New research from Recorded Future’s Insikt Group examines newly discovered infrastructure related to the operators of Predator, a mercenary mobile spyware. This infrastructure is believed to be in use in at least eleven countries, including Angola, Armenia, Botswana, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Oman, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Trinidad and Tobago.…

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Brave Software is the next company to jump into AI, announcing a new privacy-preserving AI assistant called “Leo” is rolling out on the Android version of its browser through the latest release, version 1.63.

Leo can perform a wide range of tasks, including summarizing webpages or videos, answering questions on given content, translating pages, writing code, creating transcriptions from video or audio clips, and generating written content.…

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Lookout recently discovered an advanced phishing kit exhibiting novel tactics to target cryptocurrency platforms as well as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) via mobile devices. Following the tactics of groups like Scattered Spider, this kit enables attackers to build carbon copies of single sign-on (SSO) pages, then use a combination of email, SMS, and voice phishing to trick the target into sharing usernames, passwords, password reset URLs and even photo IDs from hundreds of victims, mostly in the United States.…

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Significant Increase in Attacks: In the first month of 2024, attempts to attack Web APIs impacted 1 in 4.6 organizations worldwide every week, marking a 20% increase compared to January 2023, highlighting the growing risk associated with API vulnerabilities. Industry-Wide Impact: Education leads as the most impacted sector, with most sectors having a double-digit surge in attacks from last year.…
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Today Mandiant is releasing a blog post about suspected Iran-nexus espionage activity targeting the aerospace, aviation and defense industries in Middle East countries, including Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and potentially Turkey, India, and Albania. 

Mandiant attributes this activity with moderate confidence to the Iranian actor UNC1549, which overlaps with Tortoiseshell—a threat actor that has been publicly linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).…

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In Q4 2023, the MS-ISAC reported changes in the Top 10 Malware, with SocGholish remaining the most prevalent, comprising 60% of incidents. New entries included Arechclient2 and Pegasus, while Malvertisement emerged as the leading infection vector. The report emphasizes the importance of understanding malware behavior and infection methods to enhance cybersecurity defenses.…
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Tangerine suffered a data breach that exposed the personal information of roughly 230,000 individuals.

The security breach occurred on Sunday 18 February 2024, but Tangerine management became aware of the incident on Tuesday 20 February 2024.  

The telco notified the Australian Cyber Security Centre and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. …

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Table of contentsIntroduction

Scattered Spider (aka UNC3944, Scatter Swine, Muddled Libra, Octo Tempest, Oktapus, StarFraud) is a lucrative intrusion set active since at least May 2022, primarily engaged in social engineering, ransomware, extortion campaigns and other advanced techniques.

The intrusion set employs state-of-the-art techniques, particularly related to social engineering, such as impersonation of IT personnel to deceive employees for targeted phishing, SIM swapping, leverage of MFA fatigue, and contact with victims’ support teams.…

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Identifier: TRR240201.


Following an X post by IntezerLab about an attack campaign that they dubbed “SameCoin”, we analyzed the samples they discovered and found a few identical variants. The infection vector appears to be an email impersonating the Israeli National Cyber Directorate, which tricks the reader into downloading malicious files which are presented as ‘security patches’.…

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Though QR codes were once on the verge of extinction, many consumers are used to seeing them in the wild for ordering at restaurants, or as mainstays on storefront doors informing customers how they can sign up for a newsletter or score a sweet deal.

The use of QR codes saw a resurgence during the COVID-19 pandemic as a non-contact way for consumers to obtain important information.…

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Key Takeaways As per our initial observations, this campaign employs language-specific HTML files to trap unsuspecting victims, tailoring its approach based on linguistic nuances.  Through the strategic embedding of zip archives within HTML files, the campaign orchestrates a series of intricate infiltration maneuvers, evading detection and executing malicious payloads. …
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