In this intrusion from December 2021, the threat actors utilized IcedID as the initial access vector. IcedID is a banking trojan that first appeared in 2017, usually, it is delivered via malspam campaigns and has been widely used as an initial access vector in multiple ransomware intrusions.…
By Asheer Malhotra and Justin Thattil with contributions from Kendall McKay.
Cisco Talos has observed a new Transparent Tribe campaign targeting Indian government and military entities. While the actors are infecting victims with CrimsonRAT, their well-known malware of choice, they are also using new stagers and implants.…ESET researchers discovered a still-ongoing campaign using a previously undocumented Korplug variant, which they named Hodur due to its resemblance to the THOR variant previously documented by Unit 42 in 2020. In Norse mythology, Hodur is Thor’s blind half-brother, who is tricked by Loki into killing their half-brother Baldr.…
UNC2891 often made use of the STEELCORGI in-memory dropper which decrypts its embedded payloads by deriving a ChaCha20 key from the value of an environment variable obtained at runtime. In many cases, Mandiant was unable to recover the requisite environment variables to decrypt the embedded payloads.…
This report discusses the technical capabilities of this Cyclops Blink malware variant that targets ASUS routers and includes a list of more than 150 current and historical command-and-control (C&C) servers of the Cyclops Blink botnet.
With additional insights from Philippe Z Lin
Note: This article has been updated on March 17, 2022, 2:00 a.m.…
Over recent months, the CrowdStrike Falcon® OverWatch™ team has tracked an ongoing, widespread intrusion campaign leveraging bundled .msi installers to trick victims into downloading malicious payloads alongside legitimate software. These payloads and scripts were used to perform reconnaissance and ultimately download and execute NIGHT SPIDER’s Zloader trojan, as detailed in CrowdStrike CROWDSTRIKE FALCON® INTELLIGENCE™ Premium reporting.…
For additional information regarding deserialization exploits and our new hunting rule generation tool ‘HeySerial’, read our blog post, Now You Serial, Now You Don’t — Systematically Hunting for Deserialization Exploits.
USAHerds (CVE-2021-44207) Zero-DayIn three investigations from 2021, APT41 exploited a zero-day vulnerability in the USAHerds web application.…
8/24 Editor’s Note: Since the publication, SMTP2Go has updated its security measures.
Key Takeaways Proofpoint researchers have identified ongoing activity by the China-aligned APT actor TA416 in which the group is targeting European diplomatic entities, including an individual involved in refugee and migrant services. This targeting is consistent with other activity reported by Proofpoint, showing an interest in refugee policies and logistics across the APT actor landscape which coincides with increased tensions and now armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.…In the past few months, a new wave of cyberattacks has been flooding Iran. These attacks are far from minor website defacements – the recent wave is hitting national infrastructure and causing major disruptions to public services.
This article provides an in-depth technical analysis of one of the attacks against the Iranian national media corporation, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) which occurred in late January 2022.…
The ShadowPad advanced modular remote access trojan (RAT) has been deployed by the Chinese government-sponsored BRONZE ATLAS threat group since at least 2017. A growing list of other Chinese threat groups have deployed it globally since 2019 in attacks against organizations in various industry verticals.…
Lorenz is a ransomware strain observed first in February of 2021, and is believed to be a rebranding of the “.sZ40” ransomware that was discovered in October 2020. Lorenz targets organizations worldwide with customized attacks demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even millions in ransom fee. …
In August 2021, a disgruntled CONTI affiliate leaked training documents, playbooks, and tools used to assist in CONTI ransomware operations. Mandiant has determined that some of the activity listed above overlaps with techniques in the playbooks disclosed in August.
At this time, due to the public release of this information, other unaffiliated actors may be replicating the techniques for their own motives and objectives.…
Qbot (aka QakBot, Quakbot, Pinkslipbot ) has been around for a long time having first been observed back in 2007. More info on Qbot can be found at the following links: Microsoft & Red Canary
In this case, from October 2021, we will break down how Qbot quickly spread across all workstations in an environment, while stealing browser information and emails.…
February 3, 2022
[UPDATE] On February 4, 2022, Zimbra provided an update regarding this zero-day exploit vulnerability and reported that a hotfix for 8.8.15 P30 would be available on February 5, 2022. This vulnerability was later assigned CVE-2022-24682 and was fixed in version 8.8.15P30 Update 2 of Zimbra Collaboration Suite.…
Over the past months, the Cybereason Nocturnus Team observed an uptick in the activity of the Iranian attributed group dubbed Phosphorus (AKA Charming Kitten, APT35), known for previously attacking medical research organizations in the US and Israel in late 2020, and for targeting academic researchers from the US, France, and the Middle East region back in 2019.…
Over the past months, the Cybereason Nocturnus Team has been tracking the Iranian hacker group known as Moses Staff. The group was first spotted in October 2021 and claims their motivation is to harm Israeli companies by leaking sensitive, stolen data. …
By Max Gannon
For what seems like years now, ransomware has captured headlines due to its sensationally disruptive and costly nature. And over these years, phishing has been used to directly deliver ransomware or to use a single intermediary loader, often targeting individual machines for low ransom amounts.…