First identified in 2014 (as the Geodo banking Trojan) and considered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be one of the “most costly and destructive malwares” in the world, Emotet appears to be back after four months of inactivity.

Indeed, the spam campaigns had come to an abrupt halt on July 13th, 2022, after being responsible for the compromise of more than one million computers worldwide.…

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USB Spreading

As Mandiant recently wrote about in our blog post, Always Another Secret: Lifting the Haze on China-nexus Espionage in Southeast Asia, USB spreading malware continues to be a useful vector to gain initial access into organizations. In this incident, a USB infected with several strains of older malware was inserted at a Ukrainian organization in December 2021.…

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In late August 2022, we investigated an incident involving Ursnif malware, which resulted in Cobalt Strike being deployed. This was followed by the threat actors moving laterally throughout the environment using an admin account.

The Ursnif malware family (also commonly referred to as Gozi or ISFB) is one of the oldest banking trojans still active today.…

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We look into some of the implementations that cybercriminals use to bypass the Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) and how security teams can detect threats attempting to abuse it for compromise with Trend Micro Vision One™.

Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) is an agnostic security feature in the Windows operating system (OS) that allows applications and services to integrate with security products installed on a computer.…

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ESET researchers discovered a spearphishing campaign, launched in the weeks leading up to the Japanese House of Councillors election in July 2022, by the APT group that ESET Research tracks as MirrorFace. The campaign, which we have named Operation LiberalFace, targeted Japanese political entities; our investigation revealed that the members of a specific political party were of particular focus in this campaign.…

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Cloud Atlas (or Inception) is a cyber-espionage group. Since its discovery in 2014, they have launched multiple, highly targeted attacks on critical infrastructure across geographical zones and political conflicts. The group’s tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) have remained relatively static over the years. However, since the rapid escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2021 and especially after the outbreak of war in February 2022, the scope of the group’s activities has narrowed significantly, with a clear focus on Russia, Belarus and conflicted areas in Ukraine and Moldova.…

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MuddyWater, also known as Static Kitten and Mercury, is a cyber espionage group that’s most likely a subordinate element within Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).

Since at least 2017 MuddyWater has targeted a range of government and private organizations across sectors, including telecommunications, local government, defense, and oil and natural gas organizations, in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.…

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Executive Summary

Cloud breaches often stem from misconfigured storage services or exposed credentials. A growing trend of attacks specifically targets cloud compute services to steal associated credentials and illicitly gain access to cloud infrastructure. These attacks could cost targeted organizations both in terms of unexpected charges for extra cloud resources added by the threat actor, as well as time required to remediate the damage.…

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On December 1, 2022, CISA and FBI released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) on Cuba ransomware [1]. Security researchers have track downed a new variant of the Cuba ransomware as Tropical Scorpius. This Cuba ransomware group mainly targets manufacturing, professional and legal services, financial services, construction, high technology, and healthcare sectors [2].…

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ESET researchers discovered a new wiper and its execution tool, both attributed to the Agrius APT group, while analyzing a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software developer. The group is known for its destructive operations.

In February 2022, Agrius began targeting Israeli HR and IT consulting firms, and users of an Israeli software suite used in the diamond industry.…

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Published On : 2022-09-25

Erbium Stealer Malware Report Executive Summary

The Erbium malware is an information-stealer/ info stealer, which is distributed as Malware-as- a-Service (MaaS). CYFIRMA research team observed this malware binary in Aug-2022 while carrying out threat hunting activities. The team has also observed the stealer malware being advertised on Russian-speaking hacker forums.…

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Threat Actors using Shortened URLs to infect Users

Deceptive phishing is the preferred way for cybercriminals to distribute malware since luring the victim into clicking a link in a likely phishing SMS or Email is easier. The Threat Actor(TA) usually uses brand impersonation in phishing campaigns to trick the users into believing that they are reputed and legitimate.…

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The holiday season seems to be at an ebb for the Aviation Industry in Southeast Asia, as two low-cost carriers faced ransomware attacks this week.

Ransomware is a daunting threat that has loomed over strategic industries, including Aviation, in 2022. In our previous blog, we covered the emerging threats to the Aviation industry and predicted an increase in large-scale cyber-attacks on the sector.…

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