Ransom! Telecom Namibia

Victim: Telecom Namibia
Country : NA
Actor: hunters
Source: https://hunters55rdxciehoqzwv7vgyv6nt37tbwax2reroyzxhou7my5ejyid.onion/companies/1067525480
Discovered: 2024-12-10 16:25:09.511664
Published: 2024-12-10 15:16:36.000000
Description : Country : Namibia – Exfiltraded data : yes – Encrypted data : no

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by hunters

Ransomware Incident Overview

Ransomware Incident Overview: Telecom Namibia

  1. Victim: Telecom Namibia, a major telecommunications provider in Namibia, faced a ransomware attack that compromised sensitive data.
  2. Actor: The attackers, known as “Hunters,” are a ransomware gang that has been linked to various cybercriminal activities, focusing on data exfiltration.
  3. Data Compromise: In this incident, data was exfiltrated from Telecom Namibia, although the data was not encrypted, raising concerns about the potential misuse of sensitive information.
  4. Country Context: Namibia has been increasingly targeted by cybercriminals, highlighting the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures within the region.
  5. Cybersecurity Agency: Currently, there is no dedicated cybersecurity agency in Namibia to address such incidents, which complicates the response and mitigation efforts.