Ransom! www.metlife.com

Victim: www.metlife.com
Country : US
Actor: ransomhub
Source: http://ransomxifxwc5eteopdobynonjctkxxvap77yqifu2emfbecgbqdw6qd.onion/47754ccf-3e5c-4d92-97b9-e9ffb4133e59/
Discovered: 2024-12-31 07:15:40.754811
Published: 2024-12-30 08:03:46.000000

Description : [AI generated] MetLife is a leading global provider of insurance, annuities, and employee benefit programs. Established in 1868, it offers life, dental, disability, and accident insurance to individuals and groups. Headquartered in New York City, MetLife operates in over 40 countries, serving millions of customers. It focuses on delivering innovative solutions to help clients manage risks and secure their financial futures.

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by ransomhub

Security Overview

  • Victim: www.metlife.com – MetLife is a prominent global provider of insurance and financial services, with a significant online presence.
  • Actor: ransomhub – A known entity involved in cybercrime, particularly in ransomware attacks targeting large organizations.
  • Country: US – MetLife is headquartered in New York City, making it a key player in the American insurance market.