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FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts

FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts provides key information about on-going cybersecurity attack with significant ramifications affecting numerous companies, organizations and industries.

Threat Encyclopedia

Browse the Fortiguard Labs extensive encyclopedia of threats. Click any title to view more details of the threat. Can’t find what you are looking for? Try using the search bar above to find a specific threat description.

Threat Signal

The Threat Signal created by the FortiGuard Labs is intended to provide you with insight on emerging issues that are trending within the cyber threat landscape. The Threat Signal will provide concise technical details about the issue, mitigation recommendations and a perspective from the FortiGuard Labs team in an FAQ style format.

Whether it’s significant vulnerability disclosures including high profile zero days, coordinated announcements with Cyber Threat Alliance partners, malware of significance, or any threat making the news cycle, FortiGuard Threat Signals are there for you.