Threat Actors Leveraging DLL-SideLoading to Deliver Malware

During a routine threat-hunting exercise, Cyble Research Labs came across a Twitter post wherein a researcher shared new IoCs related to the infamous Qakbot malware.

For initial infection, Qakbot uses an email mass spamming campaign. The Qakbot Threat Actors (TAs) have continuously evolved their infection techniques ever since it was initially identified in the wild.…

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By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: D. Iuzvyk, T. Peck, O. Kolesnikov

Last Updated: July 20, 2022


The Securonix Threat Research (STR) team has been observing and investigating a new attack campaign exploiting high-value targets, including Czech Republic, Poland, and other countries. The attack campaign has been tracked by STR as STIFF#BIZON.…

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Redeemer 2.0 being distributed via Affiliate Program

Cyble Research Labs has constantly been tracking emerging threats as well as their delivery mechanisms from Ransomware groups, RATs, etc. During a routine threat-hunting exercise, we came across the latest version of Redeemer ransomware on darkweb cybercrime forums. The below figure shows a post made by the Redeemer Ransomware Developer named “Cerebrate” on a cybercrime forum.…

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Organizations around the world rely on the use of trusted, reliable online storage services – such as DropBox and Google Drive – to conduct day-to-day operations. However, our latest research shows that threat actors are finding ways to take advantage of that trust to make their attacks extremely difficult to detect and prevent.…

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By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck

July 5, 2022


A new malware loader named BumbleBee is actively being used to target businesses using mass phishing or spear-phishing campaigns as an initial attack vector. Malware loaders (or droppers) are commonly used by ransomware groups and other APTs to distribute payloads as they are extremely effective during the initial stages of compromise.…

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During our routine threat-hunting exercise, Cyble Research Labs came across a Twitter post wherein a researcher mentioned an interesting infection chain of Xloader malware.

The malware uses multiple file types such as PDF, XLSX, and RTF for its initial infection and execution. It is also designed to drop three modules in memory and execute the final payload using the Process-Hollowing technique.…

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During our routine Threat-Hunting exercise, Cyble Research Labs came across a new stealer named “PennyWise” shared by a researcher. The stealer appears to have been developed recently. Though this stealer is fresh, the Threat Actor(s) (TA) has already rolled an updated version, 1.3.4.

Our investigation indicates that the stealer is an emerging threat, and we have witnessed multiple samples of this stealer active in the wild.…

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Since the last quarter of 2020 MuddyWater has maintained a “long-term” infection campaign targeting Middle East countries. We have gathered samples from November 2020 to January 2022, and due to the recent samples found, it seems that this campaign might still be currently active. The latest campaigns of the Muddy Water threat group, allegedly sponsored by the Iranian government and linked to the Iranian revolutionary guard (the main armed forces of the Iranian government), could be framed within the dynamics of maintaining Iran’s regional sovereignty.…

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FortiGuard Labs has encountered version 3.0 of what is now dubbed IceXLoader, a new malware loader being advertised in malware hacking forums.

IceXLoader is a commercial malware used to download and deploy additional malware on infected machines. The latest version is written in Nim, a relatively new language utilized by threat actors the past two years, most notably by the NimzaLoader variant of BazarLoader used by the TrickBot group.…

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Check Point Research uncovers a recent Iranian-based spear-phishing operation aimed against former Israeli officials, high-ranking military personnel, research fellows in research institutions, think tanks, and against Israeli citizens. The attacks use a custom phishing infrastructure, as well as a wide array of fake email accounts to impersonate trusted parties.…

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Rootkits are dangerous pieces of malware. Once in place, they are usually really hard to detect. Their code is typically more challenging to write than other malware, so developers resort to code reuse from open source projects. As rootkits are very interesting to analyze, we are always looking out for these kinds of samples in the wild.…

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Active since 2017, Lyceum group is a state-sponsored Iranian APT group that is known for targeting Middle Eastern organizations in the energy and telecommunication sectors and mostly relying on .NET based malwares. 

Zscaler ThreatLabz recently observed a new campaign where the Lyceum Group was utilizing a newly developed and customized .NET…

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To better detect attacks that affect the actions of signed applications – such as supply-chain attacks, dynamic-link libraries (DLL) hijacking, exploitation and malicious thread injection – we have devised a suite of analytics detectors that are able to detect global statistical anomalies.…

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