Unknown TTPs of Remcos RAT – K7 Labs

Typically spread through malicious attachments, drive-by downloads, or social engineering, Remcos RAT has been active since 2016. Initially presented by BreakingSecurity, a European company, as a legitimate remote control tool, it has since been exploited by threat actors for nefarious purposes, despite claims of restricted access for lawful use.

On analyzing a few samples from VirusTotal, we got one interesting sample which was a .vhd file. Let’s analyze how threat actors have crafted the VHD (Virtual Hard Disk).

 After extracting the .vhd file we got a bundle of files shown in Figure 1. 

Figure 1: Extracted VHDfile

The shortcut file has the following powershell command line in target, pointing to the MacOSX.ps1 script. Its deconstructed components are depicted in Figure 1,

 [ \\localhost\C$\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ".MacOSX/MacOSX.ps1" ]

 While analyzing the script we got to know it had several operations in it. Some of the functionality seems to be remnants of old TTP.

  • Download a PDF file as PNG file (Figure 1)
  • Create a Task to download and execute a powershell script. (Figure 2)

 We found some key functionalities for this script

  • AMSI Bypass (Figure 3)
  • Download a PNG file which is a VB script. (Figure 4)
Figure 2: Downloading PDF
Figure 3: Schedule task
Figure 4: AMSI Reaper

AMSIReaper which is an open source tool available in GitHub.

Figure 5: Downloading PNG file (elana.png)

The command in $binaryData , in Figure6, downloads a file (elana.png) from a specified URL (hxxps://bitbucket.org/openheartplayercertlover/certlover2/downloads/elana.png) . The PNG file is a VB script file base64 encoded file which is decoded and saved as under %Programdata% as second.ps1.

On further analyzing the png file we got to know it was actually a VB script.

Figure 6: VB script in elana.png

It defines a function peopaias which creates an instance of Internet Explorer (apegadas), navigates to a blank page, and waits until the page is fully loaded. It then sets up the browser window properties, including position and size. The function waits until a user input element is available on the page and then retrieves the input value before quitting the browser. It also defines a function convertibilidade which takes a string parameter cytiso containing script code and executes it using ExecuteGlobal. From this URL(“hxxp://paste.ee/d/azfhe”) we are able to get the base64 encoded VB script .

Figure 7: Encoded VB script

After decoding the VB script, we got a PowerShell script which was encoded with base64.

Figure 8: Encoded PowerShell script in decoded VB script

On executing the script and capturing the output we realized that it was a  VB script.

Figure 9: VB script in decoded PowerShell script 

The VB script downloads an image file from the particular URL (‘hxxps://uploaddeimagens.com.br/images/004/731/958/original/new_image.jpg?1707143673).

Figure 10: Downloading PNG

On  analyzing this image file we found that it was a base64 encoded value. 

Figure 11: Base64 value in PNG overlay

After decoding it we came to know that it was a PE file.

Figure 12: .net binary

While analyzing the .NET DLL file in Dnspy we got to know how attackers are using the main payload and where they are using it. 

The DLL is used to perform the process hollowing that is injecting the Remcos payload into a newly-created “RegAsm.exe” process. Once the function is invoked, it finds “RegAsm.exe” from below locations on the victim’s device “C:\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe”.

The following APIs are used for process hollowing: 

CreateProcess() with CREATE_SUSPENDED flag(0x4), GetThreadContext(), ZwUnmapViewOfSection, .VirtualAllocEx(), WriteProcessMemory(),SetThreadContext(), ResumeThread().

 The URL, where the Final Payload is hosted, is stored in a reverse format in the VB script as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Reverse URL string

The main payload Remcos is a VC8 compiled binary.

Figure 14: C++ binary payload

It first decrypts a RC4 encrypted blob in the resource section, named “SETTINGS”.

Figure 15: Getting resource
Figure 16: Manipulating resource 

In the blob, the first byte “3E” is the size of the RC4 key and the rest is the encrypted Remcos configuration block.

Figure 17: Decoded RC4 in setting

From this configuration block we can get the C2, malware activities etc.

It sets the “RUN” registry for the persistence.

Figure 18: Persistence

The designated filename for logging victim keystrokes and clipboard data, various settings instructing Remcos on how to initiate its functionalities on the victim’s device, and the authentication details employed for establishing a connection to the C2 server were all crucial components.

Figure 19: Keylogging

It also creates a mutex to avoid multiple entries of this binary. Remcos also records the audio input from the victim’s microphone.

Figure 20: Stealing audio

Remcos RAT connects with a URL to collect geolocation information.

Figure 21: geolocation 

The other capability of Remcos RAT is 

  • Capturing screenshots of the victim’s screen upon startup.
  • Disabling User Account Control (UAC) on the victim’s device.
  • Sending data to C2.

Attackers are always finding fresh strategies to evade the Antivirus (AV) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) system,to  secure their ongoing attacks.

We at K7 Labs provide detection for Remcos and all the latest threats. Users are advised to use a reliable security product such as “K7 Total Security” and keep it up-to-date to safeguard their devices.


MD5Detection Name
8E125841810C306790958A95D6DB EB5Riskware ( 00584baa1 )
C50DC32F0CABCF7D7B44031031026078Trojan ( 0057ef441 )
AA387BA65FF8C796CBE90FEEC010C008Trojan ( 0001140e1 )


  • hxxps://bitbucket.org/openheartplayercertlover/certlover2/downloads/S-Corp_AUELLC1.png
  • hxxps://bitbucket.org/openheartplayercertlover/certlover2/downloads/elana.png
  • hxxps://uploaddeimagens.com.br/images/004/731/958/original/new_image.jpg?1707143673
  • hxxps://bitbucket.org/!api/2.0/snippets/openheartplayercertlover/jqEMdz/87de249e540d810ba6df8cabeca4b0d89589a73b/files/elanaworkrem
  • hxxp://paste.ee/d/azfhe


  • lora1.safesopkoco.com:2404
  • lora2.safesopkoco.com:2404 
  • safesopkoco.com:2404
  • masterbotsbrothers.xyz:2404 
  • mota1.masterbotsbrothers.xyz:2404
  • mota2.masterbotsbrothers.xyz:2404
  • lora1.safesopkoco.co:2404
  • lora2.safesopkoco.co:2404
  • lora2.safesopko.net:2404 
  • lora1.safesopko.net:2404


  1. Initial Access: Spearphishing Attachment (T1566.001): The threat begins with a phishing email designed to deceive recipients, with a malicious loader disguised within a .vhd archive.
  2. Execution: Command and Scripting Interpreter (T1059): The loader executes PowerShell scripts to download and execute further payloads.
  3. Defense Evasion: Obfuscated Files or Information (T1027): The loader employs obfuscation and encryption to hide its functionality and evade detection.
  4. Defense Evasion: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information (T1140): The loader decrypts payloads and configuration data for execution.
  5. Defense Evasion: Process Injection (T1055): The Remcos RAT uses process hollowing to inject its payload into a newly-created “RegAsm.exe” process.
  6. Persistence: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder (T1547.001): Remcos sets the “RUN” registry key for persistence on the victim’s device.
  7. Credential Access: Input Capture (T1056): Remcos performs keystroke logging to capture user input.
  8. Collection: Audio Capture (T1123): Remcos records audio input from the victim’s microphone.
  9. Collection: Screen Capture (T1113): Remcos captures screenshots of the victim’s screen.
  10. Collection: Clipboard Data (T1115): Remcos captures data from the clipboard.
  11. Command and Control: Application Layer Protocol (T1071): Remcos communicates with its C2 server using HTTPS.
  12. Command and Control: Uncommonly Used Port (T1571): Remcos uses various ports for communication, some of which may be uncommonly used.
  13. Discovery: System Information Discovery (T1082): Remcos collects system information such as the Windows version and hostname.
  14. Discovery: System Network Configuration Discovery (T1016): Remcos collects network configuration information.
  15. Impact: Audio Capture (T1123): Remcos’s ability to record audio can be used for eavesdropping, impacting the victim’s privacy.

Source: Original Post