Broadcom Software, has uncovered a cyber-criminal operation that has potentially made the actors behind it at least $1.7 million in illicit gains from cryptocurrency mining and theft via clipboard hijacking.

The malware being used, tracked by Symantec as Trojan.Clipminer, has a number of similarities to another crypto-mining Trojan called KryptoCibule, suggesting it may be a copycat or evolution of that threat.…

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LuoYu is a lesser-known threat actor that has been active since 2008. It primarily goes after targets located in China, such as foreign diplomatic organizations established in the country, members of the academic community, or companies from the defense, logistics and telecommunications sectors. In their initial disclosures on this threat actor, TeamT5 identified three malware families: SpyDealer, Demsty and WinDealer.…

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During 2019-2021 I was focused on analyzing campaigns orchestrated by the APT-C-36 group and RATs used by this same group and other cybercriminal groups such as RemcosRAT, AsyncRAT, Imminent Monitor RAT, etc. In the last few months I have seen some modifications of TTPs in many of these families that have caught my attention and I wanted to analyze them to see what is new.…

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UNC2165 Overlaps with Evil Corp Activity

OFAC sanctions against Evil Corp in December 2019 were announced in conjunction with the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) unsealing of indictments against individuals for their roles in the Bugat malware operation, updated versions of which were later called DRIDEX. DRIDEX was believed to operate under an affiliate model with multiple actors involved in the distribution of the malware.…

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Black Basta Besting Your Network?

first appeared in April 2022. To date, this group has claimed attribution of 29 different victims across multiple industries using a double extortion strategy where the attackers not only execute ransomware but also steal data and threaten to release it publicly if the ransom demands are not met.…

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An unknown Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group has targeted Russian government entities with at least four separate spear phishing campaigns since late February, 2022.

The campaigns, discovered by the Malwarebytes Threat Intelligence team, are designed to implant a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that can be used to surveil the computers it infects, and run commands on them remotely.…

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In the past two months, we observed multiple APT groups attempting to leverage the Russia and Ukraine war as a lure for espionage operations. It comes as no surprise that Russian entities themselves became an attractive target for spear-phishing campaigns that are exploiting the sanctions imposed on Russia by western countries.…

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Введение Общие сведения Анализ ВПО и инструментов MyKLoadClient Схема 1 Схема 2 Тестовый образец Полезная нагрузка Zupdax Полезная нагрузка Связь с Redsip Связи с Winnti и FF-RAT Связи с Bronze Union и TA428 Загрузчики Downloader.Climax.A Downloader.Climax.B RtlShare Дроппер rtlstat.dll Инжектор rtlmake.dll Полезная нагрузка rtlmain.dll (rtlmainx64.dll) Использование RtlShare PlugX Demo dropper BH_A006 Стадия 0.…
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Update June 2, 2022:

This Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) has been updated with additional indicators of compromise (IOCs) and detection signatures, as well as tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from trusted third parties. 

Update End

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is releasing this CSA to warn organizations that malicious cyber actors, likely advanced persistent threat (APT) actors, are exploiting CVE-2022-22954 and CVE-2022-22960 separately and in combination.…

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This blog post was authored by Hossein Jazi and Jérôme Segura

Populations around the world—and in Europe in particular—are following the crisis in Ukraine very closely, and with events unfolding on a daily basis, people are hungry for information.

Although all countries have reasons to be concerned, the situation is Germany is more complicated than most.…

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Published On : 2022-05-12

Onyx Ransomware Report

Suspected Malware: onyx RansomwareFunction: RansomwareRisk Score: 8Confidence Level: HighThreat actor Associations: Unknown

Executive Summary:

The activity of new ransomware named “Onyx” was first observed in the second half of April 2022. This ransomware group has seven victims listed on its data leak page[.onion…

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Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs captured a phishing campaign that was delivering three fileless malware onto a victim’s device. Once executed, they are able to steal sensitive information from that device.

In this analysis, I’ll reveal how the phishing campaign manages to transfer the fileless malware to the victim’s device, what mechanism it uses to load, deploy, and execute the fileless malware in the target process, and how it maintains persistence on the victim’s device.…

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Key Findings Proofpoint has analyzed a novel malware variant which utilizes significant anti-analysis and anti-reversing capabilities. The malware, written in the Go programming language, uses multiple open-source Go libraries for conducting malicious activities. The malware, called Nerbian remote access trojan (RAT) leverages COVID-19 and World Health Organization themes to spread.…
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Broadcom Software, has observed the North Korea-linked advanced persistent threat (APT) group known as Lazarus conducting an espionage campaign targeting organizations operating within the chemical sector. The campaign appears to be a continuation of Lazarus activity dubbed Operation Dream Job, which was first observed in August 2020.…

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By: Max Malyutin – Orion Threat Research Team Leader 

Cynet’s Threat Research and Intelligence team recently discovered a new malware campaign called BumbleBee. The campaign is unique in its use of Initial Access Brokers’ (IAB) tactics to gain access to victims’ machines. In this post, we will cover what this campaign is, and how the IAB distributes the BumbleBee malware and its TTPs.…

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