Welcome to this week’s edition of the Threat Source newsletter.

I’m covering for Jon this week whilst he takes some well-deserved holiday. What’s on my mind this week? Well, apart from a new horror film that I just read about called “Slotherhouse” where the killer is, um, a sloth (I predict nothing but a masterpiece), there are a couple of things on my mind relating to open-source.…

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This is the third part of our research based on an investigation of a series of attacks against industrial organizations in Eastern Europe.

The attackers aimed to establish a permanent channel for data exfiltration, including data stored on air-gapped systems.

In total we have identified over 15 implants and their variants planted by the threat actor(s) in various combinations.…

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Authored by Yukihiro Okutomi 

McAfee’s Mobile team observed a smishing campaign against Japanese Android users posing as a power and water infrastructure company in early June 2023. This campaign ran for a short time from June 7. The SMS message alerts about payment problems to lure victims to a phishing website to infect the target devices with a remote-controlled SpyNote malware.…

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What are WyrmSpy and DragonEgg surveillanceware?

WyrmSpy and DragonEgg are two advanced Android surveillanceware that Lookout attributes to high-profile Chinese threat group APT41, also known as Double Dragon, BARIUM, and Winnti. 

While APT41 is mostly known for exploiting web-facing applications and infiltrating traditional endpoint devices, these malware are rare reported instances of the group exploiting mobile platforms.…

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In this entry, we discuss the findings of our investigation into a piece of a signed rootkit, whose main binary functions as a universal loader that enables attackers to directly load a second-stage unsigned kernel module.

In one of our recent threat hunting investigations, we came across an interesting new threat activity cluster that we initially thought was a false positive detection for a Microsoft signed file.…

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In partnership with vx-underground, SentinelOne recently ran its first Malware Research Challenge, in which we asked researchers across the cybersecurity community to submit previously unpublished work to showcase their talents and bring their insights to a wider audience.

Today’s post marks the start of a series highlighting the best entries, beginning with the winner from Pol Thill, Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst at QuoIntelligence.…

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Recent reports from researchers at BitDefender and Elastic have exposed an active adversary deploying novel spyware, cross-platform backdoors and an open-source reconnaissance tool to compromise organizations with macOS devices in their fleets. Although the number of known victims at this time is small, the nature of the tooling suggests that the threat actors have likely targeted other organizations.…

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By Aleksandar Milenkoski and Tom Hegel

Executive SummaryOver the first quarter of 2023, SentinelLabs observed a campaign targeting users of Portuguese financial institutions conducted by a Brazilian threat group. The campaign is the latest iteration of a broader activity nexus dating back to 2021, now targeting the users of over 30 financial institutions.…
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Authored by By Yashvi Shah 

McAfee Labs have identified an increase in Wextract.exe samples, that drop a malware payload at multiple stages.  

Wextract.exe is a Windows executable file that is used to extract files from a cabinet (.cab) file. Cabinet files are compressed archives that are used to package and distribute software, drivers, and other files.…

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Securing The Educational Sector Against PaperCut Vulnerability and Ransomware

On 19th April 2023, PaperCut released a Security alert stating, “We have evidence to suggest that unpatched servers are being exploited in the wild”. The advisory released by vendors provides insights into the two CVEs – CVE-2023-27350 (Severity: Critical) & CVE-2023-27351(Severity: High).…

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Executive SummaryOur insights into a recent NullMixer malware operation revealed Italy and France are the favorite European countries from the opportunistic attackers’ perspective. In thirty days, the operation we monitored was capable to establish initial access to over 8 thousand endpoints and steal sensitive data that are now reaching the underground black markets.…
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