Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs captured a phishing email as part of a phishing campaign spreading a new variant of QakBot. Also known as QBot, QuackBot, or Pinkslipbot, QakBot is an information stealer and banking Trojan that has been captured and analyzed by security researchers since 2007.

I performed a deep analysis on this phishing campaign and the new QakBot variant using the captured email.…

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During our routine Threat-Hunting exercise, Cyble Research Labs came across a new stealer named “PennyWise” shared by a researcher. The stealer appears to have been developed recently. Though this stealer is fresh, the Threat Actor(s) (TA) has already rolled an updated version, 1.3.4.

Our investigation indicates that the stealer is an emerging threat, and we have witnessed multiple samples of this stealer active in the wild.…

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The ASEC analysis team has previously uploaded posts about various malware types that are being distributed by disguising themselves as software cracks and installers. CryptBot, RedLine, and Vidar are major example cases. Recently, a single malware type of RedLine has disappeared (it is still being distributed as a dropper type) and a new infostealer malware is being actively distributed instead.…

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Adversaries don’t work 9-5 and neither do we. At eSentire, our 24/7 SOCs are staffed with Elite Threat Hunters and Cyber Analysts who hunt, investigate, contain and respond to threats within minutes.

We have discovered some of the most dangerous threats and nation state attacks in our space – including the Kaseya MSP breach and the more_eggs malware.…

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Since May 2022, ThreatLabz has been closely monitoring the activities of a threat actor which targets users in various US-based organizations with malicious voicemail-notification-themed emails in an attempt to steal their Office365 and Outlook credentials. The tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of this threat actor have a high overlap with a previous voicemail campaign that ThreatLabz analyzed in July 2020.…

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Author: S2W TALON

Last Modified : 2022.06.16.

Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash Executive Summary On March 25, 2022, the operator of Raccoon Stealer, who was active on the dark web forum, temporarily suspended his activities since a key developer died in the Russia-Ukraine War. On May 17, 2022, the operator mentioned that the development of a new version of the stealer was completed, and uploaded details of changes, improvements, and prices to their Telegram channel.…
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We found updated samples of the CopperStealer malware infecting systems via websites hosting fake software.

We noticed a new version of CopperStealer and analyzed these samples to be related to a previous campaign we’ve documented. We examined this new version reusing parts of code and observed the following similarities from previous versions:

The same cryptor Use of Data Encryption Standard (DES) with the same key The same name of the DLL export function (for later versions of CopperStealer) Data exfiltration to a Telegram channel (for later versions of CopperStealer) Use of the executable utility MiniThunderPlatform

First Stage: Cryptor

We observed CopperStealer‘s binary being encrypted and appended to a legitimate application with its entry point overwritten by a shellcode.…

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Purple Fox malware was first discovered in 2018 and was delivered by RIG EK (Exploit Kit). However, it has now become an independent malware with its own exploit kit framework. Like many other exploit kits, Purple Fox is regularly updating its capabilities by using different exploits that are available in the wild to obtain remote code execution and privilege escalation on vulnerable machines as well as installing backdoors and propagating to other machines.…

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This blog post was authored by Jérôme Segura

There are many techniques threat actors use to slow down analysis or, even better, evade detection. Perhaps the most popular method is to detect virtual machines commonly used by security researchers and sandboxing solutions.

Reverse engineers are accustomed to encountering code snippets that check certain registry keys, looking for specific values indicating the presence of VMware or Virtual Box, two of the most popular pieces of virtualization software.…

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Users who download cracked software risk sensitive personal data being stolen by hackers.

Are you interested in downloading free, cracked software? If so, you should know what you’re getting into. 

When you accidentally download malicious cracked software, attackers can take everything you have on your PC, and you’ll end up without your sensitive personal data and even without the software that you were trying to download in the first place.…

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Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs captured a phishing campaign that delivers three fileless malware onto a victim’s device. Once executed, they are able to control and steal sensitive information from that device to perform other actions according to the control commands from their server.

In Part I of this analysis, I introduced how these three fileless malware are delivered to the victim’s device via a phishing campaign, and what mechanism it uses to load, deploy, and execute these fileless malware in the target process.…

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