Using Capa Rules For Android Malware Detection
Mobile devices are increasingly targeted by malware due to their role in personal banking and data storage. Threat actors exploit native code to evade detection, leading Android’s security team to partner with Mandiant FLARE and use advanced tools for malware detection. This article highlights the implementation of advanced capa rules and Gemini summarization techniques to counter these threats, particularly focusing on illegal gambling apps disguised as benign applications. Affected: Android, Google Play Store, mobile app developers, end users

Keypoints :

  • Mobile devices are prime targets for malware due to financial and personal data storage.
  • Malware developers are shifting to native code to evade detection through obfuscation.
  • Android Security and Privacy Team collaborates with Mandiant FLARE to analyze native ARM ELF files.
  • Android employs capa rules to identify malicious behaviors in Android applications.
  • Illegal gambling apps disguise themselves as harmless applications to evade Google Play Store regulations.
  • Malware detection relies on static analysis techniques that evaluate complete program behavior.
  • Dynamic behaviors of malware are increasingly complex, using methods like location-based cloaking.
  • Google Play Protect scans apps for malware and unwanted software using advanced built-in protections.
  • Collaboration with the security research community enhances app safety standards.

MITRE Techniques :

  • T1071.001 – Application Layer Protocol: Exploiting HTTP for communication through download and execution of malicious payloads.
  • T1027 – Obfuscated Files or Information: Extensive code obfuscation techniques used to hide malicious behavior.
  • T1592.003 – Gather Victim Information: Using timezone information for geographic localization to trigger malicious actions.
  • T1140 – Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information: Utilizing custom decryption methods to conceal malicious payloads.
  • T1059.006 – Command and Scripting Interpreter: Using dynamic code execution via Java Native Interface (JNI) for malicious intent.

Indicator of Compromise :

  • [IP Address] (Example IP used for downloads)
  • [URL] http://example[. ]com/encrypteddexfile
  • [Domain] malicious[. ]
  • [Email Address] attackers@example[. ]com
  • [Hash] SHA-256: d4b15e6f1f29f85bede2de2c8a0ae80fbfa7c5f12c0e4727f5a37658de248d3b

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