a0c13f352a0a VB Macro
89c34309aca3214c3ce7c72b407570e8 VB Macro
172.67.192[.]61 C2 A Record
89.185.85[.]144 C2 A Record
45.159.188[.]125 C2 A Record
146.70.79[.]75 Open Directory
104.168.167[.]25 Open Directory
telegromcn[.]org BRAINFOG In The Wild Domain
nch-software[.]info Open Directory Domain
vceilinichego[.]ru Open Directory Domain and C2
2022-blanks[.]site Registrant Org Pivot Domain
finandy[.]info Registrant Org Pivot Domain
finandy[.]online Registrant Org Pivot Domain
flnand[.]online Registrant Org Pivot Domain
kz-smartbank[.]com Registrant Org Pivot Domain
mareux[.]online Registrant Org Pivot Domain
mmarx[.]quest Registrant Org Pivot Domain
okxsat[.]xyz Registrant Org Pivot Domain
pr-tracker[.]online Registrant Org Pivot Domain
qivvi-3[.]click Registrant Org Pivot Domain
serienjunkies[.]us Registrant Org Pivot Domain
vse-blanki[.]online Registrant Org Pivot Domain
ashgrrwt[.]click RILIDE C2
extenision-app[.]com RILIDE C2
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/1/2.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/1/install-win64-11.5.8_en-US.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/2.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://nch-software[.]info/1/2.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://nch-software[.]info/1/install-win64-11.5.8_en-US.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://panger-top[.]click/1/2.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxps://panger-top[.]click/1/install-win64-11.5.8_en-US.exe Open Directory BRAINSTORM Download
hxxp://nch-software[.]info/1/2.exe Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/ Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/admin_cp/ Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/ Open Directory URL
hxxp://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/ RILIDE C2 URL
hxxp://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/get-urls RILIDE C2 URL
hxxp://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/init RILIDE C2 URL
hxxp://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/set-urls RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/ RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/check-tasks RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/get-urls RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/init RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/set-tasks RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://vceilinichego[.]ru/api/machine/set-urls RILIDE C2 URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.dotm Template Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.pub Template Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/light.xlsm Template Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/x64.xll Template Open Directory URL
hxxps://146.70.79[.]75/templates/x86.xll Template Open Directory URL

Source: https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/lnk-between-browsers