Targeting different platforms and introducing Zombinder

The history of the threat landscape has seen several cases of threat actors using Trojans targeting different platforms and systems. This time while analyzing the activity of the Android banking Trojan Ermac, ThreatFabric’s analysts discovered a campaign employing several Trojans, and targeting both Android and Windows users at the same time, in order to reach as much victims as possible.…

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ESET researchers discovered a new wiper and its execution tool, both attributed to the Agrius APT group, while analyzing a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software developer. The group is known for its destructive operations.

In February 2022, Agrius began targeting Israeli HR and IT consulting firms, and users of an Israeli software suite used in the diamond industry.…

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Lazarus组织是疑似具有东北亚背景的APT组织,奇安信威胁情报中心内部追踪编号为APT-Q-1,因2014年攻击索尼影业开始受到广泛关注,其攻击活动最早可追溯到2007年。该组织早期主要针对其他国家政府机构,以窃取敏感情报为目的,但自2014年后,该组织开始以全球金融机构 、虚拟货币交易场等为目标,进行敛财为目的的攻击活动。据公开情报显示,2014 年索尼影业遭黑客攻击事件,2016 年孟加拉国银行数据泄露事件,2017年美国国防承包商、美国能源部门及英国、韩国等比特币交易所被攻击事件都出自Lazarus之手。2021年,Lazarus还开始了针对安全研究人员的新活动【1】。

一直以来,木马样本的免杀率都是各个APT组织高度关注的要点,随着杀毒软件的更新迭代,检出方法不断的完善,恶意样本的检出率也随之提高,攻击者为进一步对抗而使用了各种匪夷所思的绕过方法、千奇百怪的免杀方法。近日,奇安信威胁情报中心红雨滴团队在日常的威胁狩猎中便发现Lazarus组织最新的0杀软查杀攻击样本,样本为VHD(虚拟磁盘映像)文件,以日本瑞穗银行(Mizuho Bank)的招聘信息为诱饵进行攻击。


A sample seems to be from #APT #Lazarus and uses VHD to deploy malware.Decoy document is about job description for Mizuho Bank.

3ce53609211cae4c925b9fee88c7380e (Job_Description.vhd)931d0969654af3f77fc1dab9e2bd66b1 (exe)31e154e560dff21f07f8aff37be6de9b (dump.bin)

— RedDrip Team (@RedDrip7) November 23, 2022


0x01 VHD虚拟磁盘映像文件


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This blog post was authored by Jérôme Segura

Black Friday is the annual kick off to the shopping season for brick and mortar and online retailers. However, it’s not just businesses that rejoice in seeing the afflux of customers wanting to spend money. Scammers are waiting around the corner ready to take advantage of the situation in any way they can.…

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Highlights Check Point Research found a sharp increase in fake shopping related websites in the run up to Black Friday sales. 17% of all malicious files distributed by email in November were related to orders/deliveries and shipping. Since the start of this month, 4% of all new shopping related websites found to be malicious.…
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A financial cybercrime group calling itself the Disneyland Team has been making liberal use of visually confusing phishing domains that spoof popular bank brands using Punycode, an Internet standard that allows web browsers to render domain names with non-Latin alphabets like Cyrillic.

The Disneyland Team’s Web interface, which allows them to interact with malware victims in real time to phish their login credentials using phony bank websites.…

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11/07: Updated article to provide clarity around hunting techniques

Key points from our research:

Following our reporting on Robin Banks in July, Cloudflare disassociated Robin Banks phishing infrastructure from its services, causing a multi-day disruption to operations. In response, Robin Banks administrators made several changes, including relocating its infrastructure to a notorious Russian provider and changing features of its kits to be more evasive.…
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By Nati Tal (Guardio Labs) — BadEx II


The “Dormant Colors” is yet another vast campaign of malicious extensions with millions of active installations worldwide, this time with a color-related theme and full of deception all through the chain. It starts with the trickery malvertising campaign, continues with a crafty novel way to side-load the real malicious code without anyone noticing (until now!),…

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Fake Windows Defender Alerts weaponized to target users

A tech support scam is an extensive fraud where the scammer offers a support service for any legitimate entity and lures the victim into contacting the scammer via a fake support helpline number. After contacting the helpline, the scammer gains access to the victim’s machine and can perform activities such as fraudulent transactions, stealing sensitive data, etc.…

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What is BazarCall?

As nicely defined in this article by Microsoft:

BazarCall campaigns forgo malicious links or attachments in email messages in favor of phone numbers that recipients are misled into calling. It’s a technique reminiscent of vishing and tech support scams where potential victims are being cold called by the attacker, except in BazarCall’s case, targeted users must dial the number.…

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Scammers impersonating National Tax Agency to steal V-Preca Card details

During our routine threat-hunting exercise, Cyble Research & Intelligence Labs (CRIL) came across a Twitter post wherein a researcher mentioned a new phishing campaign imitating the page of the National Tax Agency, which targets Japanese users by tricking users into sharing sensitive information with Threat Actors (TAs).…

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Recent studies show that more than 85% of financial institutions in Central and Western Africa have repeatedly been victimized in multiple, damaging cyberattacks. In a quarter of these cases, intrusions into network systems resulted in the worst possible outcomes for the financial and banking sector: information leaks, identity theft, money transfer fraud, and bank withdrawals on false checks.…

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It has now been six months since the war in Ukraine began. Since then, pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian hacker groups, like KillNet, Anonymous, IT Army of Ukraine, Legion Spetsnaz RF, have carried out cyberattacks. A lesser-known group called NoName057(16) is among the pro-Russian groups attacking Ukraine and the countries surrounding it and siding with Ukraine.…

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Stealing information is fundamental to cybercriminals today to scope and gain access to systems, profile organizations, and execute bigger payday schemes like ransomware. Information stealer malware families including Prynt Stealer are often configured through a builder to facilitate the process for less sophisticated threat actors. However, Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers have uncovered the Prynt Stealer builder, also attributed with WorldWind, and DarkEye, has a secret backdoor in the code that ends up in every derivative copy and variant of these malware families.…

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Payment Data Stolen From Compromised Magento Sites

During our routine threat-hunting exercise, Cyble Research & Intelligence Labs (CRIL) came across a Twitter post wherein a researcher mentioned an interesting JavaScript skimmer created by the Magecart threat group (a consortium of malicious hacker groups who target online shopping cart systems) that steals payment information from the Magento e-commerce website.…

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