Sunset:1 Walkthrough
This walkthrough provides a detailed guide on tackling the Sunset: 1 Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge, emphasizing skills in web exploitation, enumeration, and privilege escalation. Users navigate various tools and commands to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, ultimately achieving root access. Affected: Vulnerable web platforms

Keypoints :

  • The Sunset: 1 CTF challenge is designed for skill development in web exploitation and privilege escalation.
  • The challenge was created by whitecr0wz and released on July 29, 2019.
  • Best results are achieved by using Oracle VirtualBox rather than VMWare Workstation Pro.
  • The objectives include enumerating the target machine and exploiting vulnerable services to capture flags.
  • Initial steps involve performing ARP and Nmap scans to identify the target’s IP and open ports.
  • Anonymous FTP login allows access to files on the target machine.
  • Credentials for users are retrieved from a backup file after a successful FTP login.
  • John The Ripper is used to crack hashed passwords obtained from the backup file.
  • After cracking passwords, SSH is used to log in as the user “sunset”.
  • Root access is achieved through specified commands due to a lack of password requirements for those commands.

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