Ransom! www.siapenet.gov.br

Victim: www.siapenet.gov.br
Country : BR
Actor: apt73
Source: http://basherq53eniermxovo3bkduw5qqq5bkqcml3qictfmamgvmzovykyqd.onion/page_company.php?id=94
Discovered: 2024-12-03 18:15:40.828252
Published: 2024-12-03 18:15:39.629441
Description : Today, SIAPE processes the remuneration of civil servants, regulated both by the uniform federal legal regime (Law 8,112/90) and by the CLT and oth…

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by apt73

Ransomware Activity Overview

Ransomware Activity Overview

  • Victim: www.siapenet.gov.br
  • Description: SIAPE (Sistema de Administração dos Recursos de Pessoal) manages the remuneration of civil servants in Brazil, governed by federal laws.
  • Actor: APT73
  • Profile: APT73 is known for targeting governmental and financial institutions, often employing sophisticated tactics to breach security defenses.
  • Country: Brazil (BR)
  • Cybersecurity Agency: The Brazilian Cyber Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Cibernética) oversees national cybersecurity efforts.
  • Incident Type: Ransomware attacks have been increasing in Brazil, with various sectors, including government, being targeted.