Threat Actor Offers to Sell Critical Vulnerabilities in Interpol and FBI Login Pages

Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: Interpol and FBI | Interpol and FBI
Price: Interpol Vulnerability: $3,000, FBI Vulnerability: $4,000
Exfiltrated Data Type: Not specified

Key Points :

  • A threat actor claims to possess and sell critical vulnerabilities targeting the login pages of Interpol and the FBI.
  • The vulnerabilities include XSS-DOM and prototype pollution exploits, which can lead to account takeovers if exploited.
  • The threat actor emphasizes their focus on selling bugs rather than exploits and is willing to conduct transactions through Escrow if the buyer prefers.

A threat actor has emerged, claiming to possess and sell critical vulnerabilities targeting the login pages of Interpol and the FBI. The alleged vulnerabilities include XSS-DOM and prototype pollution exploits, which, according to the threat actor, can easily lead to account takeovers if exploited.

Vulnerabilities Overview
The threat actor asserts that these vulnerabilities pose a significant risk to the security of both Interpol and the FBI, enabling attackers to gain unauthorized access to accounts and potentially sensitive information.

Interpol Vulnerability: $3,000
FBI Vulnerability: $4,000

Threat Actor’s Statement

The threat actor, emphasizing their focus on selling bugs rather than exploits. They also mentioned a willingness to conduct transactions through Escrow if the buyer prefers.

This revelation underscores the ongoing threats faced by major law enforcement agencies and highlights the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures. The potential exploitation of these vulnerabilities could have severe implications.

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