Ransom! Zuber Gardner CPAs pt.2

Victim: Zuber Gardner CPAs pt.2
Country :
Actor: everest
Source: http://ransomocmou6mnbquqz44ewosbkjk3o5qjsl3orawojexfook2j7esad.onion/zuber-gardner-cpas-pt-2/
Discovered: 2024-06-12 06:48:17.713337
Published: 2024-06-12 06:48:17.028741
Description : The company, ’s files are still on our servers and it is stupid to think that they are not there.The company has 24 hours to contact us or the files will be published and clients notifiedhttps://www.zubergardner.com https://gofile.io/d/PG1SoN 1GB

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