The ASEC analysis team has discovered that PseudoManuscrypt malware was being distributed in Korea since May 2021. Introduced in the previous ASEC blog, PseudoManuscrypt is disguised as an installer that is similar to a form of Cryptbot, and is being distributed. Not only is its file form similar to Cryptbot, but it is also distributed via malicious sites exposed on the top search page when users search commercial software-related illegal programs such as Crack and Keygen.…

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Over the past year, FortiEDR has prevented multiple attacks that attempted to exploit various Microsoft Exchange server vulnerabilities, some of which we have previously covered.

Among these attacks, we identified a campaign operated by Moses Staff, a geo-political motivated threat group believed to be sponsored by the Iranian government.…

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Executive Summary Our research attributes a decade of activity to a threat actor we call ModifiedElephant. ModifiedElephant is responsible for targeted attacks on human rights activists, human rights defenders, academics, and lawyers across India with the objective of planting incriminating digital evidence. ModifiedElephant has been operating since at least 2012, and has repeatedly targeted specific individuals.…
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In recent months, there has been continuous media coverage of the geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe around the threats of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. As one may expect, there has been an observable uptick in cyberattacks on related government networks and personnel. One notable case is the so-called “#WhisperGate” malware which is destructive to the systems which it infects.…

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Key Findings   Proofpoint researchers have tracked a persistent cybercrime threat actor targeting aviation, aerospace, transportation, manufacturing, and defense industries for years.   The threat actor consistently uses remote access trojans (RATs) that can be used to remotely control compromised machines.   The threat actor uses consistent themes related to aviation, transportation, and travel.…
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Research by: Aliaksandr Trafimchuk, Raman Ladutska

This research comes as a follow-up to our previous article on Trickbot,  “When Old Friends Meet Again: Why Emotet Chose Trickbot For Rebirth” where we provided an overview of the Trickbot infrastructure after its takedown. Check Point Research (CPR) now sheds some light on the technical details of key Trickbot modules.…

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Recently, we’ve been researching several threat actors operating in South Asia: Transparent Tribe, SideCopy, etc., that deploy a range of remote access trojans (RATs). After a hunting session in our malware sample repositories and VirusTotal while looking into these actors, we gathered a small collection of VBA code samples that eventually allowed us to connect certain IOCs to individual threat actors based on the final payload, victimology and submission locations.…

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Key Takeaways   TA402, a likely Palestinian-aligned advance persistent threat actor, has recently engaged in campaigns leveraging a new implant, dubbed by Proofpoint analysts as NimbleMamba.  NimbleMamba is likely a replacement for the group’s previously used LastConn implant.   These campaigns have a complex attack chain that leverages geofencing and URL redirects to legitimate sites in order to bypass detection efforts. …
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In August 2021, a disgruntled CONTI affiliate leaked training documents, playbooks, and tools used to assist in CONTI ransomware operations. Mandiant has determined that some of the activity listed above overlaps with techniques in the playbooks disclosed in August.

At this time, due to the public release of this information, other unaffiliated actors may be replicating the techniques for their own motives and objectives.…

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[UPDATE] On February 4, 2022, Zimbra provided an update regarding this zero-day exploit vulnerability and reported that a hotfix for 8.8.15 P30 would be available on February 5, 2022. This vulnerability was later assigned CVE-2022-24682 and was fixed in version 8.8.15P30 Update 2 of Zimbra Collaboration Suite.…

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Over the past months, the Cybereason Nocturnus Team observed an uptick in the activity of the Iranian attributed group dubbed Phosphorus (AKA Charming Kitten, APT35), known for previously attacking medical research organizations in the US and Israel in late 2020, and for targeting academic researchers from the US, France, and the Middle East region back in 2019.…

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Cisco Talos has observed a new campaign targeting Turkish private organizations  alongside governmental institutions.

Talos attributes this campaign with high confidence to MuddyWater — an APT group recently attributed to Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) by the U.S. Cyber Command. This campaign utilizes malicious PDFs, XLS files and Windows executables to deploy malicious PowerShell-based downloaders acting as initial footholds into the target’s enterprise.…
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Broadcom Software, has found evidence of attempted attacks against a number of organizations in the country.

Active since at least 2013, Shuckworm specializes in cyber-espionage campaigns mainly against entities in Ukraine. The group is known to use phishing emails to distribute either freely available remote access tools, including Remote Manipulator System (RMS) and UltraVNC, or customized malware called Pterodo/Pteranodon to targets.…

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StellarParticle is a campaign tracked by CrowdStrike as related to the SUNSPOT implant from the SolarWinds intrusion in December 2020 and associated with COZY BEAR (aka APT29, “The Dukes”).  The StellarParticle campaign has continued against multiple organizations, with COZY BEAR using novel tools and techniques to complete their objectives, as identified by CrowdStrike incident responders and the CrowdStrike Intelligence team.…
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Morphisec, through its breach prevention with Moving Target Defense technology, has identified a new, sophisticated campaign delivery which has been successfully evading the radar of many security vendors. Through a simple email phishing tactic with an html attachment, threat attackers are delivering AsyncRAT (a remote access trojan) designed to remotely monitor and control its infected computers through a secure, encrypted connection.…

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