Space Pirates: a look into the group’s unconventional techniques, new attack vectors, and tools


At the end of 2019, the team at the Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (PT ESC) discovered a new cybercrime group, which they dubbed Space Pirates. It had been active since at least 2017. The first-ever comprehensive research paper describing the group saw light in early 2022. The Space Pirates group have since stepped up attacks on Russian companies: we have come across the group frequently while investigating cyberattacks in the past year. They have hardly changed their tactics, but they have developed new tools and improved their old ones.

The cybercriminals’ main goals are still espionage and theft of confidential information, but the group has expanded its interests and the geography of its attacks. Over the year, at least 16 organizations have been attacked in Russia and one in Serbia. Some of the new victims that we identified are Russian and Serbian government and educational institutions, private security companies, aerospace manufacturers, agricultural producers, defense, energy, and infosec companies.

1. Investigating the network infrastructure

We found an Acunetix installation on one of the Space Pirates command-and-control (C&C) servers, which suggested that the group exploited vulnerabilities—an attack vector we had not seen it use earlier.

Evidence of Acunetix being installed on a Space Pirates C&C server
Figure 1. Evidence of Acunetix being installed on a Space Pirates C&C server

During our investigation, we noticed that the group was interested in PST email archives (among other targets). A configuration error on a Space Pirates C&C server allowed us to scan its contents, discovering two email archives belonging to a Serbian ministry.

C&C server with web shells and stolen data
Figure 2. C&C server with web shells and stolen data

We alerted the ministry via Serbia’s National CERT. Other contents of the server included a Godzilla web shell and an obfuscated Neo-reGeorg tunnel.

The Space Pirates network infrastructure continues to use a small number of IP addresses as indicated by the DDNS domains. The malicious actors often reuse old website URLs by creating high-level domains, such as

The group had also begun using the ShadowPad malware, something we discovered as we were tracking changes in the hacker infrastructure using our internal ScanDat automated system. An alert we received pointed to a chain of SSL certificates characteristic of ShadowPad. That chain was covered in one of our previous reports. As we continued to investigate the incident in question, we found a copy of ShadowPad used by the Space Pirates group in the client’s systems.

Chain of SSL certificates characteristic of ShadowPad
Figure 3. Chain of SSL certificates characteristic of ShadowPad

2. Analysis of the malware and tools

2.1. Deed RAT

Virtually every investigation we conducted found that the group was using Deed RAT. As far as we can tell, the Space Pirates group is moving away from other backdoors. Code similarities between Deed RAT and ShadowPad, noted by our peers, suggest that the backdoor is an evolution of ShadowPad. ShadowPad is in turn believed to be an evolution of PlugX. Unlike ShadowPad and PlugX, though, Deed RAT has been known to be exclusive to the Space Pirates group to date.

The backdoor is still under active development. We found a 64-bit version of Deed RAT on an infected device while investigating the incident. The structure of the main module and plugin headers is all but identical to the 32-bit version. Below is what it looks like:

struct SectionHeader {
    DWORD VirtualSize;
    DWORD SizeOfRawData;

struct ModuleHeader {
    DWORD Signature; // 0xDEED4554
    DWORD ModuleId;
    DWORD EntryPoint;
    QWORD OriginalBase;
    DWORD AbsoluteOffset;
    SectionHeader Sections[3];
    DWORD RelocationsVirtualSize;

The string encryption algorithm in recent versions is somewhat different. String length is no longer specified, and strings are null-terminated.

Original encryption algorithm, with string length explicitly stated
Figure 4. Original encryption algorithm, with string length explicitly stated
Updated decryption algorithm for null-terminated strings
Figure 5. Updated decryption algorithm for null-terminated strings

We found computers infected with Deed RAT to contain two plugins, retrieved dynamically from the C&C server. The first one is named Disk, has the identifier 0×250, and is used as a disk tool. Essentially a Windows API wrapper, Disk supports the 10 network commands described below.

0х250List disks
0х251List files inside folder
0х252List files inside folder recursively. The response returns the fields of the WIN32_FIND_DATAW structure, such as timestamp, size, attributes, and name
0х253Call the SHFileOperation function with specified operation code and flags FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_MULTIDESTFILES
0х254Execute command via CreateProcess
0х255Get file attributes and content
0х257Write file to specified path with attributes
0х259Create folder
0х25AList network resources
0х25BConnect network drive. The command sends a NETRESOURCEW structure

The other plugin is named Portmap and has the identifier 0×290. The hackers likely based it on the ZXPortMap utility often used by Asian cybercrime groups. The plugin is used for port forwarding and supports three network commands, each corresponding to an operating mode.

0х290Proxy one request
0х292Start simple proxy on specified port
0х294Start SOCKS5 proxy without authentication on specified port

Additionally, the main module code contains a reference to a module with the identifier 0xC0, which we did not come across. Apparently, it was a built-in module that executed some actions before the backdoor started.

The configuration header in recent versions looks as follows:

struct DeedRATConfigHeader {
    DWORD Signature; // 0xC88CDB32
    BYTE UnusedFlag;
    WORD pInitialKey;
    BYTE PairReplacableFlag1;
    WORD pInstallationPath;
    WORD pSideLoadingDllName;
    WORD pShellcodeName;
    WORD pServiceName;
    WORD pDisplayedServiceName;
    WORD pServiceDescription;
    WORD pPersistentRegistryKey;
    WORD pPersistentRegistryValue;
    BYTE PairReplacableFlag2;
    WORD pTargetProcessForInject1;
    WORD pTargetProcessForInject2;
    WORD pTargetProcessForInject3;
    WORD pTargetProcessForInject4;
    WORD pBotID;
    BYTE UnusedFlag;
    WORD pMutexName;
    BYTE Unknown[58];
    BYTE DayOfWeek1;
    BYTE StartHour1;
    BYTE EndHour1;
    BYTE DayOfWeek2;
    BYTE StartHour2;
    BYTE EndHour2;
    BYTE DayOfWeek3;
    BYTE StartHour3;
    BYTE EndHour3;
    BYTE DayOfWeek4;
    BYTE StartHour4;
    BYTE EndHour4;
    BYTE DnsFlag;
    DWORD DnsIP1;
    DWORD DnsIP2;
    DWORD DnsIP3;
    DWORD DnsIP4;
    BYTE DohFlag;
    WORD pDohAddress1;
    WORD pDohAddress2;
    WORD pDohAddress3;
    WORD pDohAddress4;
    BYTE Unknown[34];
    WORD pC2Url1;
    WORD pC2Url2;
    WORD pC2Url3;
    WORD pC2Url4;
    BYTE UnusedFlag;
    WORD pProxyUrl1;
    WORD pProxyUrl2;
    WORD pProxyUrl3;
    WORD pProxyUrl4;
    BYTE Unknown[3];

The rest of the configuration consists of encrypted strings referenced in the header.

The DNS list in the configuration remains unchanged as follows: (Google Public DNS), (Cloudflare DNS), (Quad9 DNS), 222.222.67[.]208. The final DNS likely should be spelled as (Cisco OpenDNS). The config seems to use little-endian addressing, rather than the network byte order. The likely reason why the error might have gone unnoticed so far is that this address is the last one on the list and seldom sees use, while the others are not affected by endianness.

Never once did we see a DNS service hosted at 222.222.67[.]208. We have seen similar attempts to resolve domain names using non-existent DNS servers (see figure below).

Traffic containing requests to a non-existent DNS server
Figure 6. Traffic containing requests to a non-existent DNS server

Queries like these are a likely sign of Deed RAT infection.

Unlike the sample described above, the backdoor contains the environment pseudovariable %AUTOPATH%, used in the configuration field InstallationPath and, depending on backdoor permissions and system bitness, resolved as follows:

  • %AppData% if the backdoor is missing administrator permissions
  • %ProgramFiles(x86)% if the backdoor has administrator permissions and the system is 64-bit Windows
  • %ProgramFiles% if the backdoor has administrator permissions and the system is 32-bit Windows

We have seen a similar implementation in PlugX, which used the variable %AUTO%.

It seems interesting in light of the group’s presumed Chinese origins that the number four is a regular feature of the code: four days on which the backdoor cannot run, four links to C&C servers, four links to proxies, four inject processes the malware into, four DNS servers, four DoH addresses. The pronunciation of the Chinese character 四 (four) differs from 死 (death) only in tone, thus the number four is considered unlucky.

2.2. Voidoor

During an investigation, we obtained a sample of unknown, functionally different malware. Our timeline of the sample appearing on the infected computer suggested that the malware is delivered via Deed RAT already installed on the machine and belongs to the Space Pirates group. We were later shown to be right. We named the malware Voidoor, after the C&C server and the backdoor malware type.

Voidoor (ConsoleApplication1.exe) appearing on the infected ALEX-PC computer
Figure 7. Voidoor (ConsoleApplication1.exe) appearing on the infected ALEX-PC computer

Compiled at the end of 2022, Voidoor is a 32-bit EXE file containing the PDB path “C:\_\Project1\Release\Project1.pdb”.

Information from the DIE analysis tool
Figure 8. Information from the DIE analysis tool

Most of the strings inside are XOR-encoded with the key 0×22.

Obfuscated stack strings
Figure 9. Obfuscated stack strings

The Voidoor life cycle can be broken down into the following phases:

  1. Preparation
  2. Talking to GitHub repositories
  3. Gaining persistence
  4. Talking to the voidtools forum
  5. Talking to GitHub

2.2.1. Preparatory phase

The sample starts by trying to open port 27015. If unsuccessful, the process is terminated, so that only one sample is left running at any given time. This is followed by decrypting the bulk of the strings. These can be broken down into the following groups:

  1. Talking to GitHub: access token, HTTP headers, user name, user repositories, names of files to be downloaded and run
  2. Talking to the voidtools forum: URI with parameters
  3. Talking to both GitHub and voidtools: User-Agent header: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36. The HTTP header in the network commands is written in lowercase, unlike the other fields
  4. Local activity: name of scheduler task, paths of files created by Voidoor

The above strings are decrypted inside one function, and they can be categorized as file configuration. In addition to that, as the malware runs, it decrypts locally used strings.

This phase also sees Voidoor use the victim identifier, stored in a %TEMP%/ids file. If not present, the file is created, with three concatenated random numbers used as the ID.

Generating a victim ID
Figure 10. Generating a victim ID

2.2.2. Talking to GitHub repositories

A personal access token hard-coded in the sample tells us a few things about the owner and their repositories:

Token issuer: hasdhuahd
Token issuer url:
User created at: 2022-11-23T01:08:24Z
User updated at: 2023-03-20T07:47:54Z

Project:	hasdhuahd/919A1C3FD38A41D89ED53F1967AF443D
Created at:	2022-11-23T03:44:21Z
Visibility:	private

Project:	hasdhuahd/myprivaterepo-1
Created at:	2022-11-23T03:44:32Z
Visibility:	private

Project:	hasdhuahd/13F20E32BDBA46229631517AB130A7E7
Created at:	2022-11-24T04:39:35Z
Visibility:	public

Project:	hasdhuahd/al-khaser
Created at:	2022-12-07T08:16:58Z
Visibility:	public
  • hasdhuahd/919A… acts as the C&C center.
  • hasdhuahd/myprivaterepo-1 holds the tools used by the malware.
  • hasdhuahd/13F2… contains the only file that has a UUID. Its function is unknown.
  • hasdhuahd/al-khaser is a fork of a public antivirus benchmarking utility.

The sample assembles the paths to the repositories it will use.

Building the paths to a repository
Figure 11. Building the paths to a repository

Network communication is handled by libcurl.

Voidoor’s first task is to tell the operators about the new victim. To do this, it builds the link…/git/trees/main?recursive=1 and downloads the file 1A11878899834F1591DFADC277B2132E. If network is unavailable, the program will keep trying until it can download the file. The file maintains a victim list of several dozen strings consisting of a computer name and a pre-generated identifier.

Part of the victim list. The plus sign is used as a delimiter
Figure 12. Part of the victim list. The plus sign is used as a delimiter

The JSON file returned by GitHub is parsed by chopping it into substrings.

Every developer had this phase
Figure 13. Every developer had this phase

If the above list does not contain a the identifier generated for the victim, Voidoor sends an HTTP PUT request to GitHub supports adding and modifying files with PUT requests as detailed here: Remarkably, this phase includes the decryption of a string in the malware code that will be modified later:

{"message": "commit message", "content": "dGhpcyBpcyBkb25l", "sha": "164adc449d458c4b0819bb348db9b07ca2fc367d", "branch": "main"}

The sequence dGhpcyBpcyBkb25l turns into “this is done”. This string is replaced with the ID to be added, and the resulting value is sent to the file 164adc449d458c4b0819bb348db9b07ca2fc367d. The sample then calls the repository myprivaterepo-1, downloading a shellcode file XOR-encrypted with the key 0×22 to the folder %TEMP%\myfile.bin.

It is worth noting that the developer has implemented integrity control by appending a SHA-256 checksum to the end of the file names, which is derived from the downloaded files and checked.

Verifying the checksum of a downloaded file
Figure 14. Verifying the checksum of a downloaded file

Judging by the corrupted shellcode files in the repository history, this desperate measure was intended as an extra guarantee that the file is valid. Interestingly enough, at some point, the developer began to additionally encode binary files in Base64 to avoid byte interpretation issues when storing these in Git.

Then, the sample terminates every process with the name ConsoleApplication1.exe, downloads a file with that name from the tooling repository, and saves it to the folder with the shellcode.

2.2.3. Gaining persistence

Voidoor generates a scheduler task as follows:

schtasks /create /tn MyApp /tr <File path> /sc minute /mo 1 /f && schtasks /create /tn MyApp /tr <File path> /sc minute /mo 1 /ru system /f

This task runs the malware every minute, with system permissions if possible. Clashes that may be caused by this outrageous frequency are avoided by checking port 27015. Notable is the method of gaining persistence: the malware uses the previously downloaded file ConsoleApplication1.exe, which is also used to run the shellcode. The process then generates a task inside the file orderFile.txt, formatting its contents in a way that resembles the output of certutil -encode (see figure below).

Decrypting stack strings related to certutil
Figure 15. Decrypting stack strings related to certutil

A Base64-encrypted command is placed in the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE strings. The program runs the file ConsoleApplication1, which decrypts the shellcode (using the operation XOR 0×22) and runs it. The file logic is as follows:

cmd /c certutil -decode C:\Users\Public\Downloads\orderFile.txt C:\Users\Public\Downloads\silentBase.bat && echo 1 > C:Users\Public\Downloads\checkString || echo 1 > C:\Users\Public\Downloads\checkString
cmd /c type C:\Users\Public\Downloads\silentBase.bat>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Basesilent.txt && copy C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Basesilent.txt C:\Users\Public\Downloads\silentBase.bat && del C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Basesilent.txt && echo
1>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\checkString || echo 1>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\checkString
cmd /c C:\Users\Public\Downloads\silentBase.bat &&echo 1>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\interResultFile.txt && echo 1>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\checkString || echo 1>C:\Users\Public\Downloads\checkString
Removal of API files via Windows  C:\Users\Public\Downloads\houston, C:\Users\Public\Downloads\interResultFile.txt, C:\Users\Public\Downloads\silentBase.bat

It can be simplified as follows:

# Decode orderFile.txt to silentBase.bat
cd C:\Users\Public\Downloads
certutil -decode orderFile.txt silentBase.bat

# Use type and copy commands to complicate automated tracking of links between processes and artifacts
type silentBase.bat>Basesilent.txt
copy Basesilent.txt silentBase.bat
del Basesilent.txt

# Execute the script—in this case, the main file persistence logic

# Clean up temporary files

2.2.4. Talking to the voidtools forum

To support further operation, the program creates an invisible window with two threads.

Creating two threads
Figure 16. Creating two threads

The second thread serves the simple purpose of standing by for ten hours, then activating the termination flag for the first one.

Body of the termination control thread
Figure 17. Body of the termination control thread

The flag will be checked in the global cycle of the first thread.

Global cycle of the first thread with the exit condition
Figure 18. Global cycle of the first thread with the exit condition

The checks relating to the forum part must be passed to proceed to the next phase.

First, the thread decrypts the strings, /forum/ucp.php, and ?i=ucp_pm&mode=options. “UCP” means “User Control Panel” in the context of this website. Interestingly, the sample adds “asdasdasd” to the cookie request header, but we could not find any common sense in that.

The process concatenates the strings and sends a request to the resulting address. If there is a connection, the request will be redirected to the login page.

Forum login form
Figure 19. Forum login form

The sample will then send a POST request to log in to the forum using the hard-coded login and password, and if successful, store the values of the phpbb3_h6rei_u, phpbb3_h6rei_k, and phpbb3_h6rei_sid cookies, which are required for the session.

The forum has a personal messaging system that supports custom rules.

Email rules from several malware samples
Figure 20. Email rules from several malware samples

The sample will try to define a new rule even if this rule already exists:

check_option=1&rule_option=1&rule_string=^<victim ID>^&rule_user_id=0&rule_group_id=0&cond_option=text&action_option=1|0&add_rule=Add rule&foldername=&rename_folder_id=8&new_folder_name=&remove_folder_id=8&remove_action=1&move_to=0&full_move_to=0&full_action=3&creation_time=<device timestamp>&form_token=<parsed token from the page>

Warning message when trying to create a duplicate rule
Figure 21. Warning message when trying to create a duplicate rule

The malware will download the page with the list of rules again. This time, though, it is looking for a folder whose name features the victim ID.

List of directories and folders
Figure 22. List of directories and folders

The folder must be created by the C&C server, or else the sample will get stuck in a loop for ten hours repeatedly adding the new rule. Multiple folders cannot be created, as the sample will take the first entry for comparison. We suspect this means that the C&C server can communicate with only one sample via GitHub at any given time.

The forum is powered by the phpBB engine; it proved to be a treasure trove of useful information.

Account registration date
Figure 23. Account registration date
Address created by a temporary email service
Figure 24. Address created by a temporary email service
The time zone is Antarctic
Figure 25. The time zone is Antarctic

The forum notably requires some activity from users before allowing them to send email.

Restriction on messaging for newcomers
Figure 26. Restriction on messaging for newcomers

The so-called “Remember me” login keys were a real catch. This function helps to manage active sessions whose tokens are stored client-side. If the device is stolen, the user can block it by removing the key from the list. The device will lose access to the profile, and the forum will ask for a user name and password to log in again. This is a legacy feature based on a use case that was described in a 2004 post we found on the phpBB community forum. We consider that functionality to be dangerous.

Top of the active session list
Figure 27. Top of the active session list

We found more than 3,500 login events associated with 73 unique IP addresses, and we were able to attribute voidoor to the APT group after discovering a series of logins from Space Pirates IP addresses that occurred within days of registering the account. By correlating these events with activities in the GitHub repository, we established that these logins took place during the malware development and testing phases.

Addresses related to the Space Pirates C&C server
Figure 28. Addresses related to the Space Pirates C&C server

The hackers have targeted universities, healthcare centers, energy companies, private security providers and government organizations in Russia and Serbia.

2.2.5. GitHub-based C&C server

The sample switches to the communication mode based on GitHub commands. It searches the repository 919A… for a file whose name consists of two parts: a string of the same type as the value returned by the command and an identifier.

Communication takes place as follows:

  1. The malware receives a command in the specified file. The command consists of three strings: the command identifier, the return value type, and the command body. We are aware of the following two return value types:
    • D737C9A763E941BDAA69C6EE83553014: download the file from the victim’s computer and upload it to GitHub
    • 139445A83B5B4ED79FAF4439FC7FFE69: execute the command
  2. The sample runs the above task and uses a PUT request to upload an object with the name formatted as <command type> + <victim identifier> to the repository.
  3. The process loops to the start: the sample returns to standby mode, waiting to get a command with an identifier different from the previous one.

Example of this kind of communication:

datetime: 2022-11-24 12:40:59+08:00
message: commit message
1A11878899834F1591DFADC277B2132E 2 insertions, 0 deletions, 2 lines (file with the new infected victim added)

datetime: 2022-11-24 12:42:05+08:00
message: commit message
D7B3FDC2EABE453BB39FA73557FC77F3200882088117246 4 insertions, 0 deletions, 4 lines 
uuid: 8b0e4a01-b242-45a4-a86d-25ab54a3308a
md5: 139445A83B5B4ED79FAF4439FC7FFE69
cmd: hostname

datetime: 2022-11-24 12:46:30+08:00
message: commit message
A2EE1A74A32344FEA87A42D395013499200882088117246 5 insertions, 0 deletions, 5 lines
>>> GB18030 (simplified_chinese):



Unfortunately, our copy of the file is missing that functionality: the command identifier includes an extraneous hard-coded identifier with an unknown return value type: D7B3FDC2EABE453BB39FA73557FC77F3171542571331346. The string prevents the code from executing correctly, causing the sample to loop for ten hours, as the termination flag that the cycle checks is set by the second thread. As the string is XOR-encrypted in its entirety inside the file, the function can be considered deactivated but not removed.

2.2.6. Some facts about the developer of the tool

By analyzing the GitHub repositories, we can easily identify the testing and operation phases of the malware. We know that the name of the hacker’s device is desktop-94kt1vq. Online search returns a blog on Chinese Software Developer Network.

Web search results
Figure 29. Web search results
Developer profile
Figure 30. Developer profile

The user posts a lot, with a total of 177 original entries, and importantly for us, his name in the system (“X”) matches the name used by the C&C server.

The user name X and the default project name ConsoleApplication
Figure 31. The user name “X” and the default project name “ConsoleApplication”

Some of the user’s other noteworthy blog posts deal with storing files on GitHub, using IDA Pro and reverse engineering in general, and kernel programming.

Post on storing files on GitHub
Figure 32. Post on storing files on GitHub

The profile description caught our eyes too.

Description of the first account
Figure 33. Description of the first account

This mentions another account, abandoned in March 2021.

Second account
Figure 34. Second account

This other blog focuses mostly on pentesting, vulnerability analysis, and descriptions of internal Windows mechanics.

By comparing these pieces of information (matching computer names, user names, and relevant skills), we can assume with some confidence that this person is one of the developers of the malware in question, if not the only one.

2.3. Other tools

Besides the backdoors described above, the hackers have made use of the following publicly available network tools:

  • Stowaway
  • Mimikatz
  • fscan
  • procdump
  • PortQry версии 2.0 Gold
  • NetSess
  • NBTscan
  • PsExec
  • KrbRelayUp
  • SharpRoast
  • nmap
  • Impacket
  • reGeorg
  • Neo-reGeorg
  • Godzilla (web shell)
  • xсmdsvc

The group often uses tools written in Golang and obfuscated with Garble. We also found a homebrew utility that is not available publicly and likely has been developed by the Space Pirates group. It monitors connected drives, collecting files from every newly appearing device and creating a new database record. The utility uses the 7z.dll library to pack files into an archive with a name formatted as, where hh is the current hour, mm is the current minute, and ss is the current second. All archives are saved to C:\Users\Public\Downloads\dest.

The utility uses two database files: 1.db in place of mutexes and 2.db for logging connected devices. Information about the latest changes to the removable drive contents is stored here as well, so the utility can check if it needs to copy any new files. The program masquerades as the 7-Zip file archiver.

Properties of the removable-drive monitoring utility
Figure 35. Properties of the removable-drive monitoring utility


The Space Pirates group is relentlessly stepping up activity targeting Russian companies: the number of attacks has increased manifold. The hackers are working on new malware that implements unconventional techniques, such as voidoor, and modifying their existing malware. In addition, we have seen a drastic reduction in the use of other backdoors characteristic of the group and an increase in attacks that employ Deed RAT.

The Space Pirates group uses a large number of publicly available tools for navigating networks. The hackers also use Acunetix to reconnoiter infrastructures it targets. Meanwhile, the group’s tactics have hardly changed.

The cybercriminals’ main goals are still espionage and theft of confidential information, but the group has expanded its interests and the geography of its attacks.

The PT ESC team continues to monitor and respond to threats, including those associated with the Space Pirates group.

Authors: Denis Kuvshinov, Stanislav Rakovsky, Stanislav Pyzhov


Verdicts by Positive Technologies products

Network rules

10007678 SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] TLS Server Certificate (Some-Company Some-State)

10007870 SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] Multiple attempting to connect to an external non-http/smtp server

10007917 SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] Multiple POST request

10008972 SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] GET request in TCP

10008973 SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] POST request in TCP

YARA rules


















Behavioral rules










T1595.002Active Scanning: Vulnerability ScanningThe Space Pirates group uses Acunetix to search for vulnerabilities in victim infrastructures
Initial Access
T1566.001Phishing: Spearphishing AttachmentSpace Pirates uses phishing emails with malicious attachments
T1566.002Phishing: Spearphishing LinkSpace Pirates uses phishing emails with links to malware
T1059.003Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command ShellSpace Pirates malware features remote command shell functionality
T1059.005Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual BasicSpace Pirates uses VBS scripts, including ReVBShell
T1106Native APISpace Pirates malware uses WinAPI functions to run new processes and implement shellcode
T1053.002Scheduled Task/Job: At (Windows)Space Pirates uses to run commands on a remote host
T1053.005Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled TaskSpace Pirates uses system tasks
T1569.002System Services: Service ExecutionSpace Pirates creates malicious services
T1053.005Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled TaskSpace Pirates creates system tasks for persistence on the host
T1543.003Create or Modify System Process: Windows ServiceSpace Pirates creates malicious services for persistence on the host
T1546.015Event Triggered Execution: Component Object Model HijackingRtlShare malware persists in the system through substitution of the MruPidlList COM object
T1547.001Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup FolderFor persistence on the host, Space Pirates can place a shortcut in the autorun folder and use the Run and RunOnce registry keys
Privilege Escalation
T1548.002Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account ControlSpace Pirates malware contains various techniques for bypassing UAC
T1068Exploitation for Privilege EscalationSpace Pirates can exploit the CVE-2017-0213 vulnerability for privilege escalation
Defense Evasion
T1027.001Obfuscated Files or Information: Binary PaddingThe RtlShare dropper adds random bytes to the extracted payload
T1027.002Obfuscated Files or Information: Software PackingOne of the stages of the BH_A006 malware is obfuscated using an unknown protector
T1036.004Masquerading: Masquerade Task or ServiceSpace Pirates uses legitimate-looking names when creating services
T1036.005Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or LocationSpace Pirates masks its malware as legitimate software
T1055Process InjectionSpace Pirates malware can inject shellcode into other processes
T1055.001Process Injection: Dynamic-link Library InjectionSpace Pirates malware can inject DLLs with payload into other processes
T1078.002Valid Accounts: Domain AccountsSpace Pirates uses compromised privileged credentials
T1112Modify RegistryDeed RAT stores all its data in the registry, including configuration and plugins
T1140Deobfuscate/Decode Files or InformationSpace Pirates malware uses various algorithms to encrypt configuration data and payload
T1197BITS JobsSpace Pirates uses BITS jobs to download malware
T1218.011Signed Binary Proxy Execution: Rundll32Space Pirates can use rundll32.exe to run DLLs
T1553.002Subvert Trust Controls: Code SigningSpace Pirates uses stolen certificates to sign some Zupdax instances
T1564.001Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and DirectoriesSpace Pirates can store its malware in hidden folders at C:\ProgramData
T1574.002Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-LoadingSpace Pirates uses legitimate applications vulnerable to DLL side-loading
T1620Reflective Code LoadingSpace Pirates malware uses reflective loading to run payloads in memory
Credential Access
T1555.003Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web BrowsersSpace Pirates uses the Chromepass tool to retrieve passwords from Chrome browser storage
T1003.001OS Credential Dumping: LSASS MemorySpace Pirates gets LSASS process dumps for further credential dumping
T1040Network SniffingDeed RAT collects information about in-use proxies through network sniffing
T1087.001Account Discovery: Local AccountSpace Pirates collects information about users through the query user command
T1087.002Account Discovery: Domain AccountSpace Pirates collects information about users in the domain through the legitimate CSVDE tool
T1082System Information DiscoverySpace Pirates malware collects system information, including OS version, CPU, memory, and disk information
T1614.001System Location Discovery: System Language DiscoveryDeed RAT gets the language code identifier (LCID) during system information collection
T1016System Network Configuration DiscoverySpace Pirates collects information about the network settings of the infected machine
T1069.002Permission Groups Discovery: Domain GroupsSpace Pirates collects information about groups in the domain through the legitimate CSVDE tool
T1083File and Directory DiscoverySpace Pirates collects information about .doc and .pdf files in the system
T1033System Owner/User DiscoverySpace Pirates collects information about users of compromised computers
T1057Process DiscoverySpace Pirates uses the tasklist.exe tool to retrieve process information
Lateral Movement
T1021.002Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin SharesSpace Pirates uses the and psexec.rb tools to move through the network
T1119Automated CollectionSpace Pirates searches for and copies files with the masks *.doc and *.pdf
T1560.001Archive Collected Data: Archive via UtilitySpace Pirates zips stolen documents into password-protected archives using 7-Zip
T1056.001Input Capture: KeyloggingSpace Pirates malware can capture user input
Command and Control
T1071.001Application Layer Protocol: Web ProtocolsDeed RAT может инкапсулировать свой протокол в HTTP и HTTPS
T1071.004: DNSNon-Application Layer Protocol T1095Deed RAT can encapsulate its protocol in DNS
T1132.001Data Encoding: Standard EncodingSpace Pirates malware can compress network messages using the LZNT1 and LZW algorithms
T1573.001Encrypted Channel: Symmetric CryptographySpace Pirates malware can encrypt network messages using symmetric algorithms
T1008Fallback ChannelsSpace Pirates malware supports multiple C2s and can update the C2 list through web pages
T1095Non-Application Layer ProtocolSpace Pirates malware uses its own protocols to communicate with the C2 server
T1102.002Web Service: Bidirectional CommunicationSpace Pirates malware uses a combination of the voidtools forum and GitHub as the C&C server
T1105Ingress Tool TransferSpace Pirates downloads additional utilities from the C2 server using the certutil tool
T1571Non-Standard PortSpace Pirates uses non-standard ports, such as 8081, 5351, 63514, etc., to communicate with the C2 server
T1572Protocol TunnelingThe Space Pirates group uses the dog-tunnel utility for traffic tunneling
T1090.001Proxy: Internal ProxyDeed RAT can discover and use proxies to connect to its C&C

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