Threat Actor Claims to Possess 10GB of Stolen Login Credentials

Threat Actor Claims to Possess 10GB of Stolen Login Credentials
Summary: A threat actor has advertised on a dark web forum the sale of approximately 10GB of stolen login credentials for 0. This cache reportedly includes usernames and passwords from various sectors, including government and cryptocurrency accounts, and offers a “free trial” via a Telegram bot. The rising prevalence of credential stealing malware, known as “stealers,” has contributed to the ease of obtaining such sensitive data in cybercriminal markets.

Affected: Various organizations across government, defense, military, corporate, and cryptocurrency sectors

Keypoints :

  • Threat actor claims to have 10GB of stolen login credentials for sale on the dark web.
  • Data includes plain text URLs, usernames, and passwords from various sectors.
  • Offers potential buyers a “free trial” through a Telegram bot with escrow payment support.
  • Credential stealing malware is increasingly common in cybercriminal activities.
