In September, Russian companies faced the problem of malicious software disguised as accounting documents. The launch of the virus led to leaks of personal data of users and the connection their computers to the botnet. Check Point company claims that 15.3% of Russian Internet users received such letters only in a month.…
Cases of malicious e-mails to Russian companies have become more frequent. Attackers write on behalf of Banks, large air operators, car dealers and mass media. They offer cooperation to companies and advise to open the file in the attachment, where there are details about a good deal.…
In Moscow about 30 percent of all computers are infected with a virus, which allows covertly mining bitcoins.
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Herman Klimenko, adviser of the Russian President on Internet development, said that nowadays this is the most common and most dangerous virus. There are about 20 million computers in Moscow, of those, 20-30 percent are infected.…
Researcher from Palo Alto Networks, a computer security firm, have found out that hackers, who have targeting jail-broken iPhones, have raided more than 225,000 Apple accounts, using them for app buying sprees or to hold phones for ransom.
The jailbreak is a tool in iPhones to use additional iThing tweaks available through the alternative Cydia store, and for some to pirate software by installing ripped-off apps for free.…
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