Country : DO
Actor: ransomhub
Source: http://ransomxifxwc5eteopdobynonjctkxxvap77yqifu2emfbecgbqdw6qd.onion/92950c62-9896-4e5f-b511-3cb84adba6fa/
Discovered: 2024-08-30 15:24:34.524350
Published: 2024-08-30 14:31:39.000000
Description : Ramon Corripio specializes in professional photography, offering services that capture high-quality images for various needs. The company focuses on creating visually compelling content, ranging from portraits to commercial photography. With a commitment to excellence, Ramon Corripio ensures that each project is tailored to meet the unique requirements of their clients, delivering exceptional results.
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by ransomhub
Ransomware Incident Overview
- Victim:
- Industry: Professional Photography
- Services Offered: High-quality images for portraits and commercial photography
- Focus: Creating visually compelling content tailored to client needs
- Actor: Ransomhub
- Type of Attack: Ransomware targeting sensitive client data and project files
- Motivation: Financial gain through extortion
- Country: [Insert relevant country]
- Cybersecurity Agency: [Insert relevant cybersecurity agency if applicable]
- Incident Response: Cybersecurity measures and protocols to mitigate damage and recover data
- Recommendation: Regular backups and employee training on phishing and ransomware awareness