Threat Actor Suspected of Leaking 70 GB of KYC Data from CredRight

Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: CredRight | CredRight
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: KYC (Know Your Customer) documents (photos, videos, and voice recordings)

Key Points :

  • A threat actor has claimed to have leaked 70 GB of KYC data from CredRight, a data-driven lending platform.
  • The leaked data includes photos, videos, and voice recordings, potentially exposing sensitive personal and financial information of CredRight users.
  • This breach raises serious security and privacy concerns for the affected individuals and the platform.

A threat actor has claimed to have leaked data from CredRight, a data-driven lending platform that facilitates credit for micro, small, and medium enterprises through NBFCs and banks. CredRight helps users register online, upload requisite documents, and apply for loans in significantly less time.

The alleged breach includes 70 GB of KYC (Know Your Customer) documents, encompassing photos, videos, and voice recordings. This leak could potentially expose sensitive personal and financial information of numerous CredRight users, raising serious security and privacy concerns for the affected individuals and the platform.

With the rising frequency of such data breaches, companies handling sensitive user information need to implement stringent security measures to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the privacy and safety of their users.

The post Threat Actor Allegedly Leaks 70 GB of KYC Data from CredRight appeared first on Daily Dark Web.