Red Barrels Faces Cyberattack: Outlast Game Data Breached

Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: Red Barrels | Red Barrels
Price: Not disclosed
Exfiltrated Data Type: Game source code, internal builds, employee records, company credit card details

Key Points :

  • Red Barrels experienced a significant cyberattack that compromised sensitive data.
  • The breach disrupted development timelines for their upcoming projects.
  • Attackers accessed valuable information including game source code and employee records.
  • The studio engaged cybersecurity experts to investigate and contain the breach.
  • Red Barrels has committed to enhancing cybersecurity measures in response to the attack.
  • The incident has impacted the production timeline for The Outlast Trials, leading to potential delays.

Red Barrels, the studio behind the acclaimed Outlast horror game series announced on Wednesday that it was the victim of a significant cyberattack, compromising sensitive data and disrupting development timelines.

The Red Barrels team regrets to announce that its internal IT systems were recently impacted by a cybersecurity event, involving access to some of its data,” the studio revealed in a statement.

While the company remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the breach, sources suggest that the attackers gained access to a trove of valuable information, including game source code, internal builds, employee records, and even company credit card details.

Red Barrels acted swiftly to contain the breach, engaging cybersecurity experts to investigate the incident and notifying affected stakeholders and authorities.

As soon as the event was detected, measures were deployed to secure the systems and the information contained therein,” the statement assured.

Unfortunately, the impact on the studio’s operations has been substantial. “The hit on our production timeline has been significant,” Red Barrels admitted. “We will do our best to follow our roadmap but unfortunately, some things will have to be delayed.

This news comes as a blow to fans eagerly anticipating the upcoming release of The Outlast Trials, a cooperative multiplayer entry in the Outlast universe. While the extent of the delay remains unclear, the breach serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat of cyberattacks, even for companies in the entertainment industry.

Red Barrels has affirmed its commitment to cybersecurity, stating: “Faced with a constantly evolving cyber threat, the studio will continue to implement appropriate measures guided by best practices to ensure a secure environment for our employees, partners and players.”

In the wake of the breach, Red Barrels has taken the precautionary measure of protecting its social media accounts. The investigation is reportedly complete, and the incident contained, but the repercussions of this cyberattack will likely be felt for some time.

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