On August 8, CheckPoint published a report on ten malicious Python packages in the Python Package Index (PyPI), the most popular Python repository among software developers. The malicious packages were intended to steal developers’ personal data and credentials.

Following this research, we used our internal automated system for monitoring open-source repositories and discovered two other malicious Python packages in the PyPI.…

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Resecurity, Inc. (USA), a Los Angeles-based cybersecurity company providing managed threat detection and response for Fortune 500’s, identified threat actors leveraging Open Redirect Vulnerabilities popular in online services and apps to bypass spam filters to ultimately deliver phishing content.

Using highly trusted service domains like Snapchat and other online-services, they create special URLs which lead to malicious resources with phishing kits.…

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Research by: Aliaksandr Trafimchuk, Raman Ladutska

This research comes as a follow-up to our previous article on Trickbot,  “When Old Friends Meet Again: Why Emotet Chose Trickbot For Rebirth” where we provided an overview of the Trickbot infrastructure after its takedown. Check Point Research (CPR) now sheds some light on the technical details of key Trickbot modules.…

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In our previous article “Mobile banking fraud: BRATA strikes again” we’ve described how threat actors (TAs) leverage the Android banking trojan BRATA to perpetrate fraud via unauthorized wire transfers.

In this article, we are presenting further insights, on how BRATA is evolving in terms of both new targets and new features, such as:

Capability to perform the device factory reset: it appears that TAs are leveraging this feature to erase any trace, right after an unauthorized wire transfer attempt.…
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TrickBot Bolsters Layered Defenses to Prevent Injection Research

Limor Kessem and Charlotte Hammond.

The cyber crime gang that operates the TrickBot Trojan, as well as other malware and ransomware attacks, has been escalating activity. As part of that escalation, malware injections have been fitted with added protection to keep researchers out and get through security controls.…

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BlueNoroff is the name of an APT group coined by Kaspersky researchers while investigating the notorious attack on Bangladesh’s Central Bank back in 2016. A mysterious group with links to Lazarus and an unusual financial motivation for an APT. The group seems to work more like a unit within a larger formation of Lazarus attackers, with the ability to tap into its vast resources: be it malware implants, exploits, or infrastructure.…

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