April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather.

DEV-0206 is now tracked as Mustard Tempest DEV-0243 is now tracked as Manatee Tempest DEV-0950 is now tracked as Lace Tempest DEV-0651 is now tracked as Storm-0651 DEV-0856 is now tracked as Storm-0856

To learn about how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and to get a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy.…

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2022年4月13日,360Netlab首次向社区披露了Fodcha僵尸网络,在我们的文章发表之后,Fodcha遭受到相关部门的打击,其作者迅速做出回应,在样本中留下Netlab pls leave me alone I surrender字样向我们投降。本以为Fodcha会就此淡出江湖,没想到这次投降只是一个不讲武德的假动作,Fodcha的作者在诈降之后并没有停下更新的脚步,很快就推出了新版本。

在新版本中,Fodcha的作者重新设计了通信协议,并开始使用xxtea和chacha20算法对敏感资源和网络通信进行加密,以躲避文件&流量层面的检测;同时引入了OpenNIC 域名做为主选C2,ICANN 域名做为后备C2的双C2方案。这种冗余机制,既能防止C2被接管,又有良好的健壮性,能够维持其主控网络的稳定。







2022年4月19日,捕获版本V2.x,使用OpenNIC’s TLDs风格的C2(全文简称OpenNIC C2)。

2022年4月24日,捕获版本V3,使用xxtea算法加密配置信息,新增ICANN’s TLDs风格的C2(全文简称ICANN C2),和OpenNIC C2构成冗余机制;新增反沙箱&反调试机制。



2022年7月7日,捕获版本V4.x,额外新增一组ICANN C2。



国外合作伙伴的数据表明Fodcha 4月份时全球日活Bot的数量为6W(参考我们另一篇文章),关于Fodcha僵尸网络的目前规模,我们没有确切的数字,但通过对比Fodcha 4月和10月在C2 IP数量上的差异,我们从技术上出发,有个未经验证的猜测:目前Fodcha的日活Bot数量超过6W。

推测过程如下:僵尸网络的规模与C2 IP的数量存在一个正向关系,最朴素的观点是:“僵尸网络规模越大,所需要的C2基础设施也越多”。在4月份,Fodcha被处置之前,其作者为维持6W的规模,投入了10个C2 IP;随后Fodcha开始了自己的复活之旅,我们观察到一个现象,随着Fodcha的复苏,其C2域名对应的IP在持续增加。时至今日,Fodcha的作者投入了多少C2 IP呢?使用dig命令查询最新的C2域名yellowchinks.dyn的绑定IP,可以看到数量是44。

可以说我们见证了Fodcha的C2 IP一步步从几个增长到今天的40+,可能的解释是作者人傻钱多无脑上资源,但结合其迅猛的传播以及历史上曾看到的万级规模,他们增加C2 IP更可能的原因是因为其僵尸网络规模太大,需要投入更多的IP资源,以使Bot与C2之间在数量上有一个合理比例,达到负载均衡。

综上,我们从C2 IP数量上大幅度的增长,推测目前Fodcha的规模大于4月份,日活Bot数量超过6W。当然再合理的推测也还是假设,欢迎有视野的社区伙伴不吝指正。

回到C2 IP 44这个数字本身,纵然我们和僵尸网络battle多年见多识广,但这个数字依然让我们感到惊讶。世上没有无缘故的爱,光是这些IP资源,就得花费不少的,Fodcha的作者为什么愿意花这个钱呢?答案是DDoS攻击让他赚到了钱。我们节选了2022年6月29至今的数据,其攻击趋势和目标区域分布如下:




攻击指令在7天内的时间分布如下所示,可以看出Fodcha发起的DDoS攻击遍及7 * 24小时,没有明显的时区性,我们倾向Fodcha是一个商业驱动的僵尸网络。


MD5: ea7945724837f019507fd613ba3e1da9 ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped LIB: uclibc PACKER: None version: V4MD5: 899047ddf6f62f07150837aef0c1ebfb ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped Lib: uclibc Packer: None Version: V4.X…
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Most malware implements communication with their C2 server over HTTP(S). Why? Just because it works! But they are multiple ways to implement C2 communications: DNS, P2P, Layer 7 (Twitter), … Another one that has become less popular with time is SMTP (email communications). I spotted a malicious Python script that exchanges information with its C2 server through emails. …

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The Magniber ransomware has recently been evolving rapidly. From changing its file extension, injection and to UAC bypassing techniques, the Magniber ransomware has been rapidly changing to bypass the detection of anti-malware software. This article summarizes the evolution of the Magniber ransomware in the last few months based on the analysis that had been previously performed.…

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Our blog entry provides a look at an attack involving the LV ransomware on a Jordan-based company from an intrusion analysis standpoint


The Trend Micro research team recently analyzed an infection related to the LV ransomware group, a ransomware as a service (RaaS) operation that has been active since late 2020, and is reportedly  based on REvil (aka Sodinokibi).…

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In April, VMware patched a vulnerability CVE-2022-22954. It causes server-side template injection because of the lack of sanitization on parameters “deviceUdid” and “devicetype”. It allows attackers to inject a payload and achieve remote code execution on VMware Workspace ONE Access and Identity Manager. FortiGuard Labs published Threat Signal Report about it and also developed IPS signature in April.…

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On October 17, 2022, the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team began monitoring for activity targeting CVE-2022-42889, or “Text4Shell” on our network of 4 million websites. We started seeing activity targeting this vulnerability on October 18, 2022.

Text4Shell is a vulnerability in the Apache Commons Text library versions 1.5 through 1.9 that can be used to achieve remote code execution.…

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Recently, Zscaler ThreatLabz discovered a new malware being used by the SideWinder APT threat group in campaigns targeting Pakistan: a backdoor we’ve called “WarHawk.” SideWinder APT, aka Rattlesnake or T-APT4, is a suspected Indian Threat Actor Group active since at least 2012, with a history of targeting government, military, and businesses throughout Asia, particularly Pakistan.…

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Malware Family PDB Path / Project PathCarberp bootkit.old/FJ/ISFB d:workprojectsbk2binreleasei386FJ.pdb (The bk2 project name in the file path stands for “Bootkit v2”)

FJ.exe is the tool responsible for creating the JJ, J1, J2, or WD fields on URSNIF payloads based on the variant. But in LDR4 those magic bytes are missing, and the hidden files usually hardcoded at the end of the payload are now gone.…

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ESET-Forscher entdeckten und analysierten eine Reihe bösartiger Tools, die von der berüchtigten Lazarus APT-Gruppe bei Angriffen im Herbst 2021 eingesetzt wurden. Die Kampagne begann mit Spearphishing-E-Mails. Diese kamen in Form von gefälschten Amazon-Mails und zielten auf einen Mitarbeiter eines Luft- und Raumfahrtunternehmens in den Niederlanden und einen politischen Journalisten in Belgien ab.…

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Executive Summary

Ransom Cartel is ransomware as a service (RaaS) that surfaced in mid-December 2021. This ransomware performs double extortion attacks and exhibits several similarities and technical overlaps with REvil ransomware. REvil ransomware disappeared just a couple of months before Ransom Cartel surfaced and just one month after 14 of its alleged members were arrested in Russia.…

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A new adversary simulation tool is steadily growing in the ranks of popularity among red teamers and most recently adversaries. Brute Ratel states on its website that it “is the most advanced Red Team & Adversary Simulation Software in the current C2 Market.” Many of these products are marketed to assist blue teams in validating detection, prevention, and gaps of coverage.…

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Windows Shortcut files used to deliver payload

Online digital tools are used by many people today simply due to their ease of use and the fact that they provide a platform for the user to perform various operations effectively. These tools are web-based software hosted on websites and can be accessed via the internet without having to download and install anything on the user’s machine.…

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