The GRC Framework: A Practical Guide to GRC | Importance of GRC

This video provides an in-depth overview of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), emphasizing its crucial role in cybersecurity and offering practical advice on its implementation. The presenter, an expert with extensive experience in the field, including roles at Grand Thorton in Australia and KPMG in Singapore, shares insights into the real-world application of GRC frameworks and the importance of technical skills within the GRC domain.

Key points

๐ŸŒ Comprehensive GRC Introduction: The presenter provides a foundational understanding of GRC, its components, and its significance in the cybersecurity landscape.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Real-world Application: The emphasis on practical application over theoretical knowledge in GRC implementation is highlighted.

๐Ÿ”’ Risk Management: The role of GRC in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks within an organization is discussed.

๐Ÿ“Š Importance of Technical Skills: Technical knowledge within the GRC domain is stressed as vital for understanding and addressing evolving cyber threats.

๐Ÿค Career Transition into GRC: Insights into transitioning into a GRC career, highlighting the value of diverse backgrounds and the importance of networking.


  1. Introduction to GRC, explaining its necessity and components: governance, risk management, and compliance.
  2. The distinction between theoretical knowledge and practical application in GRC implementation is emphasized.
  3. Discussion on how GRC helps manage cybersecurity risks and aligns with business objectives.
  4. Technical skills are underlined as crucial for GRC professionals to effectively manage cybersecurity threats and solutions.
  5. The video addresses career opportunities in GRC, suggesting pathways for individuals from various backgrounds to enter the field.
  6. It suggests that enhancing cybersecurity resilience and operational efficiency are primary goals of adopting a GRC framework.
  7. The significance of policies, procedures, and leadership commitment in establishing a robust GRC framework is discussed.
  8. Various aspects of risk management, including asset identification and vulnerability assessment, are covered.
  9. The importance of compliance with legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements within the GRC framework is highlighted.
  10. The presenter shares insights on the critical role of GRC in controlling operational costs, ensuring transparency, and operating within risk appetite.