Keypoints :
- Introduction of a new Active Directory machine challenge with vulnerabilities such as DACL abuse and SQL interactions.
- Initial scanning of the host using Nmap to identify open ports and services.
- Finding sensitive files through anonymous FTP access.
- Using the `.kdbx` file to extract passwords and explore its contents.
- Implementing password spraying techniques against Active Directory users.
- Demonstrating NTLM relay attacks to capture user credentials.
- Using BloodHound to analyze Active Directory relationships and permissions.
- Exploiting user permissions to escalate privileges and exploit machine accounts for delegation configurations.
- Final steps involving DCSync to dump hashes and a pass-the-hash attack for full access.
- Maverick encourages continuous learning and engagement in the hacking community.
MITRE Techniques :
- T1078 – Valid Accounts: Exploited valid user accounts for authentication.
- T1059 – Command and Scripting Interpreter: Used command line tools for interaction with services (impacket, Nmap).
- T1071 – Application Layer Protocol: Exploited FTP for file transfers and credential harvesting.
- T1086 – PowerShell: Used PowerShell Remoting for access to systems after privilege escalation.
- T1132 – Data Encoding: Encoded credentials and data for secure transfer and usage across different services.
- T1203 – Exploitation for Client Execution: Exploited identified vulnerabilities across services determined through Nmap reconnaissance.
Indicator of Compromise :
- [IP Address]
- [Domain] redelegate.vl
- [Domain] dc.redelegate.vl
- [File] Shared.kdbx
- [Hash] $keepass$*2*600000*0*ce7395f413946b0cd279501e510cf8a988f39baca623dd86beaee651025662e6*e4f9d51a5df3e5f9ca1019cd57e10d60f85f48228da3f3b4cf1ffee940e20e01
Full Story:—-7b722bfd1b8d—4 :’Fall2024!’
Impacket v0.12.0 – Copyright Fortra, LLC and its affiliated companies
[*] Impersonating ryan.cooper
[*] Requesting S4U2self
[*] Requesting S4U2Proxy
[*] Saving ticket in ryan.cooper@[email protected]
Now, you can export your ticket and either log in using psexec or go straight for DCSync to dump all the hashes. Once you have the Administrator hash, just pass-the-hash and… PWNED!
Final words:
I hope this walkthrough was clear and that you learned something new along the way. This write-up was made with love by Mohamed Eletrepy aka Maverick. Keep hacking, stay curious, and never stop learning. Until next time — happy hacking! 🚀🔥
Attack Path Overview
Wanna Keep in Touch with Maverick?
Don’t forget to follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and give me some respect on Hack The Box! i love chatting with like-minded people, sharing knowledge, and learning from everyone. Happy hacking! 🚀