
In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, banking trojans continue to pose a significant risk to organizations worldwide. Among them, Qakbot, also known as QBot or Pinkslipbot, stands out as a highly sophisticated and persistent malware active since 2007, targeting businesses across different countries. With a primary focus on stealing financial data and login credentials from web browsers, Qakbot also serves as a backdoor to inject next-stage payloads like Cobalt Strike and ransomware.…

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At the end of 2019, the team at the Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (PT ESC) discovered a new cybercrime group, which they dubbed Space Pirates. It had been active since at least 2017. The first-ever comprehensive research paper describing the group saw light in early 2022. The Space Pirates group have since stepped up attacks on Russian companies: we have come across the group frequently while investigating cyberattacks in the past year.…

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In cloud environments, cryptojacking – a type of cyberattack that uses computing power to mine cryptocurrency – takes the form of cloud compute resource abuse, which involves a threat actor compromising legitimate tenants. Cloud compute resource abuse could result in financial loss to targeted organizations due to the compute fees that can be incurred from the abuse.…

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“And us? No money, no people, nothing. We have only a conscience and a tiny bit of power.” “If we fall, please still believe: the Bauhinia is still beautiful1. Please don’t abandon Hong Kong.”— Quotes from “A Distress Call From Hong Kong”, manifesto letter disseminated by the operation’s actors in November 2019, and purportedly written by alleged grassroots volunteers fighting against the protesters’ “mob violence”.…
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Executive Summary

Lumen Black Lotus Labs® identified another multi-year campaign involving compromised routers across the globe. This is a complex operation that infects small-office/home-office (SOHO) routers, deploying a Linux-based Remote Access Trojan (RAT) we’ve dubbed “AVrecon.” Apart from a single reference to AVrecon in May 2021, the malware has been operating undetected for more than two years.…

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In this entry, we discuss the findings of our investigation into a piece of a signed rootkit, whose main binary functions as a universal loader that enables attackers to directly load a second-stage unsigned kernel module.

In one of our recent threat hunting investigations, we came across an interesting new threat activity cluster that we initially thought was a false positive detection for a Microsoft signed file.…

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Case Study

WhiteSnake Stealer first appeared on hacking forums at the beginning of February 2022.

The stealer collects data from various browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, CocCoc, and CentBrowser. Besides browsing data, it also collects data from Thunderbird, OBS-Studio, FileZilla, Snowflake-SSH, Steam, Signal, Telegram, Discord, Pidgin, Authy, WinAuth, Outlook, Foxmail, The Bat!,…

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Aqua Nautilus researchers identified an infrastructure of a potentially massive campaign against cloud native environments. This infrastructure is in early stages of testing and deployment, and is mainly consistent of an aggressive cloud worm, designed to deploy on exposed JupyterLab and Docker APIs in order to deploy Tsunami malware, cloud credentials hijack, resource hijack and further infestation of the worm.…

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SALTWATER is a backdoor that has been used in the exploitation of the Barracuda 0-day vulnerability CVE-2023-2868. It is a module for the Barracuda SMTP daemon called bsmtpd. The malware hooked the recv, send, and close functions using an open-source hooking library called funchook. The following functionalities are implemented: execute arbitrary commands, download and upload files, proxy functionality, and tunneling functionality.…

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By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: D. Iuzvyk, T. Peck, O. Kolesnikov

June 21, 2023


MULTI#STORM, an interesting attack campaign involving Python-based loader malware was recently seen being used to deliver Warzone RAT infections using phishing emails.

An interesting phishing campaign was recently analyzed by the Securonix Threat Research Team.…

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Key PointsMystic Stealer is a new information stealer that was first advertised in April 2023 Mystic steals credentials from nearly 40 web browsers and more than 70 browser extensions The malware also targets cryptocurrency wallets, Steam, and Telegram The code is heavily obfuscated making use of polymorphic string obfuscation, hash-based import resolution, and runtime calculation of constants Mystic implements a custom binary protocol that is encrypted with RC4

How do you know when something is in hot demand in the underground economy?…

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On May 23, 2023, Barracuda announced that a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-2868) in the Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG) had been exploited in-the-wild as early as October 2022 and that they engaged Mandiant to assist in the investigation. Through the investigation, Mandiant identified a suspected China-nexus actor, currently tracked as UNC4841, targeting a subset of Barracuda ESG appliances to utilize as a vector for espionage, spanning a multitude of regions and sectors.…

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Key takeawaysThe REF2754 intrusion set leverages multiple PE loaders, backdoors, and PowerShell runners SPECTRALVIPER is a heavily obfuscated, previously undisclosed, x64 backdoor that brings PE loading and injection, file upload and download, file and directory manipulation, and token impersonation capabilities We are attributing REF2754 to a Vietnamese-based intrusion set and aligning with the Canvas Cyclone/APT32/OceanLotus threat actorPreamble

Elastic Security Labs has been tracking an intrusion set targeting large Vietnamese public companies for several months, REF2754.…

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