Water Orthrus has been active recently with two new campaigns. CopperStealth uses a rootkit to install malware on infected systems, while CopperPhish steals credit card information. This blog will provide the structure of the campaign and how they work.

Since 2021, we have been tracking the activities of a threat actor we called Water Orthrus, which distributed CopperStealer malware via pay-per-install (PPI) networks.…

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By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: D. Iuzvyk, T. Peck, O. Kolesnikov


An unusual attack/phishing campaign delivering malware while using meme-filled code and complex obfuscation methods continues dropping Xworm payloads for the last few months and is still ongoing today.


For the last few months, an interesting and ongoing attack campaign was identified and tracked by the Securonix Threat Research team.…

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Authored by: Anandeshwar Unnikrishnan

Stage 1: GULoader Shellcode Deployment 

In recent GULoader campaigns, we are seeing a rise in NSIS-based installers delivered via E-mail as malspam that use plugin libraries to execute the GU shellcode on the victim system. The NSIS scriptable installer is a highly efficient software packaging utility.…

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Executive Summary

Royal ransomware has been involved in high-profile attacks against critical infrastructure, especially healthcare, since it was first observed in September 2022. Bucking the popular trend of hiring affiliates to promote their threat as a service, Royal ransomware operates as a private group made up of former members of Conti.…

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  Executive Summary

On 21st March 2023, EclecticIQ researchers detected a spearphishing email targeting the healthcare industry in Poland. The spoofed email was designed to appear as legitimately sent from a Polish government entity called the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ). 

The email contained a malicious Microsoft Excel XLL attachment that can download and execute Vidar Infostealer malware upon user execution.…

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Infoblox analyzes over 70 billion DNS records each day, along with millions of domain-related records from other sources, to identify suspicious and malicious domains throughout the internet. Our algorithms work in series, making near-real time decisions on some domains using our Threat Insight infrastructure, while other decisions are made over time, leveraging a longitudinal profile of the domain.…

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By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck, Oleg Kolesnikov


The Securonix Threat Research team (STR) has recently observed a new attack campaign tracked by Securonix as OCX#HARVESTER. Some of the malicious payloads leveraged as part of the attack campaign observed appear to be related to the More_eggs malicious payloads reported earlier [1].…

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Over the past several months, Sophos X-Ops has investigated multiple incidents where attackers attempted to disable EDR clients with a new defense evasion tool we’ve dubbed AuKill. The AuKill tool abuses an outdated version of the driver used by version 16.32 of the Microsoft utility, Process Explorer, to disable EDR processes before deploying either a backdoor or ransomware on the target system.…

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Over the past several months, Microsoft has observed a mature subgroup of Mint Sandstorm, an Iranian nation-state actor previously tracked as PHOSPHORUS, refining its tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Specifically, this subset has rapidly weaponized N-day vulnerabilities in common enterprise applications and conducted highly-targeted phishing campaigns to quickly and successfully access environments of interest.…

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Key Takeaways Trigona is a ransomware family written in the Delphi programming language that has been active since at least June 2022 The Trigona threat group claims to perform double extortion attacks by combining data exfiltration with file encryption Trigona utilizes 4,112-bit RSA and 256-bit AES encryption in OFB mode for file encryption The file decryption process is fairly convoluted with a tool that requires several steps to function properly The ransomware has been regularly updated with new capabilities including a new data wiper feature

Zscaler ThreatLabz has been tracking the Trigona ransomware family, which dates back to June 2022.…

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The underground intelligence was obtained by N07_4_B07.

Another day, another ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) provider, or so it seems. We’ve observed the “Read The Manual” (RTM) Locker gang, previously known for their e-crime activities, targeting corporate environments with their ransomware, and forcing their affiliates to follow a strict ruleset.…

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Executive summary

TEHTRIS Threat Hunters analyzed illicit cryptomining activity targeting Linux-based machines. The attack happened on one of our high interaction honeypots hosted in France in mid-January across a short timeframe (less than 5 minutes). Our honeypot was a Linux under Ubuntu 22.04. The cybercriminal group behind this attack employs a strategy to optimize the use of the compromised device’s resources.…

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In a recent TLP:CLEAR publication the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and CERT-EU warned about malicious activities against EU governments and businesses attributed to Chinese Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups. In contrast to other nation state-backed Threat Groups from e.g. North Korea, who seek to profit financially from cyber attacks, Chinese Threat Actors are motivated to conduct political and industrial espionage and establish long-term persistence.…

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Executive Summary

Unit 42 recently discovered a malware campaign targeting Portuguese speakers, which aims to redirect cryptocurrency away from legitimate users’ wallets and into wallets controlled by threat actors instead. To do this, the campaign uses a type of malware known as a cryptocurrency clipper, which monitors the victim’s clipboard for signs that a cryptocurrency wallet address is being copied.…

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