Whether you want to block ads, keep a to-do list or check your spelling, browser extensions allow you to do all of the above and more, improving convenience, productivity and efficiency for free, which is why they are so popular. Chrome, Safari, Mozilla — these and many other major Web browsers — have their own online stores to distribute thousands of extensions, and the most popular plug-ins there reach over 10 million users.…
The DoNot Team (a.k.a APT-C-35) are advanced persistent threat actors who’ve been active since at least 2016. They’ve targeted many attacks against individuals and organizations in South Asia. DoNot are reported to be the main developers and users of Windows and Android spyware frameworks [1][2][3].…
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Executive SummaryBeginning in early May 2022, Unit 42 observed a threat actor deploying Cuba Ransomware using novel tools and techniques. Using our naming schema, Unit 42 tracks the threat actor as Tropical Scorpius.
Here, we start with an overview of the ransomware and focus on an evolution of behavior observed leading up to deployment of Cuba Ransomware.…
Taking its name from “Gwisin,” a Korean term for “ghost” or “spirit,” GwisinLocker is a new ransomware family that targets South Korean industrial and pharmaceutical companies. …
For each discovered drive, ROADSWEEP will initialize a new thread which is responsible for encrypting all files within that drive. This thread enumerates the file system using the Windows FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW APIs. For each root directory, a ransomware note is created with the content and filename noted above.…
This paper investigates a recent Emotet intrusion and details how the final Emotet payload is installed onto the system. The key observations are:
Obfuscated Excel macros used to download and run the Emotet loader. Emotet loader executed using regsvr32.exe. Encrypted Emotet payload embedded in loader’s .rsrc…In this blog, the Qualys Research Team explains the mechanics of a Linux malware variant named BPFdoor. We then demonstrate the efficacy of Qualys Custom Assessment and Remediation to detect it, and Qualys Multi-Vector EDR to protect against it.
BPFDoor is a Linux/Unix backdoor that allows threat actors to remotely connect to a Linux shell to gain complete access to a compromised device.…
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Ukrainians have been under a nearly constant barrage of cyber attacks. Working jointly with Ukrainian organizations, Cisco Talos has discovered a fairly uncommon piece of malware targeting Ukraine — this time aimed at a large software development company whose software is used in various state organizations within Ukraine.…
Upon execution of Base-Update.exe, it proceeds to download, Base64-decode, and execute another time stomped downloader written in Go from with the arguments –a 0CyCcrhI/6B5wKE8XLOd+w==:
%TEMP%java-sdk.exe (MD5: 36ff9ec87c458d6d76b2afbd5120dfae) Downloader written in Go Base64 encoded – MD5: 2f14b3d5ab01568e2707925783f8eafe Compile time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 C&C: sets persistence for itself via setting a Run registry key.…
Over the last month a crimeware group best known as 8220 Gang has expanded their botnet to roughly 30,000 hosts globally through the use of Linux and common cloud application vulnerabilities and poorly secured configurations. In a recent campaign, the group was observed making use of a new version of the IRC botnet, PwnRig cryptocurrency miner, and its generic infection script.…
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Executive SummaryOrganizations around the world rely on the use of trusted, reliable online storage services – such as DropBox and Google Drive – to conduct day-to-day operations. However, our latest research shows that threat actors are finding ways to take advantage of that trust to make their attacks extremely difficult to detect and prevent.…
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) are releasing this joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to provide information on Maui ransomware, which has been used by North Korean state-sponsored cyber actors since at least May 2021 to target Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) Sector organizations.…
By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck
July 5, 2022
IntroductionA new malware loader named BumbleBee is actively being used to target businesses using mass phishing or spear-phishing campaigns as an initial attack vector. Malware loaders (or droppers) are commonly used by ransomware groups and other APTs to distribute payloads as they are extremely effective during the initial stages of compromise.…
Without doubt, one of the hottest and most stressful regions on the planet currently is Eastern Europe. The military conflict that has been ongoing for more than 4 months has unfortunately claimed many victims and is fueling an economic and food crisis in several nations spanning across the globe.…
Following on from our earlier Owowa discovery, we continued to hunt for more backdoors potentially set up as malicious modules within IIS, a popular web server edited by Microsoft. And we didn’t come back empty-handed…
In 2021, we noticed a trend among several threat actors for deploying a backdoor within IIS after exploiting one of the ProxyLogon-type vulnerabilities within Microsoft Exchange servers.…
Since the last quarter of 2020 MuddyWater has maintained a “long-term” infection campaign targeting Middle East countries. We have gathered samples from November 2020 to January 2022, and due to the recent samples found, it seems that this campaign might still be currently active. The latest campaigns of the Muddy Water threat group, allegedly sponsored by the Iranian government and linked to the Iranian revolutionary guard (the main armed forces of the Iranian government), could be framed within the dynamics of maintaining Iran’s regional sovereignty.…
ToddyCat is a relatively new APT actor that we have not been able to relate to other known actors, responsible for multiple sets of attacks detected since December 2020 against high-profile entities in Europe and Asia. We still have little information about this actor, but we know that its main distinctive signs are two formerly unknown tools that we call ‘Samurai backdoor’ and ‘Ninja Trojan’.…
Resecurity, Inc. (USA) has identified a spike in phishing content delivered via Azure Front Door (AFD), a cloud CDN service provided by Microsoft. The identified resources in one of the malicious campaigns impersonates various services appearing to be legitimately created on the “azurefd.net” domain – This allows the bad actors to trick users and spread phishing content to intercept credentials from business applications and e-mail accounts.…