
Rootkits are malware implants which burrow themselves in the deepest corners of the operating system. Although on paper they may seem attractive to attackers, creating them poses significant technical challenges and the slightest programming error has the potential to completely crash the victim machine. In our APT predictions for 2022, we noted that despite these risks, we expected more attackers to reach the sophistication level required to develop such tools.…

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Our X-Ops teams – SophosLabs, SecOps (Sophos Managed Threat Response [MTR] and Sophos Rapid Response), and Sophos AI – operate in a virtuous Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, building on each teams’ work to improve customer protections. A recent set of investigations illustrates our OODA-loop process: Attacks against a pair of vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL were researched, documented, and addressed proactively.…

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Following on from our earlier Owowa discovery, we continued to hunt for more backdoors potentially set up as malicious modules within IIS, a popular web server edited by Microsoft. And we didn’t come back empty-handed…

In 2021, we noticed a trend among several threat actors for deploying a backdoor within IIS after exploiting one of the ProxyLogon-type vulnerabilities within Microsoft Exchange servers.…

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ToddyCat is a relatively new APT actor that we have not been able to relate to other known actors, responsible for multiple sets of attacks detected since December 2020 against high-profile entities in Europe and Asia. We still have little information about this actor, but we know that its main distinctive signs are two formerly unknown tools that we call ‘Samurai backdoor’ and ‘Ninja Trojan’.…

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Executive Summary Aoqin Dragon, a threat actor SentinelLabs has been extensively tracking, has operated since 2013 targeting government, education, and telecommunication organizations in Southeast Asia and Australia. Aoqin Dragon seeks initial access primarily through document exploits and the use of fake removable devices. Other techniques the attacker has been observed using include DLL hijacking, Themida-packed files, and DNS tunneling to evade post-compromise detection.…
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奇安信威胁情报中心曾在2021年曾经发表过《Operation Magichm:浅谈蔓灵花组织的CHM文件投放与后续操作》一文,时隔一年我们发现蔓灵花团伙(APT-Q-37)在四月份最新的攻击活动中使用了新的攻击手法和样本,除此之外文末还会对摩耶象(APT-Q-41)近期的钓鱼活动和响尾蛇(APT-Q-39)今年以来的基础设施进行分享。






除了chm,蔓灵花还投递了带有DDE auto的文档作为附件。仿冒军工企业以推销反无人机系统为主题向军贸客户(孟加拉空军)投递钓鱼邮件。











Technical Proposal of Portable Anti-Drone System.docx



China Great Wall Industry Corp (CGWIC) Profile and POC.docx



Payment  Detail.docx



Invitation to Visit Bangladesh(Officials of Chinaship).docx…

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LuoYu is a lesser-known threat actor that has been active since 2008. It primarily goes after targets located in China, such as foreign diplomatic organizations established in the country, members of the academic community, or companies from the defense, logistics and telecommunications sectors. In their initial disclosures on this threat actor, TeamT5 identified three malware families: SpyDealer, Demsty and WinDealer.…

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In the past two months, we observed multiple APT groups attempting to leverage the Russia and Ukraine war as a lure for espionage operations. It comes as no surprise that Russian entities themselves became an attractive target for spear-phishing campaigns that are exploiting the sanctions imposed on Russia by western countries.…

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Recently, CNCERT and 360netlab worked together and discovered a rapidly spreading DDoS botnet on the Internet. The global infection looks fairly big as just in China there are more than 10,000 daily active bots (IPs) and alsomore than 100 DDoS victims beingtargeted on a daily basis.…

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For over a decade, the PlugX malware has been observed internationally with different variants found around the world. This blog covers a PlugX variant that we have named Talisman, a name we based on comparisons with other PlugX variants, and its rather long life since it first emerged in 2008.…

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Geopolitical tensions often make headlines and present a golden opportunity for threat actors to exploit the situation, especially those targeting high-profile victims. In the past month while the Russian invasion of Ukraine was unfolding, Check Point Research (CPR) has observed advanced persistent threat (APT) groups around the world launching new campaigns, or quickly adapting ongoing ones to target victims with spear-phishing emails using the war as a lure.…

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One Hotel to rule them all, One Hotel to find them, One Hotel to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.


Our advanced threat research team has discovered a first-stage malicious campaign targeting luxury hotels in Macao, China since the latter half of November 2021.…

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The DirtyMoe malware is deployed using various kits like PurpleFox or injected installers of Telegram Messenger that require user interaction. Complementary to this deployment, one of the DirtyMoe modules expands the malware using worm-like techniques that require no user interaction.

This research analyzes this worming module’s kill chain and the procedures used to launch/control the module through the DirtyMoe service.…

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