The Alleged Unauthorized VPN Access Sale is Detected for an Indonesian Industry Enterprise

In a hacker forum monitored by SOCRadar, an unauthorized VPN access sale is detected allegedly belongs to an industry enterprise that operates in Indonesia.

Price 6000
Contacts Tox: ***
Country: Indonesia
Revenue: $3.7 Billions
Industry: light industry enterprise
Access type: VPN user
AV: -
Hosts: 11к-12к devices/ 4k-5k PC/ hyper-v / veeam etc and more
Price: $6000
Tox: ***
I work only with escrow

Nature of Dark Web News:

The news reports the alleged sale of unauthorized VPN access to an Indonesian industry enterprise on a hacker forum. The seller claims to have access to 11k-12k devices, including PCs, hyper-v, and veeam.

Key Insights:

  • Compromised VPN Access: Unauthorized access to a VPN can provide attackers with a foothold within the enterprise network, allowing them to move laterally and access sensitive data.
  • Targeted Attack: The sale of access specifically to an Indonesian enterprise suggests a targeted attack, indicating that the attackers may have prior knowledge or interest in the organization.
  • Data Exfiltration Risk: The large number of devices and hosts involved increases the potential for data exfiltration, including sensitive business information, customer data, and intellectual property.
  • Supply Chain Vulnerability: The compromised VPN access could potentially be used to target other organizations within the enterprise’s supply chain, creating a broader impact.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Strengthen VPN Security: Implement strong authentication mechanisms, enforce multi-factor authentication, and regularly patch and update VPN software.
  • Monitor Network Activity: Use intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and unauthorized access attempts.
  • Educate Employees: Train employees on VPN security best practices, such as using strong passwords and avoiding connecting to untrusted networks.
  • Conduct Regular Security Audits: Regularly assess the security of VPN infrastructure and access controls to identify and address vulnerabilities.