Threat Actor Forms Religious Alliance

Victim: Muslim communities worldwide | Muslim communities worldwide
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Not specified

Additional Information :

  • The threat actor ANON SEC BD has formed a religious alliance called Islamic Cyber Alliance.
  • The alliance aims to protect Muslim communities worldwide and specifically mentions protecting Palestine.
  • Their mission is to protect their people from harm and promote peace and unity.
  • The alliance is open for others to join their cause.
  • No further details about the alliance have been provided.
  • The image shared by ANON SEC BD contains the slogan “Guardians of Palestine, Defenders of Truth”.

Cybersecurity landscape always witnesses the emergence of new names, groups and alliances. A threat actor named ANON SEC BD shared a new Telegram channel and introduced a new alliance.

Islamic Cyber Alliance presented themselves as the guardians of Muslim communities worldwide. The message specifically mentions protecting Palestine. Their mission is to protect their people from harm and setting up peace and unity. The message also invites those who wants to join their cause. So far, there are no other details about the alliance.

The image they chose to share their message with contains a slogan which is “Guardians of Palestine, Defenders of Truth”.

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